How many of these Tramadol 50 mg's do I need to take to get high

How many of these Tramadol 50 mg's do I need to take to get high

20-50 depending on your weight

All of them for a very small buzz...mix with something else for best results.

20-50 milligrams?

Trams are hit and miss for some people. I took 2 and felt great. I respond well to tramadol. Watch out google tramodol seizure threshold.

And btw I'm 185 pounds

No, he literally means 20. 50mg isn't shit dude. Take all 4 and anything else you may have.

They don't really make you high, just sorta tired. Taking them during the day is adds a weird fog to everything though

150mg will have you feeling nice, and for reference use for recreational dosage recommendations.

The maximum you're supposed to take is 400 mg lol I'm not a nigger

Usually I would take 200-350 mg w/moderate-rare opiate use

Love trams. Tram is such a unique drug because it's a very minor opiate along with a mild snri (antidepressant) effect.

If you take 20 you'll more than likely die, don't listen to other anons

if you take 2...better than viagra.... you wont come and can bang your chick for 2 or 3 hrs straight... found out by chance

I took 100 mg about 15 minutes ago I think I'm gonna wait an hour and if I don't feel anything I'll take the other 100 mg

3-4...give em a full hour or so to start working though, they come on slow.

Take 2-3 pill's at first then 1-2 like every 30 mins, has a better high that way due to the way it works. If you have hydrocodone or another pain killer, mix em
t. Drug addict

Gotta love opioid induced ED, went 40 days without cumming cause I was taking kratom multiple times a day

it gives you a bit of stomach ache but other than that works fine

Kratom and manual labor go hand and hand. Buddy used to bring some maeng da Kratom to work and we would toss and wash it and it made the night way better. Miss that shit!

don't take over 10. I remember taking 11 50 mg's, ended up having severe res depression and going into a grand mal seizure.

Satanic trips