Is being highly intelligent more of a burden than an advantage?

Is being highly intelligent more of a burden than an advantage?

You tell us if you're so smart.

yes and no, while you'll constantly feel pressured to do better because of your higher standards you do have a better chance to succeed over others.

I don't think he was asking you.

Sorry, I don't have the advantage of being burdened.

you have internet access
that makes you have knowledge about every fucking thing

Depends on the area of life you are talking about.

Dealing with and relating to the general population it can be a burden in that most people don't see what you do and are interested in things that hold no interest to you, and vice versa. If you learn about psychology, sociology, body language and such and keep a decent grasp of current events and pop culture, you can neutralize most differences though. It takes effort on your part.

In most other areas it can be a tremendous advantage.

more intelligent people just have mroe thoughts going on, so if you are 50/50 as a dumb person, you might have 10 dumb thoughts, 5 positive, 5 negative, but as an intelligent person you would have 30 thoughts, so you would have 15 positive, 15 negative. that means you are 3 times as negative as the dumb person

>is being highly autistic more of an advantage or a disadvantage*

Normal smart people are able to exploit their advantages and have a more prosperous life.

Autistic fucktards on the other hand think they are smart when they are just window licking special, which is why they end up doing shit jobs... wondering why they can't do better (pro tip -its the autism)

>Not entirely wrong.

There are three types of intelligence. Practical, creative, and analytical. Practical can be grouped in with social intelligence. Analytical is what most people typically think of as raw intelligence, but that's not necessarily the case. The guy who got a 200 on the IQ test is currently living in his house with a shit ton of books and is living like a hermit because he didn't have the social (or practical) intelligence to complete registration forms for his college. Robert Oppenheimer, however, had an IQ of 160 and everyone looked up to him and had nice things to say to him. So he clearly had analytical and practical intelligence.

Made me kek

This multi-intelligence thing is just a meme created to make spergs and females feel better about being stupid.

You're either smart or you're dumb. People are not mmo characters.

That's not where it comes from. It actually comes from mainstream psychology. Not that I think psychology knows what it's doing since it's made almost no progress on consciousness (rabbit trail), but the intelligence factor is very real. And you have to admit that you've met at least one person who is extremely creative but dumb as a doornail.

160 is an extremely high IQ. 200 is beyond the capabilities of tests and is only an estimation. Only a handful of people in history have an estimated IQ this high. You are correct about the application of intelligence to everyday life though. What you tend to find on the extreme end of the curve with IQ is less and less sociable behavior. They simply can't relate to almost anyone else on the planet on a personal level.

That's extremely insightful. When you get to that point you can't really relate to anyone. Noone is on your level.

I was just thinking about this. I could barely even eat my food cause the process to make it is disgusting. I wish I could manually drop my IQ from time to time, just so I can enjoy the simple things in life, without overconplicating it. Top 0.02 of population. Owner of an IQ club.

it depends if you have good karma for lack of a better word or not, if people like you, if you've been 'good'

the more intelligent you are the more people will dog pile you for small errors, compoundingly

Bullshit people arn't MMO characters.

That s not intelligence you have there

It is autism. There is a difference.

yours or mine

Yep yep.

I remember an article in People magazine or some other rag like that around 20, 25 years ago. It was abbout the people with the highest recorded IQ's at the time, like 160 or 180 and above. One was a bouncer. Another was a hermit living in a cabin in the middle of nowhere - his goal was to be completely self sufficient. He tanned deer hide he killed himself for his clothes, etc... Many of them had no formal education. When you know and understand the subjects better than any teacher - even as a child - what's the point in going to school?

Average IQ is 100. I believe below 70 or 80 is dipping into retardation. How do most people relate to people with mental retardation? That's a 20-30 point spread. Now think about that on the other end of the scale. an IQ of 160 is 60 points higher than average.

A Lot of spergs in this thread trying to feel better about being socially inept autistic fucks.


depends on how lucky and smart/good your parents are tbh.

>nice life, no real childhood trauma
being a genius would be so easy
>being reminded of how shitty the world is everywhere you look, and the truama you've suffered
being smart would be equal to if not worse than, hell.

A highly intelligent person wouldn't have to ask that question.

higher IQ = higher resilience, you arent as likely to develop a mental illness

i was more hitting at great power great responsibility before all this projection

Go away reddit.

OK, I gotta know. How is cooking disgusting? Mensa level here, so you are not dealing with a comparative mental midget.


I have been scored at ~145, and me and my friends thought it would be fun to go try to get hypnotized just to see how it is. The dumb girl fell into her trance immediately and the suggestion worked really well. The average guys got into it eventually and had some short lasting effects. I sat there trying to relax and get into it, but ended up not having any affect whatsoever.

If spergs are so smart, why aren't they in research jobs or high flying investment jobs?

Maybe an online IS test doesn't mean jackshit?

Have any of you ever been to a MENSA meeting? It's like a sperg-tastic crossword club... none of them high achieves, but all have over 9000 autism levels so thibk they are special.

I guess they are special, just not in the way they think...

Bullshit. What you are talking about is an inability to socialize and relate to others, about being a condescending prick and peoples reactions to that, and how you deal with those reactions.

That has no relation to intelligence.

Not even close to being true.

Shhhh don't get the sperg angry. He will fight you with retard strength

>constantly feel pressured to do better because of your higher standards you do have a better chance to succeed over others.

9+ 11?

I suppose you go to Mensa meetings all the time?

Please motherfucker.

This guy knows what's up.

You are so full of shit. Intelligent people are the easiest to hypnotize, and dumb ones are the hardest. Everyone knows that.

everything except the dating world because most hot women are fucking idiots.

As you get older women become more attractive to you. But all they want to do is have kids, settle down etc talk about boring as fuck tv shows and shit.

I want adventure, challenges, seeking new worlds and opinions. Most western women are dumb as fuck and the smart ones are ugly as fuck. It's and awful awful catch 22.

Aside from my dating life it's awesome because investing and convincing people to buy shit is easy as fuck.


I have come across a few utter fuck-tards in my time, varying massively on the spectrum...

They all seem to think they are super intelligent, when they are of average ability at best.

Genuinely intelligent people can hold a conversation with strangers, can captivate a room, and are genuinely nice people to be around.

Probably not the case for 99% of this thread.

I have found that the smarter the people around me are, the less of a burden it is. So I guess it is easier to be stupider than the average of the room you are in.

Moral of the story, start shoving crayons up your nose and you will be happier

You are the most closed-minded piece of shit I've come across recently, and I live in Melbourne - One of the most bubble fucked societies going.

>exploit their advantages
Probably because most 'normal' people are trained to be sociopathic zombies who are born to a white western (pro-tip: false) ideal of wealth and status. Not to mention the fact that the families of these children who are 'Autistic' (another pro-tip: we're all sitting on the spectrum. it's a spectrum. it's not just like oh you have adhd - that's what the drug companies want you to think and behave) are also heavily, heavily financially burdened AND not supported in society due to lack of understanding on these diseases (see: differences) and also bigotry and ignorance (see: yourself).

Learn more.

Being social is what's keeping you held back. This societal expectation is what holds you ignorant sheep at bay. Anyone with kindness can talk to a stranger, whether they be homeless, or in a $5000 suit. The fact that you think you yourself are of above intellect, or even that this would be a trait of intelligence is simply naive.

>being so shallow you need someone who's not only beautiful but also fits your ridiculous standards of what a person should be doing with their life
you're fooken dumb m8

relevant captcha:(pic related

it depends on what you mean by highly intelligent. like if you where intelligent because you have a natural method of learning that wasnt work to you, or some sort of savant prodigy whose been playing the piano since he was 1 then its definitely more of an advantage

if youre intelligent because you put a huge amount of effort and work into drilling facts into your brain, then the effort may not be worth the benefit of knowing more facts than other people.

it also depends on what you do with it, it seems rational to treat it like a resource, if youre spending it well then it would seem to be advantageous but if you waste it then you did a lot of work learning things for nothing

yeah but, like, dude that's just like his opinion of what intellect is man.

doesn't change the fact that he's a fucking moron though.

Found the autistic sperg. He's mad about being told that special means he licks windows and wont be a billionaire pussy pounder.

yeah, truth. it's like every time this conversation comes up - or any ignorance, you've gotta always give the 'perception' and it's all relative spiels.

he killed himself for his clothes?
sounds like a dumb idiot to me.
Whatchu needin clothes for is youre dead?

confirmed reverse-autist.

I know exactly where I sit on the spectrum. And it helps me in my daily existence.

I'm not sure you can say the same. I think you think you're normal. I understanding coming to terms with something like this can be difficult. But yeah, you're not 'normal' - sorry to say. Or at least kind.

Never claimed to be above intellect, 're read the post and stop projecting.

Clearly touched a nerve on your sperg ass.

Outside the internet... no one cares about how much money you spend on mtg... you are just a useless sperg, and society treats you as such.

>billionaire pussy pounder
mate if thats where ur heads at, gl in life

>Ranting out my asshole the post
Nice tits though

That's fucking wrong as shit. Dumb ones are easiest to hypnotiize so long you cater to their lifelong doctrines raised at birth.

Trump with his promise of blue collared appeal proves this.

I have many friends who are considered "lesser intelligence" than me. As much as I fucking hate the term I like them because they are generally honest and true to their emotions.

When I deal with other "smart" people it's literally socio-political chess. And we generally hate each other because we do not trust each other's incentives at all. If there is someone in my category they are usually way smarter than I am or have made it appear so. As such I do with the "lower intelligent" friends. They look up to me for advice, and I do the same with the "smarter" person.

It's not all bad, but the non spergs are all paranoid as fuck with each other.
There's a hyper empathy, and usually the gut feeling is right as opposed to our "logical side"
We'll feel something is wrong right off the bat, Albeit not react to it immediately trying to figure out if it's false positives and what-not.

Given my 28 years being alive I've realized the gut feeling has been for the most part right. If i get a suspicious feeling about someone I'll keep them at a polite but emotional distance.

Was that even in English you autistic fuck?
Goddamn the irony would be funny if it wasn't so fucking stupid.

>Learn to contextual clue, Sup Forumstard. I's a sign of intelligence.

Autism, the thread

Not the samefag but
> I understanding
Nah... but at least youre trying

What's shallow about wanting someone that's not fat and able to have a conversation with you?

I've had my fill with just fucking dumb hot chicks, I want an intellectual conversation as well.

But I find it funny you get mad at me for being sexually successful and wanting more than just that.

No. There's this idea that being smart makes you insufferable and an asshole but I know a million smart, happy, balanced people. That's just an excuse not to try. A really smart person has enough social intelligence to figure out how to live with others. Well, unless you're a genius prodigy that's like seven grades above your age. Then it's just hard to develop peoples skills and what not. but a balanced person should be able to pull that off just fine

>helps me in my daily existence
I believe in you bud keep trying

This guy is on point.
As does this one. Trauma is part of the parcel with higher intelligence in my opinion.

Are you that same user who feels that they can "read minds" and stuff? I was in your last thread.

Also, yes it is more of a burden. At least what I've found out.


PS I've not read that put so succinctly before - the bit about hyper-empathy and that threat detect mechanism. It's a weird one, huh?

you dumb though lmao

I get where you're coming from. I don't want kids, have little interest in sports, don't give a damn about most pop culture anymore, am not religious, and intelligence is sexy as fuck to me.

Hard to find a woman to have a good conversation with in most situations when you take out the common factors of most of the population.

>assuming someone's mad
>being such a stupid splergelord you can't even hold a conversation with a pretty lady
>doing mental gymnastics just to convince yourself that it's all the pretty ladies in the world that are at fault for you inability to hold a conversation with them
top kek. but hey, i'm the one pretending to be some sexually satisfied douche on an anonymouse image board ... oh w8..

dumb enough to get easy bait

I fucking hate it. Most of the time you can't put you're finger on it and you ignore it for a benefit of the doubt. But it winds up always repeating itself.

The autism is strong in this thread.

Why do spergs always think they are some sort of super intelligent strategic master mind?

Yeah. You're super intelligent, that's why you flip burgers and live in your mom's basement.

Just because you are socially inlet, doesn't mean you automatically get smarter.... you are probably less than average in all other respects, which is why you suck at life.

Yeah, I've met some great girls that aren't like that but most of the time by my age they usually are already hooked up with someone, either that or divorced with two kids and miserable.

Once you stop being a teenager or early 20's you'll get what I'm saying.

Mostly on point but it's not always the chess game with me. Sometimes you find people who genuinely surprise you. Quite a few of my friends are smart as fuck, like tenth or hundredth percentile level, but are just regular people who aren't always into flexing the gray matter to establish dominance. We challenge each other and make each other think, but not necessarily as a challenge for dominance, it's just what we do. When you find someone like that, keep them around. They are rare treasures.

That's exactly it right there. I don't care how hot a girl is... if she can't hold an intelligent conversation with me, I lose interest. Sure, would still bang, but she isn't the kind of girl who I would be in a relationship with. Too many girls these days are boring as fuck with no substance. As long as she's decent looking and I'm attracted to her, that's enough for me in the looks department.

reverse autists get out


Yeah. Agreed. I'm a Mediator personality type. Paired with alert trip my senses go into haywire.

>also there are a lot of really shitty people in the world, learning their shit their own pace etc.

You'll (we'll) eventually gravitate towards your curb and intent. Just give it patience and grace.

So. Much. Autism.

"I'm an emotional type"

"I have multi intelligence"

You. Are. A. Spastic.

It is, but I've learned to trust it immediately. Hyper-empathy (never heard that term before but it fits) can really suck. You can get sucked into someones world so easily, it can completely drain you. It can be very useful and rewarding though.

If you can't understand the context get the fuck out of the thread and let the grown-ups talk.




I'm in my 40's. Tell me about it.

"Grown ups"

You mean Adult crybaby Spastic' s with delusions of grandure?

Well my first thoughts in response to OP's question were it is but a blessing, and a curse. And it wholly is. You see and feel the true essence of things, and make it your journey to seek that knowledge. And yeah, it brings a lot of things not taught in College.

Godspeed, my friend

That depends entirely on whether or not your intelligence is coupled with motivation.

ITT dunces muster up all their big boy words to act smart and 50 arguments

let's just say this. my grandpa is one of the smartest self-learned men in the country and quite possibly the world. he has built quantum machines in his basement and has learned multiple computer languages in a day while reading how on his toliet. He is also emotionally retarded and is an autistic man who is fat and lonely. My dad was a super smart lawyer who is a drug addict on the street. Myself I am super smart. It used to be a burden to me to be this smart but now I see how dumb people make themselves sadder. I think being intelligent and emotionally smart can make you happier than if you weren't intelligent. Dumb people make themselves sad and burden themselves with their own brand of bullshit that they can't even detect. Dumb people make themselves sad for no reason because it is all they know how. Being smart can be a burden but only if you let it. You have to be smart but also evolve emotionally as a person. That is why so many intelligent people fail. They don't emotionally evolve and they get caught up in vices and other bullshit because they never evolved emotionally and they used their intelligence as a crutch.

>TL;DR being intelligent is a burden until you learn to harness that intelligence and evolve your entire life, then that intelligence that was a burden becomes a very amazing gift

People merely trying to converse online without having some mentally-restricted hate thrown at them by people who simply can't understand the dialogue.


Shhh they'll get mad and fight you with high emotional intelligence and regard strength.

heres a picture of a fish i foubd

When you see stuff in advance before most other "normal" people do, then yeah, it's a burden. Ignorance really must be bliss

Aww I made the sperg mad and he is using all his big boy words to feel smart and superior.

Suck it up bitch, you aren't special... unless you mean "window licking special"

Cute that you think you see things before others. No, you might be a hair more introspective than most but it's only arrogance that lets you think that's the same as intelligence.

Half of the United States is dumber than the other half...90(+)% of the dumber half are too dumb and stubborn to realize they're stupid. Probably half of the top tier think that they're dumber than the lower tier. You are probably dumber having read this

I don't think it is per-se. It depends on the type of intelligence a person has and the nature/nurture of that person. You can be a genius on one way but at the same time too retarded to make any use of it.

>see what i'm saying
which is what exactly?
that you can't find a smart+attractive woman?
or that it's anyones fault aside from your own?
was really hoping you'd come to the conclusion that you're the idiot who surrounds himself with even bigger idiots all by yourself, but clearly i need to hold your hand, now i have to explain this shit in detail to a supposed grown ass man.

likely only surround yourself with other (somehow dumber) dumb dumbs to stroke your petty little ego -which is just reeking all over the place mr pussygrabber 50 year old intelectual trying to prove how awesome you are to a bunch of teens on an anonymouse image board- in a vain attempt to confuse yourself into thinking you're somehow superior.