Is this what herpes looks like Sup Forums? It burns to touch, doesn't itch, and doesn't burn when I pee...

Is this what herpes looks like Sup Forums? It burns to touch, doesn't itch, and doesn't burn when I pee. Kinda letting out a yellow discharge. Not growing in size and remains an open sore. What medfags here can tell me honestly

looks like full blown AIDS to me OP


Looks like an actual burn. Did you drip you dong in oil or something?

Mehh. Just looks like an ingrown hair got to the pimp stag and popped. Neosporin for a few days.

could you try hydrogen peroxide on it and report back

What does herpes look like?

It could have been a cut or something that opened up a little more because friction maybe. Your sweaty ass balls are keeping it from healing.

first off, stop touching it because you will get it infected. second, any more backstory on what happened?

lol fuck you! that will suck

this provided good comic relief lol

actually I have molluscum right now and they gave me an alcohol based medicine to apply to lesions.
didnt tell me not to put it on my balls. made my balls very dried out like cracked skin and burning feeling. i think its a burn too

Might be herpes. Might be a boil. Any chance you've been exposed to staph? (Exposed scrotum in public places)

That's a clear sign of testicular cancer... Should have been checking yourself op. Probably gotta get it removed

molloscum, treated it with prescribed alcohol based medicine, dried out my balls so bad the skin was cracked, this thing appears, burns like fucking fire when touching my leg or showering

im not asking you to put alcohol on it dumbass. hydrogen peroxide is usually painless and if there is any pain its mild. quit being a pussy and treat it before it gets infected

Medfag here. Not my area (gastric surgery), but it doesn't look like herpes.

Yeah most likely a burn. Just try not to touch it and take a few days off to heal.

no no im not 12 lol its the worst burning sensation out there since napalm was invented

have you pulled your pants out the drier recently while theyre still hot?

yea its a differnt kind of burn

Dude, it's just a little wound, it doesn't look infected, but because it's on your balls the rubbing on your boxers and the damp heat will keep it from healing for a while. They have moisture barrier creams that are made to help heal wounds of this nature.

source: my paralyzed dad had a GIANT wound right above his asshole from improper nurses wiping. The wound went as far as his tailbone (we even found pieces of it), and I would have to clean the wound and apply the cream, it's healed now after months of the application.

Well, that will do it. Keep it dry and clean, peroxide shouldn't hurt and isn't a bad idea. Don't dry it out like it was, but leaving it sweaty/moist won't allow it to heal. EMTanon

damn, thank you for that insight. ive been scared as shit that it's the herps man, you have no idea.

guessing ill just do peroxide swabs every couple hours and wear boxers for airflow

that's the most obvious herp I have ever seen

Peroxide often will help to keep the wound fresh, and slow healing. Peroxide once if you're worried about infection or if you rub your bare balls along the ground, but after that just leave it the fuck alone.

2-3 times a day should be fine

I got something like that from shaving a little while back. Freaked out, read up on STIs, was 100% convinced it was a syphilis sore. Got tested, clean as a whistle. Turns out I just must've knicked my bag shaving, and that's what cuts on your scrote look like when they scab over.

You're probably good.

any reason to worry its been open like that for 2 days now?

I think so too man I hope, its pretty terrifying

No. If it's just a wound and not some sort of super aids then infection is really the only thing you have to worry about. Avoid touching, scrubbing, or otherwise irritating the area.

Better that it get infected and your scrot rots off.

That will be loads of fun!

That's what you get for being sexually active like a fucking normie

That crust tho

what this guy said, the moist environment wont let it heal much. Try sleeping with nothing on and letting it get some air when you can. If it gets red, hot, swollen, or is draining pus or something you probably have an infection

Yeah, didn't help that I'd fucked an escort like a week before I found it. Scared the piss out of me. Luckily, turned out to be nothing.