So a few months ago I was raided by local police for sharing cp...

So a few months ago I was raided by local police for sharing cp. I started downloading a torrent and when I realized it was real cp I bailed. Police came to me and my wife's home, took all our computers, cellphones and storage devices. A week or so later gave back everything except my computer and cellphone saying they both had encrypted files and needed to be sent to a lab. Police got my stuff back from said lab and sent it off as evidence to prosecutors. I don't have cp on either device and the encrypted files were child erotica. Weeks have passed and I have heard back from the lead detective saying the prosecutors can't decide if the are going to prosecute or not.

Long story short how fucked am I? Any advice on what to do?


Don't have cp you sick fuck

why didnt you follow Spiderman's Advice

Post the porn

Obtain lawyer. Volunteer nothing.

Sooner or later they all get. Have fun in jail.

....why don't you have a seat right over there

Stop lying to them, they aren't going to buy it and the more you do it the more you'll piss them off into pursuing the maximum sentence. Yeah you just HAPPEN to have encrypted cp (sorry, "erotica") on your computer, you have NO IDEA how it got there. Really believable. Your torrent story reeks of bullshit too.

In reality just listen to your lawyer and do everything they say (which probably includes not posting about an investigation on a site known for distributing CP).

Erotica? So you're saying you had written porn stories encrypted in those files?

That's not illegal.

Also, I'll never fucking understand how people get caught for this kind of shit. It's stupidly easy to avoid.

Yes you are still fucked.
This is standard operating procedure, clone the drives wipe them and then give them back. Used to be you had to pay a fee.
Expect the van.

No expert but lawyer up. Next time don't be a pedo. Spend your spare time doing something else, and see a psychiatrist for your unresolved childhood issues.
Prepare for the worst.

If it's properly encrypted, you have nothing to worry about.

There are options to jail rape...
Reasonable "outs" if you will comparative to being shunned/raped and or killed violently.



Talking with experience, are we?

all pedos say this, until they get caught. Just because it hasn't happened yet doesn't mean they don't have a file started on you.

and erotica might be legal (although it would depend on the country/state the OP is in) but it is definitely a big red flag that they should keep digging for more juicy stuff. Nobody has encrypted child erotica unless they are a pedophile, and pedophiles rarely stop at just reading stories no matter how hard they swear they do.

Show times what pictures you had on the phone. Then we decide if they are cp or not.LOL.

they can compel you to unencrypt it. You're going to jail either way, either for contempt of court/obstruction of justice or CP.

You will be fine most likely, maybe a good fine.

The fuck? Is this photoshopped?