Alright faggots, are you ready to change the world?

We have spent countless hours, days, months, years, discussing our dreams and aspirations about this world with each other. Whether it’s been tongue in cheek confessions, or salient declarations, we have chosen to share pivotal observations of our lives together. This cathartic pastime has propelled a movement that is not only shaping new leadership for the United States, but in turn, reshaping the world.

Donald J. Trump relies on us. America relies on us. The very fabric of free thought in this world relies on us. Let’s take it to the next level.

In accordance with United States law, I propose we legally set up a 501(c)(3) organization. A 501(c)(3) is classified as a Religious, Educational, Charitable, Scientific, Literary, Testing for Public Safety, to Foster National or International Amateur Sports Competition, or Prevention of Cruelty to Children or Animals Organizations.

I am sick and tired of feeling helpless against corrupt organizations that abuse their immense power and are completely out of touch with reality. Our unified hive mind has the knowledge and foresight to make an actual difference in America and around the world. Let’s officially start our own organization.

Can't you see it pol?

We will have our fact-based statistics and views seen nationally and internationally through our spokesperson on TV shows, radio, and all forms of digital distribution. We will always be prepared for every argument, have every angle figured out, and have no mercy. The world needs us.

Are you ready?

We can do this.

Who is with me?

Other urls found in this thread:

What do I get?

Agent Orange is a fantastic defoliant.

how can i help?

That's a great question. What would you like? What interests you about this?

What do you need?

>can't tell if it's a tryhard fag or elaborate FBI ruse

ok der Führer.

1: you are going to need a team (about 4/5 guys) whom are trained and educated in tax law of non profit accounting practices

2: you're going to need the state and federal government to approve such a 501(c)(3)

3: you're going to need a PR management team

4: you're gonna need to network this for donations

5: you're gonna need loads of money.

All of this would be easy but it is impossible because most of the denizens of Sup Forums are poor fags with no training in this sector of work what so ever. Moreover any Sup Forumsitician in this shithole of a board probably lacks the necessary people skills to make this organization operate with the efficiency needed to survive the 3 year business rule.

Long story short, you're a faggot.

>le Sup Forums is my personal army meme
The left controls the media too much the best we can do is use meme magic to ease the population to our views so the media falls

>the best we can do is use meme magic


Thing like that can never work if you limit it to america


>We will have our fact-based statistics and views seen nationally and internationally through our spokesperson on TV shows, radio, and all forms of digital distribution.

We ARE the new media. We ARE the digital distribution. Spread it around like wildfire. Spread it around like WILDFIRE!!

>BDSM mask, meme shirt


How is this venture going to be funded? Good boy points? The functions better be catered, and they better be servin' them tendies.

>tfw Chad eats all the tendies

Your support. Your ideas. Ideally, we would have chapters across the world.

Have to start somewhere.

Thank you for support, and a short summary of what we would need to get this started. Funding this is possible.

I would love for some of the most brilliant minds here to be a part of something larger. Average people crave our type of discussions here, and instead of flooding normies to Sup Forums, there is a more constructive and professional way to spread our views.

Why does it seem like everyone has a Carl the Cuck and AIDS Skrillex shirt except me?

Is that Slipknot?

>he fell for the trump meme

I like the idea. We can bitch and moan about how difficult it is, but if no one gets the ball rolling on these types of ideas, nothing will get accomplished. What happens when we don't have a Donald Trump, or any other political figure to place our bets on?

Does your dad know that you are playing with his gun?

What is the current exchange rate of USD-Good Boy Points. I have quite the surplus.

The thing is liberals are like women, in order for them to like our views we have to convince them the idea was theirs

I agree completely, but there is still a huge stigma. I envision a group of us making an actual difference, and having real exposure.

Crowdsourcing private organizations and individuals who believe in our message.

You are a tool of the ZOG and you don't even see it. Fucking moron.

Good idea, bump.

holy shit

In that scenario, there will always be new rising stars. Donald Trump and meme magic has awoken enough of the population to support us, and are like minded.

I agree, but the pendulum really is swinging back in our direction. People have had enough. Our meme magic is stronger!

no, holy SHIT

This explains the states that Cruz won, I guess.

How do we make the liberals turn against themselves?

Someone got far better than anybody else at that game alredy. You can't play on their field. I'd say you have to assume the losses and play with the cards you have, not the ones you may draw from the deck.

So original Australia! Real forward thinking.


>How do we make the liberals turn against themselves?
kek are you serious?
we sit and watch

How about we turn the new fads like transgenderism, black people, and muslims against the less new fads like gays?

Like come up with some bullshit that gays are the worst type of misogynists because they're so full of toxic masculinity that they only will sleep with other men.

I hate fags but theres a ton of them and this could be lolz worthy.

It would be hard but not impossible

The left likes to use emotion,to feel good
But not just that
Anything they can brag about on kikebook
"Let in these poor refugees guys"
"Look at me helping out the migrants"

All we need is
>the ability to make them feel good about themselves
>people who they think they are helping
>or something they can brag to their friends about

Once you've seen enough of these people it's not hard to understand how they think

Seriously this is already happaning, we don't need to turn them against each other, we need to subvert them to our side while they are in disarray from turning on each other

Pick one

I think the group easiest to turn to our side is the regular flavor faggots because they have a reason to hate muslims already.

Ever heard of they have their company and they are doing god's work

I agree but I really don't want any flavor of faggots normalized in the movement.
What's important is to get the information out there so straight white people could take the redpill and slowly form a racial-national movement.

What was that website where feminists were going to post the personal information of people they deemed unacceptable? I know they got fucked and the website/group was taken down or halted.

What if we had a page / database that simply copied and pasted screen grabs of ludicrous liberals, posted it on our site, and debunked every reason why they are wrong or incorrect. It wouldn't be illegal. We wouldn't post any personal information, just a logical commentary on why they are wrong and terrible to society. They would be tagged and accused multiple ways in our search by their display name/name, offense, etc.

>all they need is a little push
You do realize that's what the government wants anyway right? They'll use the violence against Muslims as an excuse to take away our arms and implement martial law. Unless the geo-political structure starts changing soon, we're going to need an army to take down this fucked up government of ours

alright juden, we do it your way

Fuck off, FBI.

No, scoping it out now. Thank you!


Not the FBI, and we are not doing anything illegal.

A website really is not nessesary though it could help

But people don't like to read
They get convinced by videos
People feeling out over stupid shit

You'll gain more traction with less argument and more examples

However sjws aren't the primary target,they will die sad and alone,so use them as examples of you make this site


Good goy

something like Sargon of LeGoyim seems to be a good place to start

Wouldn't it be better to work behind the scenes?

I am torn on this. If we had a cunning spokesperson that was respected, and represented us on national media (somehow) it would catch like wildfire.

>Let’s officially start our own organization.
call it Gimps United. Did you take that picture on the way to your sire's house?

In time we will
But for now liberalism is too strong
Working in the shadows and infiltrating their ranks is how we defeat them

And it takes time

I really triggered a lot of people with this video. Any other ideas how we could use this character to trigger liberals?

Also, is the general consensus that starting an organization may not be the best idea?

i was about to write somewhat of an essay, then i saw your post. you saved me some work.

Here are some things people don't normally know about churches...

First off, they have to fight to keep their 501(c) all the time. You have to be tested to become a priest. I've never meet a priest who didn't work a second job. In other words, sometimes churches have just enough to pay the electricity bills.

You would face the same sort of problems the church faces. You run the risk of becoming a "secular religion."

The cult of Socialist Sanders = Secular Religion.

>"Zed! Where's the gimp?"

lol why do you own such leather?

I would love to aid in this endeavor. How are all interested parties meant to join in this endeavor? Is there a website? Facebook group?

Understood. Unless we start THE CHURCH OF KEK...

A character I created to troll everyone. H0kNK h0Nknk

I was gauging support today. What are you ideas for this? I want this to be a collaborative. What should we call ourselves?

For now. Post in one of my youtube videos. #kekinitiative

Just start building walls. The bad guys hate when you do that

user, if you want to start something, you don't propose. You lead by example. You start pooling your funds. You register and organisation. You come up with a couple of ideas that your group lives by. You have some goals you strive to achieve, and you set off yourself on achieving what you want to achieve.

Only then, once others see you as a driving force and making process, will they join you.

Nobody likes an ideas guy, because that's all he is: an idea.

I agree with you. You're right.

Time to make it happen. Thanks for the slap.

The pool of potential members you're drawing from, Sup Forums, will probably need development. Rather than trying to develop a strong and powerful group from the start, perhaps it would be better in the long term to start slow, start the organisation as more of a social venture, where members connect with each other and help each other to develop themselves into better individuals and better members.

Any good starting member must be committed to the group and the cause for the long haul. They must be given a good leadership and reason to believe the group is worth their time and that there's good reason for them to bothering participating.

If you care about creating the organisation yourself, you will have to be a committed and hard-working leader. I don't know you and I mean this in the most straight-forward and kind way, but you probably need a lot of personal development yourself. I know I certainly do.

As for a name, I don't know, I'd keep it relatively plain and non-autistic, nothing try-hard or trying to be cool, but not too obscure or random. It's the organisation that matters, not a cool sounding name.

Also, if you don't take yourself, the cause or the organisation seriously, nobody else will. Strive to maintain respectability and order. Also, define the cause.

Ask yourself/others the questions:
What are the goals of the group/initiative/organisation? (Short term, medium term and long term)
What things can you do to meet these goals?

Thank you for the great advice and guidance. I appreciate it.

You need money to start a non profit. You should reach out to that guy that just inherited millions on Sup Forums

what can I do to help


Look at how Hitler did it. Look at how Trump is doing it.

You need to rally around a cause/reason/purpose, not just around a group.

You also need to be able to not care about who gets the credit in personal endeavours, as long as it furthers the cause.

You need people who you can delegate certain responsiblities to with clear objectives and deadlines. You must be able to rely on them completing what you've asked, *while* you are also totally busy working on your own tasks to further the cause. This is the meaning of team effort. You are the spearhead, first and foremost, and others work with you to be a part of what you are doing because you yourself do not have enough hands.

You need people whom will not only notify you of problems facing the cause, but also whom effectively advise of solutions/options to these problems.

Also this

I don't know how serious you are about making some sort of difference, but if you're interested in talking about your ideas outside of the thread I'd be happy to talk to you. There's a messenger called bleep, you can get it here:

If you scroll to the bottom, it give you the option to get it for windows or mac. If you're interested say so, I'll give you the means to add me.

Thank you for the advice and guidance. I appreciate it. More to come.

This bleep app. I just downloaded. HonkerJones


That is my public key, I believe you copy it and then paste it into the "add friends" section of the app, where ever that section is, I think I'm using an older version of the program.


>my phone is out of battery
crap what do

Oh, and read the Sup Forums sticky. Shills and plants WILL try to join any group that is started, no matter how small, unlikely or inconsequential it seems.

They intend to take all possible groups seriously.

add: fc2def6e0374c972d8f2c5e8ef672f68e1d65df31cf2341adfa54ec02fb0bd01,HonkerJones

Thank you for the notice. I would suspect that's the case. Anything and Everything I plan to do will be legal and have full transparency. Everyone is welcome.

I didn't get the add, but I've used your public key and sent you an invite.

That's odd. Same thing for me.

I don't understand what you mean, are you saying people on the board will try to disrupt people from forming groups?

I'm gonna upgrade my messenger and try to add you again

sent you a request

Perhaps. UK JTRIG agents will do whatever they think is necessary to minimise possible risk in any potential extremist groups--even if it's just monitoring them.

They should be busy catching Hillary mate

Agreed. Also confirmed.


Ok, yes we have been making memes about Hillary being a pandering hypocrite, Bernie being a socialist cuck, el rato etc


We do need some sort of fact based organized attack on PEOPLE who drank the "racist, sexist Trump" koolaid instead of candidates now. We should be making fun of these gullible, low information voters because they need to realize how dumb they are. I'm sure a lot have seen the white male shit but we need to clear his name from racist and sexist and we gotta do it with memes. We have to shame these dumbasses who have no information just parroting hurrr raciss

Pisses me off so god damn much we gotta do it!

Good luck americans.

Yes! Join our idea group. Download

add me: fc2def6e0374c972d8f2c5e8ef672f68e1d65df31cf2341adfa54ec02fb0bd01,HonkerJones

Thanks SA.

Been lurking and watching this thread. Do you guys actually think we can do something other than what we have been doing? If so, I'd be willing to help, but I don't think we can make much of an impact. What can we actually do other than what we have been doing?

You underestimate the power of spam and bots. You don't need any of what you said.

lets do it i want this. what can i do to help?

There is the possibility that we could put our minds and efforts together to influence the world around us. Political parties do it, think-tanks have their effect, activist groups have their own effects and so on.

We all have similar ideas as to how we believe our societies are flawed and could improve. As individuals, we have very little power or influence. There may be lots of us here with similar beliefs, but we have differences, we lack unity, leadership and direction, like a bunch of bees in a beach ball each pushing the ball in a random way. But if the bees all push in one direction, the ball will move in that direction.

To compete with organised, unified entities in our society, we must become one ourselves. Organising ourselves and working out want we all want is the first step to making a difference.