My friends are always going on a beautiful and relaxed journey after a couple of puffs...

My friends are always going on a beautiful and relaxed journey after a couple of puffs, but I fall into a mess of hysteria and become ultra paranoid.

It's the third time smoking weed and done me no good.

Could this be a psychological problem?

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Could be an allergic reaction

try more CBD less thc if that doesn't work than yeah don't smoke weed

Don't smoke weed OP it's just not for you

Weed isn't for you, probably. I used to smoke all day every day for over 10 years then out of the blue I get paranoid and freak out every time I smoke. I honestly believe they're breeding the weed too strong nowadays. Too much THC too little CBD. I still have a joint at night when I'm by myself because it's easier to smoke alone.

probably weed with too much THC, i have the same problem. Some strains tend to not be nearly as bad as others. Giving me a bad trip and all.
What strain did you smoke?

I've done cocaine and many others drugs, never failed to make me feel great.

I experience this feeling with weed and prescription drugs.

I had to quit once for a year, was on probation. And after I smoked again I was paranoid as fuck. I don't know why. It's went away now tho

>become ultra paranoid.
i used to experience the same thing user

i figured out it was bcause of all the bullshit they taught us: used to think i was being a degenerate for smoking weed, and felt i was doing something wrong

then i just realized its no different than just chillin while drinkin a beer or having a cofffee.
its actually less harmful than alcohol or caffeine.
it just been demonized by ignorant people, so im not doing anything wrong/bad.

Since i realized that the paranoia stopped, i became more chill and give a fuck if someone knows i like weed.

Honestly I don't know I got a little weed from my friend. The idea was to test if I would feel paranoid again because I was keen on the idea of becoming a smoker, but the results were exactly the same as the previous two times.

try smoking alone in a relaxed place

I have a similar problem when i go on a break from weed and return, i feel strange, paranoid, and generally skitzing out for the first few joint, once you get through about a gram you start to feel the actual 'high' people talk about, you have to ween yourself onto weed, going all out and expecting sunshine just wont work.

Also dont just take a couple of puffs, if you going to smoke weed smoke the full joint or share with friends, taking a couple of puffs only will make you feel a different kind of high

hmm well maybe it was a strong one. Are you from the UK?
Also, did you have any other worries on your mind? Are you truly relaxed with those friends, or do you feel pressured with them?

So then it is a psychological problem?

I used to feel the same about weed years ago but I've convinced myself it really is a good thing. Only problem is, once I've smoked I feel terrible.

I have smokebuddies, where amongst one guy always freaks out and we have to calm him.

Point being, it wasn't that way before he started getting anxiety from his studies, so to him, it clearly is a psychological thing.

Come to terms with whatever bugs you, and it won't be a problem anymore.

I'm from South-Africa.

Nope I don't feel pressured at all. Only problem I tend to have is my depression but I've got that under control.

Might just be something new that's wrong with your life. People always say "I get anxiety/paranoid when I smoke" but never go into detail what exactly they're paranoid or having anxiety over.
Only time I bug out is when I already feel like shit and have a lot on my mind when I go to smoke, because then I just sit there and think about it. But instead of freaking out I try and figure out my problems.

i guess so.
It's a pre-conceived ideas problem. At least it was in my case.

Why do u feel terrible?

If u dont like the feel,s why not use another drug instead, or no drugs at all?

You are right.

I believe it is a psychological thing. I do get anxious about bullshit often but it is in my nature. Just hate the fact that it fucks with my high time.

>taking a couple of puffs only will make you feel a different kind of high
True. I've been on Valium, Xanax, and lorazepam at one point or another and in the last 5 years I've found that dosing a little weed maybe once or twice a day keeps me more balanced. It's great to get fucking blazed on weekends, but when I was smoking a gram or more daily, after about a week or so, I would actually get more anxious than less.

Yeah. I used to feel that way too. I would feel anxious and I would be self loathing. Eventually I fell away from those feelings and started looking more inward than outward. Stresses of being afraid to die or being judged or not good enough went away. Long story short I'm a fairly regular pot smoker after very bad experiences starting off. I am fine with it now for two possible reasons; 1. It made me face my demons. 2. I have become familiar in a previously unfamiliar place thus reducing my anxiety. Keep smoking OP it's enjoyable.

Cool story bro. I'd love to continue but it's almost as if I can't promise myself that the high will improve, instead get worse.


>Might just be something new that's wrong with your life.

I agree with that

I would explain in detail what goes through my mind which triggers the paranoia if I could. But I can't... Except that I overthink too much which leads to anxiety and uneasiness.

Although, I can say I start having trouble breathing, almost as if my chest burns up. But that is also self inflicted due to shitty thoughts.

I heard it means you might be gay

I have my fair interests in cock, no problem with that.

When I overthink it's usually about something in specific. Maybe you're having a hard time realizing what that thing is, but figuring it out is the entire process.
I used to freak out about my appearance when smoking in public, thinking that I'm a failure. It was easy for me to realize I had severe confidence issues, and when I wasn't stoned anymore it allowed me to rationally think about ways I could deal with anxiety and boost my confidence.
It's a process user. If you know you can enjoy smoking and you're just dealing with something then the battle is already half over. Try to keep a journal if you need help understanding what's going through your head.

It could, but it could just as easily be two other things
Headspace during it can be hugely influential. If you think you're going to have a bad time, you will
The other thing could be the type of weed you're smoking. Sativa vs Indica, different dealers, quality, etc.
Try being hopeful or new bud or both

Thanks for the advice, just what I was looking for. At least I know which direction to move into from now on.

dont overthing stuff OP

just be

To OP.
Me personally, I started smoking indica, and I can remember weirding out a few times. But now I can smoke anything. I actually think it's pretty funny to watch how fucked up it makes people who dont normally smoke strong indica. But thats just because im a bad person

So try a pure sativa strain or one that is only a hybrid of other sativas. See if that helps. My dad cannot smoke indica at all, but he can smoke strong sativa


expect less, let go of what you think you know. You'll start to see what is; if it bothers you, let go of what's worrying. Clear your mind, one thing at a time, and you'll begin to see things as you want to.


I really dont get people who get nervous when they get high.
Its like dude whats going to happen?
Nothings coming to kill you kek.
If you legit get anxiety when you smoke then it just isnt for you.
CBD strains would be better for goys like you but it could just make no difference.

Yeah. Weeds been that way for me too, ever since trying it as a teenager 20 years ago. Gave it an honest go for a few years a while back where it was legal, bc I needed to calm the fuck down, but at some point it just sort of becomes, not your drug.

Would have been highly preferable to all the fucking pills I have to take now.

Huhuh... highly...

Maybe it's the realization that nothing's coming to kill you that's freaking him out

I smoked a joint laced with angel dust once.
That'll fix ya right up.

Or kill ya. Either way, you won't be conscious enough to be paranoid.

I Have NEVER enjoyed weed. NEVER. I've smoked all sorts of strains that friends have suggested from single puffs to 420-blaze-it and I have never once had a good time.

Then one time out of the blue my friend gives me 5 grams of mushrooms leftover from a bad trip he and some friends had. A month later I took them home alone listening to my music.

The level of euphoria I experienced had me crying I was in so much inexplicable euphoria.

I got more shrooms. A couple weeks later I took 4grams. It was a roller coaster of emotion and had this amazing validation of my life and a major euphoria component.

A couple weeks later I took 4 more grams. This was a rough trip. I had a bad time. It bitch slapped me and made me confront some of the shitty things I do. I was racked with regret and grief and cried for how much of a jerk I can be sometimes. It was a bad trip that I wanted to be over with. But when it was over I loved it.

Since then I've tried all sorts of psychedelics and I love them all except for nbomes and lsd. DMT is my absolute favorite. My friends who made fun of me for ont being able to handle weed are gobsmacked at my psychedelic usage.

Weed is not for me. Lifting the veil of reality is.

That doesnt make any sense, if he has nothing to be afraid of why would he be anxious?


Tried vaping weed user?

It happens to me too user, at every stop/start.
Sometimes can be very hard to handle that paranoia feeling when you're smoking with other people, even if they're yr.friends 'cause every word seems to be misunderstood.

Same. Then later found it wasn't the weed making me paranoid. Meditation is the fix for the nervosa and paranoia, not more/different weed. Clear your mind, flush your ram, of junk. THEN you can enjoy some weed. And life in general.

Thats weird, i smoke cannabis regularly but i sometimes like taking spychadelics as well.
Just goes to show how every ones brain and physiology is different.

If I was afraid of something all my life, smoked weed then realized that thing wasn't worth being scared over I'd probably freak out a little during that one sesh.
The problem with this is that it's a very vocal minority who freak out, and it's usually an isolated incident that only happens once or twice for that person.



>Only problem I tend to have is my depression

You mean getting over the stigma that weed will hurt you?
Thats just something i noticed in passing during my first few puffs as a teen.

Jeez some people are so dramatic.

My problem is that when I smoked with friends I would be pressured to smoke more than I normally would which would lead to being more high and in turn more paranoid.

Since you haven't smoked much pot then my suggestion to you would be to smoke less until your body get adjusted to being high.

I personally didn't like being too high, it made me paranoid and I wouldn't be able to talk with friends. I would be lost in thoughts that I didn't enjoy. So again my suggestion would to only smoke half or a quarter of what your friends smoke until your fine and if you aren't fine with even that then maybe cannabis isn't for you.

>have not had my existential crisis yet

You have not looked into the chasm all around and found nothing yet. Only then will know true terror.

Noone here adresses the fact that cannabis is harmful. It used to be more harmless in say the 70s. Today the stuff is about 40 to 100 times stronger than before. This has a number of reasons.

I uses to smoke when I lived in Asia. I bought this home made, granny-weed made by poor peasant families on the countryside. Any seasones weed smoker would probably scoff at it (because they tend to be degenerates that wants to get fucked up). Anyway, this mild grass made me feel great. Happy.

Back in Europe I continued smoking every now and then. Most of the times it has been a horrible experience, simply because the stuff you get here is too strong. A good analogy is that you just want to chill with a couple of beers, but is forced to drink 15 tequila shots. Fuck that.

And then there is this synthetic stuff. Holy shit thats strong. Could even kill you.

Basically, if you react normally (i.e no paranoia) to extremely strong cannabis, you are in a way a drug addict, in the same way excessive drinkers are alcoholics.

>Only problem I tend to have is my depression but I've got that under control.
well there's your problem, you lose the control when high.

I don't feel depressed when I'm high. Also I don't believe depression becomes a bad effect when you're high, except for comedowns. Most highs neglect depression anyway. Also there is a big difference between depression and paranoia.

I second that. I stopped smoking spliffs 20 years ago. I've been out of Europe for 15 years. During one trip back to Europe 2 junkies were smoking right next to my hotel room. Fuck. This thing was strong as fuck. It's more concentrated now, no doubt.
What is the synthetic stuff you are talking about?

If you have any mental issues weed isn't for you tbh. I used to smoke a lot but 50% of the time it would be a shitty paranoid high, wasn't worth it.

Well there's your problem

It's not the same way in the US. The weed is normal there. It isn't in Europe.

Read the adverse effects-section. It is not really updated. Lots of people has died smoking this. Mostly people buying it off the street believing it is normal cannabis.

I smoked a joint a few days ago after not smoking for a year. It made me feel a little slow- or short-breathed so i tried to take slightly faster and deeper breaths. I had to walk like 5 kilometers home and almost ended up hyperventilating with tingling in my feet and legs. It was like my brain couldn't measure how much oxygen my body needs, shit was scary. Anyone else experience something like this?

Sorry there is no scientific evidence that European cannabis is any stronger than its American counterpart.

Not op but i have this very thin line that if i cross it, i get very paranoid. Not because of the the thoughts, problems and all that, but because of the actual high. I get kinda too relaxed, too slow, everything doesn't feel right, my perception of the world feels different, everything seems slow, my heartbeat changes. If i don't cross this line, I feel very well. I've only had like 2-3 experiences with actually beeing stoned and not beeing scared of the high, they were the best times of my life, but I judt can't get to that kind of high without paranoia.

it's true?
Watches at $ 0?

No never. BUT FREE WATCHES??!!

i used to smoke a lot of weed and it gave me a calm, serene, thoughtful and philisophical feeling.

after a long break, i retried it a few times, ended in a paranoid, fearful anxiety. no problems though, i kinda like it too and it goes away after the intoxication fades

bonus points for well-slept nights anyway

What the fuck is wrong with you?

No, that's how weed reacts to some people.

Weed is a sin and weakens your defenses against demons. The paranoias and bad trips are spiritual attacks. All the bullshit fedora atheism has real harm when edgy children walk right into demon possession from doing drugs


>cannabis is harmful
that bait tho

not even trying..

Weed can be stronger than a lot of drugs. I've felt like I'm losing my mind so many times when high, and honestly thought I'm about to die.

Most weed you can buy is shit, at least in Europe. In Finland, it's very rare to find good weed that doesn't make you feel like shit.

Grow your own.

Try finding some weed with less thc. When I get some really good stuff and it's been a while since I last smoke I usually just smoke a bowl. Sometimes even just a hit gets me high and any more than that gets me paranoid

>3rd time smoking weed

you need to smoke more in private, get comfortable being stoned. get your tolerance up a little bit to the point you can function normally while stoned. the reason you probably get paranoid is you think youre acting stupid. youre not, you just arent used to it yet.
youll get there eventually once your tolerance catches up with where you want to be.


Or it's possible weed is just not for you. Try it a few more times, if it doesn't stop bothering you just don't do it anymore. Weed isn't for everybody.

Stop smoking sativa, smoke indica.

thc is a complex plant oil/slash chemical,esp damaging to young brains,,user with the allergy citation is likely correct. some people slide into severe depression,weeping,miserable grief,which gets a bit dulled during the high,the high goes & back into grief ( after like a death of parent,loss of spouse,)
humans are usually resilient go through identifiable stages of grief, shock,denial,( you dream of the person like yesterdays ordinary chitchat at the table,,you wake up,magod you feel just terrible)
) resolution/acceptance,,,,,, after like a year, that lump of grief becomes a dried pea put into one corner of the noggin,it changes into mild longing after a few years,then,,nostalgia, which you easily share with someone else.
BONg, there are man who smoke it carry on have no problem,earn money ok,apparently have it all.
too damn many are like the above.
could be also,on the subj of allergy,,food you ate during the high maybe beer,,dyes in some food or drink,toothpaste chemicals,had the effect of worsening your reaction to the weed.

doesn't work like that.

A strong indica can give a completely different feeling than a strong savita

Yes it does. I smoke occasionally and get severe anxiety when I smoke sativa.

I agree with this nigga

You can be paranoid and feel unpleasant even when you're stoned as fuck. Sativas aren't always trippy and anxiety inducing, most of the good sativas are happy and mellow.

Then smoke a different, better sativa.

The shit is legal where I live so I've tried dozens and dozens of different kinds. I can only say that for me personally, sativa makes me anxious and indica doesn't.

How about sativa dominant hybrids? Most sativas are only good when grown under good quality light that has UV-B, most commercial growers still use HPS lights which can make a good strain shitty.

Never had a negative experience with weed, even when I get to the point where I can barely walk or speak.

Honestly probably because I tried LSD, 25-I, and mushrooms before I tried weed.

Check that shit nigga
Hybrids are hit and miss sometimes. I recently smoked a sativa dominant and it was good, no averse reactions. I had a indica dominant and made my heart race and gave me anxiety. Usually I stay away from hybrids for the reason that I don't know how they will effect me.

HPS are the industry standard dude

I know, and the weed isn't as good as it's supposed to be.


Don't be such a pussy

>Could this be a psychological problem?

No weed just makes you feel hysterical and paranoid.