I don't understand the uproar over the Trump, CNN tape that was tweeted by the President. It was a joke...

I don't understand the uproar over the Trump, CNN tape that was tweeted by the President. It was a joke. Does the left think that they have exclusive rights to humor? Trump has always been a guy who likes to joke around, and this is no different. Oh, it's not Presidential. Give me a break, the guy's a builder and an entertainer. That's why we elected him. Because he's NOT a politician. I for one just don't care about these things. If he builds the wall, gets health care Ins. taken care of, and reduces taxes, that's good enough for me. Everything else is just a side show.

Other urls found in this thread:


CNN is doing massive damage control, jumping on ANYTHING to deflect from their own optics disaster last week


What are the State Computer Labs like these days comrades?


Suck a springer spaniel's dick.

also here's real news:

>the guy's a builder and an entertainer

that was his old job, he should be held to a different standard now that he's POTUS. i think that saying this video incites violence is kinda dumb, in the same way that i thought the right arguing that the kathy griffith pic was inciting violence was dumb.

everything is just becoming incredibly childish, and i think there are more important things to focus on than stupid media wars

>What are the State Computer Labs like these days comrades?
They mostly redistribute CP, I'm told.

fake polls

fake sources

fake news

real news actors

you're watching america's #1 news network

the clinton news network

this is CNN.

>Does the left think that they have exclusive rights to humor?

pick one.

fake protests

fake polls

fake news

real news actors

you're watching america's #1 news network

this is CNN.

Eurofag here, I'm not sure you amerifats understand how fuckin embarrassing and threatening to the press freedom this video is once it's retweeted by the fuckin president of US.

But again, if you were concerned about shame and not being an international embarrassment you wouldn't have that clown for president

Still I cannot think of ANY of your past presidents being so stupid and unpresidential


fake sources

fake polls

fake news

real news actors

you're watching america's #1 clinton news network

this is CNN.

>he should be held to a different standard now that he's POTUS
Why, because you say so? That's not who I voted for. Another ass kissing politician? Nope. I'll take the Donald, warts and all.

If they've lost Van Jones, they've lost the country.

so he should get to keep acting like he did when he was a celebrity because YOU say so? do you see how circular that logic is?

>i think that saying this video incites violence is kinda dumb, in the same way that i thought the right arguing that the kathy griffith pic was inciting violence was dumb.

Kathy Nobody wasn't inciting violence, but a picture depicting a decapitated, bloodied Donald Trump (see also Mudslimes decapitating everyone they don't like in the middle east), is in no way comparable to a video of a wrestling event with the CNN logo shopped over someone's face.

>It was a joke.

Yeah, but should he be posting jokes on twitter when he needs to repeal obamacare, get tax reform passed, build the wall, defeat isis, get our jobs back, and help our vets?

If he was doing all that shit and joking, fine, whatever. But he's not. He's more concerned with how he, personally, is offended by media coverage rather than how the people who elected him are doing. He doesn't give a shit about us, that's what's clear from all of this.

Imagine taking life this seriously wew

>>so he should get to keep acting like he did

Yes, who's going to stop him, you? CNN?

Acting like he did? He posted a video of him body slamming CNN in the WWE.

>do you see how circular that logic is?


I have heard it's all sterile white rooms where guys work 24/7 under threat of having their families murdered.

that's because OPINIONS > FACTS for trump supporters. they don't follow logic, they vote for him because he appeals to their emotions and desires.


fake polls

fake sources

fake news

real profits

real news actors

you're watching america's #1 news network

the clinton news network

this is CNN.

Wait i thought the wall was just hyperbole?

fucking kek'd and saved

Your facts are fake news and you voted commie because CNN told you to.



So it's ok, when your president creates memes and post on twatter?


So he's a little prickly, so what. He at least lets you know what he's thinking. Most of the people in elected office carry on like like spoiled brats in the background, and put on airs in public. I'm tired of fake politicians, fake news, and fake people in general.

really, who gives a shit?

I didn't know John Bolfield, who is a CNN medical producer, has his own sources at the FBI providing him classified intelligence on the Russia investigation.

It's simple. Liberals have no sense of humor, unless it's insulting people with different beliefs than they have.

Suck a jackrabbit's ass.

Hi comrade.

Suck a greyhound's dick.


>Bonifield, that is.

Suck rocky mountain goat's nasty ass.


>he appeals to their emotions and desires.
Please don't lecture me on how people feel.
If you ask most liberals what their opinion is on a subject. They start out with: "well I feel that......"

He's definitely not a builder.


>I don't understand
Hence why you're a Trump supporter.

Basically this. Unless you really sit down and think about what the content of that video it and what it is suggesting is when you will understand.


Totally agree, but DT can't afford to just be concerned with just himself. He's supposed to be running the country and fixing our problems, not worrying about his own personal image.

Europoor here. I think your president is amazing. It is indeed kind of childish but come on, boys will be boys. Let me put it this way. If you're having a party, who would you invite? A pretentious liar with no credibility, lame one-liners and no human features whatsoever OR a potty mouthed prankster who uses social media like everyone else does?

I'd know because I'm not a faggot. Now ask yourself; am I a faggot? ... and knowing is half the battle.

Suck a jack russel terrier's musty funky ass numbskull.


He supervises from his air-conditioned gold plated office. That is close to being a builder.

>Europoor here

you need to try harder Cletus

That is called a hand off. From one man to the next.

You're Fuckin Right it is.

Suck a kodiak bear's cock.

>Still I cannot think of ANY of your past presidents being so stupid and unpresidential

how about Nixon?


>gas attack

That is foreign news. We don't give a fuck.

That's what I don't understand, these guys are being shown the light but still won't take CNN's dick out their mouths. This network lied to them, manipulated them into voting for HC. Manipulated them into thinking it's okay to be genderless pony fuckers or whatever they else they want to be like they were part of some historical point of history when in fact they weren't. Welcome to the real world, nothing will be handed to you and nobody HAS to accept whatever bullshit you want to throw at them. Nobody cares about your gender, nobody cares if you're terrified nobody cares if you're unsatisfied with Donald Trump. These people need to grow the fuck up, they actually believed they were the majority it's laughable.

Most people do that. It's a common method people have to appear non-threatening/hostile during a discussion or to distance themselves personally from thier opinion.
It's dumb, I know, but that is in no way exclusive to "the left"


Humour is not for entertainment only.
It is also the weapon of the powerless.
It makes it possible for them to point out things that are wrong and "attack" those in power behind the shield of humour while ultimately having to rely on others .

President Donald Trump is literally one of the most powerful individuals in the USA right now.

His verbal attacks are much more than that. He actually has the power to follow it up with real consequences.

That makes it different.

Also again he is the fucking President of the United States.
Have some dignity and respect for your position.
Stop sending a quintillion childish tweets a day and do your fucking job.

Trump supporters do not realised how much damage Trump is doing to the reputation of the USA

I was kind on his side in the beginning but this dude is just incompetence incarnate.

Nixon was a paranoid piece of shit, but he wasn't stupid.
Most people hated him, but also respected him, he was not a clown.

Trump is a clown, nobody on the international scene respects him. The Saudis played him like a fool because they exactly knew what kind of kid they were dealing with.

I notice that Your office isn't gold plated.


They were the majority...

I guarantee OP is someone who knows nothing about politics. the fact that he's using phrases like, "taken care of" in the same sentence as health care, and "reduces taxes" top kek. probably an inbred teen



>That's why we elected him.
You're in the minority. WE didn't elect him, Russia and uneducated Americans voted for him. I vote for presidents who don't get into pissing contests when people don't agree with him.


CNN is a business that is trying to maximize thier viewership and earn capital. That goes for every single other news company out there. Those stupid headlines do just that. You are delusional if you think that the main goal of CNN or any other news org is to spread the news.

ok, cnn sucks? what else is new

can you imagine if instead of his twitter focusing on how shitty CNN is, he was posting "real talk" about the fight against islamic extremism?

He got offended by a morning show anchor.. ok? I like to think our president is too busy with ISIS and North Korea to care what happens on cable news. Rise above it.

Sort if irrelevant.

We're going to have to wash your mouth out with soap, if you're going to keep posting like this.

CNN was saying shit like "imagine if that wake Jake Tappers head instead of the CNN logo". It's fucking bizarre.

You think having voted for the assmonkey is better? What was so wrong with Clinton. Her email scandal was tiny and stupid.

What's the best way to proceed - grit your teeth and help trump do his job, or relentlessly make up and support lies trying to attack him over trivial bullshit unrelated to anything political?

Some people are total children about politics. What an undignified way to handle the president of your country.

woah, saying what you do in your spare time in Russia can get you killed. you need to be more careful tovarish

Suck a rhino's shitty ass.

typical liberal


He lost the popular vote and is still throwing a fit about it. In fact he's put up a special council to try to prove that millions of people voted illegally against him. There is no proof or reason to believe that happened. He's insane. You put an insane person in office.


Those are some impressive mental gymnastics there bucko

some proof ofthe liberal conspiracy that guy posted huh. good catch


Russian spotted

what's for lunch?
pickled farts and garlic?

typical trumpanzee


I mean Trump would never lie about the size of a crowd either...right?

Waiting for proof of the Hillary Clinton conspiracies that the right keep claiming. Also it hasn't been that long. It only feels like a long time because our new president is a fucktard

I had to laugh out loud at that one.