He is tearing our family apart by harassing my sister because she won't marry him...

He is tearing our family apart by harassing my sister because she won't marry him. His name is Nick Hernandez +1 (503) 961-3924







What, is he offering her limes with her water?

Stop being a bitch and kick his greasy unwashed ass.

man the fuck up and deal with it OP

This, he looks like a wimp.

Be a man for once user, it's your family.

I don't know who is more pathetic, him or you user...Go fuck yourself.

I'm going to put this bluntly so you will understand.... We are not your personal army.

You are a faggot ass portoguese little bitch. If you turn up dead with your dead eaten off by dogs, i would be disappointed that you finally got something to touch your micropenis. Man up, get off B, deal with your own shit and prepare for 4th grade. I tell you, division gets tricky quickly for someone of your unnaturally low intelligence. I'm sorry your mommy smoked crack while you were in her pussy for four month and got prematurely born a retard because she wouldn't stop fucking truckers at the diner and her vagina wore out to the point you fell on out.

Fuck off, summerfag.

This picture is old as fuck you retards

Why would we do anything when u could quite easily kick is stupid ass rlly OP you gonna be showed up by this greasy ass guy

Hello newfags, welcome to this picture has been around for years

but but muh nypa an sheeit

Fuck you, you pansy ass summer fucking faggot ass bitch. I'm an old fag, you need to die a horrible death. If you choked on your own dick, that would be too good a death for you. If you died from a nigger cum overdose, that would be too good a death. If you were raped to death by dickwolves, that would be too good for you. Go back to fourth grade and trying to get you 2" member sucked by the family dog using peanut butter.

was I wrong? No, I was correct you piece of dog shit.

Are you 12? I mean thoose insults were so shite, trying to be sick and just ending up sounding like a 12 year old... you are 12 right?

oldfag confirmed, living in 2007

Knowing that tells us you've been lurking on here for years which in turn tells us you are an obese, awkward, virgin, beta bitch...Go fuck yourself.

He gets a pass cause that shit is dope. Nypa and fuck off, ivan

For all we know, this guy is your co-worker and got the last chocolate donut and you think you can trick "us" into helping you.


Anyone who wears offensively inadvisable shirts is automatically badass, OP very jelly

Careful, fourth grade gets tricky!