Any trump supporters here? I have a question: why shouldn't he be impeached?

Any trump supporters here? I have a question: why shouldn't he be impeached?

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Why should he

> why shouldn't he be impeached



Dear OP: Why shouldn't we repeal all clean energy laws immediately? And if you don't give me a good argument then I demand it be done.

IS this bait? My god! Clean energy, and nuclear also fits in, is the most needed thing right now.

This. have an argument, have facts, lurk more.

trying to take a wave from a nigga

He hasn't committed a single impeachable offense. Simple as that.

He shouldn't be impeached because, what wrong things has he done so far?

Allan Lichtman has written a book on the subject. Some very good points there.

Trump supporter here: It's nice to have a prez that's not a pussy. I know today's young men are thumb sucking, worthless and weak libtards. But grow some balls and join the Trumptrain.

President Trump has not committed high crimes and misdemeanors. Hurt feelings and rumors do not constitute a crime. Anyway, OP, I doubt you even know what impeachment is. 2 Presidents have been impeached. Bill Clinton and Andrew Johnson. Neither were removed from office.

Time to put your big boy pants on and accept reality. He is your President.

Are you kidding? Trump is a HUGE pussy. Like most New Yorkers, he's all talk.

Trump is a damn pussy, every little little insult he throws a tantrum like the spoiled rich child he is.

He is a spoiled man-baby.



Stock market is up, unemployment is lower than when obama was in office. No chimpouts so far. country's doing fine.

like you..hate when snowflake followers out call out other followers for being a fag follower.just kill yoir mom and rape your dad already.

That Trump quote is stupid.

What in the constitution has he broken?

Article XV, Section III: No president shall ever say mean things about citizens or media celebrities.

Are you a foreigner? You seem incapable of writing coherent sentences. Why would a foreigner like Trump?

By that logic all those years of Trump hating on Obama were complete wastes.

I not a Trump supporter, but I want to keep him around and watch him make America crap. Pence will not be nearly as funny. There will inevitably be a national disaster that will elevate his dismal approval rating. He might get better play in the US, but our allies have no reason to trust us or sympathize with our self-made woes.

I wouldn't really care his healthcare plans are so shit I do.

Insurance companies are going to keep sucking our populace dry until this country goes bankrupt and the they'll move onto the next country under the guise of freedom of choice and free markets.

Macron grabs a pussy.

>captcha: close mexico

All Trump quotes are stupid.

- emoluments clause of Article 1
- violation of his oath of office
- collusion with Russia
- wonton murder of US citizens
- curtsying before the king of Sa'udi Arabia
- cheating at golf

Russia's G Team spends a lot of time on Sup Forums.

Oh no...

Uhhhhh there needs to be criminal charges first, asshole.


Bill Clinton was impeached.

unemployment at 20 year low

>(((Allan Lichtman)))

you can't be that retarded

>assuming bait

I'm not a supporter of either side but I'm 44 and have seen presidents do much worse in my lifetime. This is cupcakes compared to what you think is happening here. Stop being that naive, first time voter 18 year old who's been blindsided by propaganda all his life only old enough to remember Obama. You haven't got a clue as to what corruption really is. Trump is a pansy for the repubs, you don't think he's actually making those decisions on his own do you? Give me a break. Grow up more and learn what actual government does and find out how nothing no one says or does can control any of it. You're just brainwashed from the tv show you believe in. This shit is happening for a reason. It's all pre-scripted. Hate to be the same be to tell you but, what you think is happening is only there to keep you an idiot fighting the wrong enemy.

Bill Clinton WAS impeached. You're retarded if
a) You did not know that
b) Did not know what impeachment means

Look it up you mongoloid fucktard.

Uses term "Butthurt", claims to be a grownup.

>Bill Clinton WAS impeached
December 19, 1998

Nuclear is not "clean energy" and it will continue to be fought by environmentalists.

The Republicans impeaching Clinton for personal gain was an abuse of their Congressional powers.

Give a valid reason why he should. If there's no reason why he should then there's no reason to argue why he shouldn't.

So, perjury and obstruction are personal gains? Great Job. I bet you didn't know Bill Clinton lost his law license in Arkansas, either.

They were polishing a fucking turd and you know it.

Who Clinton was fucking was his own business.

You mean Clinton had powerful enemies in his home state?
Say it ain't so, Joe.

The Republicans threw everything at the Clintons. The Whitewater investigation cost the taxpayers tens of millions of dollars. NONE of their fucking business and they found NOTHING.
Just like Benghazi.

Bill Clinton. The guy who promised "a moral presidency" in his first week in office? That guy? He wasn't impeached because he fucked around with an intern. Bill Clinton was impeached because he lied under oath about it. That was the crime.

Trump should be impeached for refusing to give up his business interests. Every President has done this.
Refusing to do so shows disrespect for the responsibility of the office.

Clinton never promised that you fucking faggot.

Stop talking about 20 years ago. This is now. and we have a real fuckup in office.

Impeachment requires proof of "high crimes and misdemeanors". Not because of your feelings. He has not committed crimes. And, impeachment does not remove one from office.

No Clinton got impeached because the Republicans ALLEGED he lied under oath. The fact he remained in the White House is an admission the justification to impeach didn't hold up.

Lichtman does seem to err when he says that Congress could impeach the Resident Dump on treason. Lichtman correctly points out that impeachment is a political, not judicial, finding and so Congress gets to decide just what high crimes and misdemeanors are fair game. But Lichtman ignores the fact that treason is defined by the same document that gives Congress the power to impeach: thus Congress may not find treason if it has not had the balls to declare war first.

its the most efficient clean energy that we have

No, impeachment is up to the rules Congress makes. There is no bar to be set.

And Trump has behaved disgracefully enough to warrant it.

It also has the capability to poison our entire planet, so no.

Nuclear energy will only be considered as a last resort, and you can thank decades of activism to dictate those conditions.

If you believe Clinton did nothing wrong regarding Benghazi then there's no hope for you boy

Sparky sees some trees. Sparky doesn't see the forest.

Wrong. Constitution, Article II, Section 4:
>The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.
Impeachment is the indictment,which takes place in the house and the trial takes place in the senate. Did they stop teaching all this in school?

Legally, no. Benghazi was an internal matter the Republicans chose to politicize because Clinton was a threat to their game as a possible Presidential candidate.

Congress can determine what those "high crimes and misdemeanors" are, you dense fuck.

All that does is show what a President can be REMOVED FROM OFFICE for.

Congress can still impeach him. And he may be asked to resign.

>an admission
Nope, not an admission of anything. Teflon Bill stayed in strictly on party lines. Darth Cheeto is a RINO, though, which means a lot of what should be kneejerk support really would rather have Pence in power.

The legal definition of "high crimes and misdemeanors" has existed in American and British law for centuries. It does not change on a whim. Don't they teach this anymore?

Not same user, but he didn't claim shit

>Teflon Bill
You are a retard.

Faggot you keep claiming Trump can't be impeached over his corruption. You don't get to play Teacher here.

He really hasn't.

Aside from some blunt, off the cuff remarks he's made, honestly, what exactly has he done? Made a mockery of CNN and 'violated the ability of the press to report journalistic discoveries'? Give me a fucking break. After the head of CNN admitted on camera to basically making up an entire narrative on him and Russia, Trump could fucking sue CNN out of existence for libel and slander.

He hasn't behaved disgracefully, or at least anymoreso than any other person holding the office at any given time. Johnson should have been impeached for whipping his dick out every single moment. Jefferson should have been impeached after it was discovered he had a journalist write that Adams was an hermaphroditie. It's just a bunch of bullshit.

And, as I've said-
a) Bill Clinton was impeached
b) Impeachment in the house does not remove you from office. A trial in the senate does.

Because he is best President ever. Will vote for him again. Keep crying


I live in Norway, and over here we are daily being bombarded about all the bad things Trump say, and does. Over here, Obama was the shit, and everyone believed he was a saint.

Its like this man said. He does not make these decisions by himself.

When I am looking on the numbers, I can see that the states are doing a lot better now than they actually have done since 2001. That is pretty impressive if you ask me.

Another guy further up here wrote that the stock market is up and the unemployment is down. This is also correct.

Trump is not a presidental man. And by that I mean a person who by elegant and soft words manage to hide death and corruption from the people.

I don't fancy Trump. I think that if I had a father who acted the same way and said the same things, I would be fairly ashamed.

I do believe that a man in his position should be better with words and instead of getting angry and pissed, just let it go. But then again Trump is Trump, and that's that.

What I would prefere to see is the actual numbers that we very often do not get to see.
So far, I think the republicans have done a pretty good job considering the state the US is in right now finacially and work wise.
But of course we will not see that because tomorrow or some time this week, Trump will say something, and that is what the media will focus on.

I also do hope that people in the US will end up with a healt care system that can suit everyone. A system that everyone will be happy with.

Trump continues to make money off his business interests while President. Many of those business interests are conflicts of interest.

Trump is also being investigated for colluding with Russia. This would not be mere impeachment, but Treason.

Get a grip. Stop pretending shit is OK. It isn't.

Sure kid. What's a matter? Your feminine benis hurting? You are pathetic and weak

You faggot the Republicans wanted to REMOVE Clinton. They wouldn't be asking your legal opinion.

>I'm 12

we know

I HATE TRUMP! He said meanie meanie things and Hillary should have won or Bernie should have won and LGBTPDQ++ rights and $15/hour and corporations and MEANIE MEANIE THINGS!

>sure kid

kill yourself faggot

>Hillary should have won
Yes she should have. The entire world would be breathing a sigh of relief.


hasn't committed a high crime or misdemeanor.

>learn about how your government works before you bitch that its not working right for you.

Now you're just arguing for the sake of arguing. HR doesn't impeach if it doesn't believe it has a true bill. There is irony here in that the federalists viewed HR as vox populi and the Senate as the aristocrats.

Trump's cock can't taste that good m8

You are too young to be aware of his contemporary nickname, child.

Yeah! And for that trump needs to me impeached! She had more votes so impeach trump. period.

Odd how there's no evidence of any Russian collusion with Trump or his campaign. Odder still that the media is now starting to retract those claims.

You can't be serious. Such a definition would have been codified.

So far the only impeachments that have gone down were politically motivated and distracted from Congressional responsibilities. What does that tell you about the viability of this process?

trump isn't the problem, the republican party being in power is. Getting rid of trump will only decrease the amount of public resistance, which is a bad thing.

I voted for Clinton you decrepit faggot.

Yawn. Crybaby. You have no power here. Sorry about your luck

When did they conclude the investigation? I must have missed that on all the real news or you read it on the fake news FOX.

Trump needs to be impeached for his corruption and improprieties with Russia. And if Congress weren't full of amoral opportunist Republicans, impeachment would be happening now.

Fuck you gringos Drumpf just deported my uncle. He had been here for 20 years. California really belongs to Mexico you gringos should get out.

Nuclear is by far the safest kind of energy

I said shut up.

Because your news source is lying to you.

Trump + Russia = Obama + Birth Certificate

It's how the elite use the media to divide the middle class. Stop getting your information from political pundits and do your own research.


No it really isn't, given the history. And I'm shocked a right-wing financial magazine trying to look good as a science rag would agree with you. :^)

while I agree forbes is really not the best site to link.

>do your own research

starting where? Breitbart?
