ITT: we turn straight men gay

ITT: we turn straight men gay

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How is that gay tho when the penis is clearly feminine

IRL we kill mentally ill faggots unless they turn straight

You need Jesus, faggots.


We turn gay men straight~.

Nigga like if u dont fuck dis den ur da gay niggah like wtf

You need cock

Xdddd so funneh

Reminder: fags will burn for eternity.


who is this ?

worked with me

Mentally ill fag




hi faggetz



I want to fuck that hole


it should be a crime not to

how do i force myself to like cock?

pic related (me)







sauce plz?





>trying to turn straight people gay
>posts traps

Traps are gay, but you are not gay if you like traps.

Know the difference

we sure do honey

My dick may be hard, but I would never have sex with you, faggots. You are disgusting.


Wait, WHAT??

underrated post, would homosex with zeezbrah

Now that is some next-level denial and insecurity right there.

Y O U ' R E A L L G A Y F A G G O T S

Post more

you know you want it


Very much gay?.... Yes!

Lanky and bony legs and huge hands...

What a fucking mess these queers have made of themselves.

Fuk, now im gay.

I like the masculinity of her face


You cant make a straight jaw into a round one no matter how many operations you have

That was my pedo uncles photo
(He is proud of being a man)
He just shaves is all

With that being said, many supposedly beautiful women, models and actresses alike, have very square jaws. Angelina Jolie, for instance.

F A G G O T S !
F A G G O T S !
E V E R Y W H E R E H E R E!

Yes both theres such thing as a masculine jaw

what are you doing here? still looking at the pics? ;)

misleading filename


Trying to tell you about my friend jesus and what he will do with fags like you when you die

And many men don't have them.

Human faces and traits vary so much there is no sure-fire way to identify someone that easily.

Not even adam's apples are a safe way to tell, as there are men that don't have visible ones, and women that do.



Kill yourself

its clearly a picture of my uncles shaven dick, i recognise the room of the house

jesus loves everyone faggot.

The masculine jaw isnt on all men just like how all men arent strong with muscle but when they have these thing they look manly

I meant to say god, jesus love everyone but god hates gays

>masculine traits make you look manly

Yeah, no shit.

Exaclty what i was saying feggit and it is why most of these shemale things look like men

No you wont turn me gay faggot op, gayness is the degerate

Most traps look like shit, yeah. I absolutely agree.

So do most women.

>all these circumsized dicks and shitty tattoos
You'll have to try harder than this to convert me


At least those shitty women have vaginas and are mentally stable

>mentally stable

>have vaginas


>mentally stable

Absolutely no guarantee for that. I've met plenty of crazy chicks.

And you lose.

The homosexual puts a great deal of stock in fresh meat. It is considered a sign of admirable prowess to convert a heterosexual and after doing so, the gay will be rewarded with several rounds of free drinks from his jealous peers. These people are hyper competitive and yet their battles reside exclusively within the realm of physical conquest. Faith, fame and fortune will never mean as much as anal penetration to the gay man.

For those who have dedicated their darkest hours to living in the homosexual bar, hardcore sodomy with “the new member of the team” is the most precious thing imaginable.

>*shits the bed due to lack of bowel control*
You sure you wanna sleep with him?

I believe there should be a in between from "straight" and "bisexual" that describe people who like women and trans but not men.

>These people are hyper competitive and yet their battles reside exclusively within the realm of physical conquest.

Sounds a lot like typical straight alpha male behavior to me.

99% of women are mentally stable
0% of traps are
A trap when probaly cut your dick off while you sleep


Dear god, artist?

as soon as I cum he's out the fucking door.

Pretty sure it's InCase

>99% of women are mentally stable

>pulling statistics out of your ass

Funny you should mention cutting my dick off, a crazy chick tried to do just that to me a few years back.

That's InCase. He posts on /aco/ from time to time. Or used to, anyway.

When I was in uni my (now) ex gf had a bunch of faggot friends. They let it be known that they all have a fetish of fucking straight guys. And they'd actually take steps to do so. Like piling them with booze and then having a female seduce them and then having the female leave and they'd enter the room and fuck their asses

Women... mentally stable...
Are you legit autistic?


in fact they have a lot in common, like the "leather daddies". These primordial princes of pigskin live on a steady diet of tap beer and testosterone. At various times throughout the night, the crowd will part as these men wrestle bare-chested for a contested twinkie boy. The winner will claim his moist, purring prize against a back wall while the defeated clears martinis and designer handbags from the bartop so that he may put his head down and weep silently. Swarthy men of unknown origin will emerge from the shadows to beckon the innocent into bathroom stalls where any question of affection is resolved with a quick slap to the face.

Its a fucking exaggeration, my god you faggots are so pathetic in how delusional you all are

i was defiled like this once

Id fucking kill any faggot if they ever touched me!

too drunk to resist, ended up shitting the bed

You cant be too drunk to use a knife when he least expects it and you can find him the next day and kill him