I have this girls cell number ... if anyone sends a text and posts screen shot ill dump all i have

i have this girls cell number ... if anyone sends a text and posts screen shot ill dump all i have


Post #

(407) 617-1674


Carlos Midence (407) 617-1675
Orlando, FL

Thread cannot die. Some skypefag make it happen

yup anyone text her?

Someone ask what the tattoo above her sniz says.

clearly noone wants the dump



lets see if we get an answer

Ur welcome


She's nasty as fuck, but hopefully we can provoke amusing responses.

Well done. Hope she replies

Kek! Hopefully she answers.

Here's my hat in the ring

U look like creep

Meh, been called worse on /soc/, there they either hate me or they love me

Hey OP I say start this thread again tomorrow, when it's no 2 A M in Florida

any of you degenerates consider that she could be sleeping? It's 12:46 AM EST

Future pedophile spotted

Get off Sup Forums u underage soc fagget

I'm not underage >.<
18 with baby face

Underage ugly weebo fag. Only underage fags use gay emojis or gay cock loving men

So this guy posts nude pics of some girl he knows, then posts his face, lol

Ugly weebo face guy isnt op his some random creep

she is perfect!