Hey Sup Forums, I'm trying to figure out if this girl at my work and trying to tell if she likes me or not...

Hey Sup Forums, I'm trying to figure out if this girl at my work and trying to tell if she likes me or not. I have to admit she's young, but every time our eyes meet she smiles and tries to start conversations with me. We both look at each other at the same time a lot and we both share the same interests in horror movies as well. I'm keeping things light due to age difference, but what would you say are sure signs to spot from women that make you think they like you?

If she smiles and tries to start conversations with you, who cares if she for sure likes you? Offer to take her to dinner and then see a horror movie, if it goes horribly abandon ship. But if it works out it could be one of the best things you've ever done. From someone who's always been a huge pussy regarding females, take it from me. Try and you won't regret it, if she says no to the date at least you'll know she doesn't like you and then you won't have to go every day wondering and then can just focus your time and energy on some other chick.

Can I just say this but might as well, she's 16 and I'm 19? Anything weird about that folks? Not planning on doing anything sexual, I just so happen to have similar interests with a younger person than me.


Is 25 and 19 too big of a gap?

I even OP gonna let this die?

>figure out if this girl at my work and trying to tell if she likes me or not
You foolish cunt. why'd you bother saying more than this. money or pussy you fucking idiot

What up guys. I mean, I don't have this girls number, but I know she's going to be working in the department for a while so I'll have close encounters with her at work.

If she turns 17 before you turn 20 then I think it's all good. And 25 and 19 is not to big of a gap at all. An age gap is only weird if you make it weird, or project that. Whether it's true or not studies show females mature faster then males, so in some ways it's almost better to date a bit younger.

Lmfao, I'm a little tired. Spelling is fucking garbage

OP, I dated a girl who was 16 when I was 19. She turned 17 before I turned 20 however.

I'm also this guy Pic unrelated

I have to agree. I dealt with a lot immaturities in my past relationship in high school, but I think keeping a good relationship, with regards of strong coworkers as well as chatty friendship, it's less to worry about. Plus, she likes the evil dead and old George Romero films dawn of the dead.

Well, I don't know shit about how to tell if a girl likes you, other than if they ask, "where have you been all my life?" (Quite possibly the biggest regret of my life)

I'm just here to discuss age differences I guess.

This girl is blonde and has blue eyes which makes the situation more enticing. But I don't have a desire to make moves on her anyways. The first reply in this thread had stated to take her out, but how would you approach something like that to a younger person. Casually asking someone out?

Sorry, the last relationship I had my ex turned out more of a bisexual leaning towards more of female taste. I'm just trying to start a clean slate again with someone who's younger though.

Blonde hair, blue eyes... Do you have a legitimate chance? I personally wouldn't go straight for the go out on a date bit. Last time I was in a similar situation with someone who worked where I worked, she asked me to go fishing. Lol. That seemingly would have been a great start except I was too autistic to turn it into anything.

Don't ask her out unless you like her more than your job. If it goes poorly it can make your work life hell.

And that marks the second biggest regret of my life. Wow, this thread has been a great opportunity to look back on my lamest experiences with women.

Try to stop thinking of them as a younger person, and just as an individual you'd like to spend more time with if you got the chance. Don't get hung up on age

You could be like me. A chick I barely knew legitimately said that she'd give me head. I had a girlfriend at the time that was a really shit relationship, and blocked the bj chick after I got salty from her always taking forever to respond. Now that's a huge regret lol, literally passing a free blowjob/other stuff maybe.

Well, I'm Mexican, but not the dirty, drives around in a broken down truck with landscaping tools kind of Mexican. I'm white myself, with dark brown hair(looks black) and my friends thought I was a russian immigrant at first. I'm far from looking like your typical Mexican, but I believe I do have some kind of opportunity if she likes horror films and her family, from what she tells me are big into horror like herself.

Nah you're fine, I'm sure you'll be life long friends.

That's an interesting response, to block her. Heed the advice of the guy who asked if you like the girl more than your job.

You already have similar interests as small as it may be, which is good from the get go. Just have a normal conversation like you usually do, and ask if she'd be interested in maybe watching one of those classic horror movies she likes at your place one night, just don't be creepy/awkward about it. If she's slightly attractive, and you're confident in yourself, she'll be pleasantly surprised you had the balls to ask her, she probably doesn't have people outright ask her to do stuff like that in this digital age of faggotry. I believe in you op

Alright I'll make sure to not make that a big deal if something does happen. From what I've learned from my old relationship is that to bring up things like that the partner eventually loses interest into you. I'll work on not worrying too much.

Not to derail, but in this digital age of faggotry, what is the best non-creepy/awkward way to get to know someone you have never spoken to before, and are never in a place to speak to them?

It's really just the first step/building block to start getting to know her and see if she's someone worth spending time with. If she says no, or is really weird about it brush it off like you could care less. There could be some other fag she's talking to and when that ship sinks she'll take you up on your offer.

Example? Could you explain the situation and I can give you a way to approach it

Fuck off you nauseating adolescents.

Never. Date. Someone. From. Where. You. Work.

Terrible idea. Always. You'll think it'll be ok but it's not. Keep distance between work and women

Nope she doesn't. if she really did and it's been more than a week, two at the most...then you'd be doing stuff together by now. Make her jealous to find out for sure. Smell some other twat from work and let her know.

>ITT: a bunch of virgins who have never touched a human female attempt to give advice to OP

Basically there is a girl who goes to my college who I have only ever seen while at the gym. Never spoken to, I mind my own business. Out of pure fucking chance that I cannot even believe, I stumbled upon her Facebook so I know her name and some really basic shit about her lol.


>I have only ever seen while at the gym

should maybe just talk to her at the gym...

>Out of pure fucking chance that I cannot even believe, I stumbled upon her Facebook

sure ya did

>should maybe just talk to her at the gym
Yes, probably. Except I won't be back there until fall and it seems unlikely our paths will ever cross again.

>sure ya did
Idk what you want me to say

Lol, no I'm good thanks. I think I have everything figured out now. There's a lot to work on from myself as well as not rushing too much into a relationship. I have interest, but I also have to respect that she may not even have interest to begin with. I have to work Fourth of July (tomorrow) talk to you all in the future if the status does change.

With life comes chances and regrets. Sometimes you regret not making a move and other times you regret making a move and being rejected. Life is a gamble.

if you can't wait until fall, your only chance is to add her on facebook. make sure you have a recognizable photo so she will know who you are (that is, dont have a picture of a turtle or some shit that is not your face)

if she accepts (highly unlikely), then you have to say the only thing you can say. "do you go to ? i think i saw you at the gym"

your only hope here is that you are attractive enough that she noticed you while at the gym and was hoping you would talk to her there.

the most likely outcome is that she will not recognize you and not accept your friend request. or she will recognize you from the gym and think it's creepy that you added her on fb because she wasnt into you anyway and then she will not accept your friend request. in that case you should look forward to the fall when you can have fun going to the gym and feeling like a creep for the rest of your time at the school

I appreciate the advice. I often wear a hat that reps a rival school while at the gym, and I feel like it sticks out because of that. I have pics of myself wearing that same hat.. Do I think she's interested? She damn near broke her neck to look back as I went into the locker room. That's what piqued my interest in any of this to begin with.

sure thing. if she accepts you, try not to sperg it up. you seem like you might be at risk

High risk. Which I why I need advice on how to not sperg it up

Kindergarten teachers shouldn't date students, tbqh.

well if you have some question, i'll answer. in brief, if she accepts your friend request, that means she's into you. after that, just be confident and try to meet up in person.

>inb4 "would you allow me the pleasure of taking you to dinner, m'lady"

Is it safer to, say, send a message and not a friend request? Would that come off as less... forceful?

no, bro. that is not being confident. if she is actually interested in you, you should assume that you can at least get her to accept your friend request.

don't overthink it and do the most beta option you have by not being confident enough to even request her as a friend on fb.

Fuck no.

But I also think once a girl is 12 there's no such thing as too big an age gap.

See, that's the kind of autism that makes me high risk of a sperg explosion.

Thanks for the pointers. Too bad it's a shitty situation. I'd stay but I have to be up in 3 hours. Fml

just fake it till you make it, bro. pretend you are confident chad. "what would chad do?" etc. good luck