Shitposting and memes aside, do you actually want Trump to win?

Shitposting and memes aside, do you actually want Trump to win?

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"The System" hates him. Top to bottom. Back to front. It doesn't matter what side of the hypothetical political divide anyone is on; They all want him to lose. They didn't even want to let him be the nominee and have been playing the game on both sides to try and, even if they are setting themselves up to lose the whole game, prevent him from being nominated. Some even say he'll crash the world economy or cause World War 3,000. Simply be being president, he'll bring about the end of the world*!

Sounds like my kind of president.


People always vote for the underdog

Lol no, Trump is dangerous fuck that. Ignorant foreign policy ideas, reckless authoritarian personality and tendencies. It's just a bad idea.

Reagan pls

I'm a liberal actually.



Politics should be fun.

>Ignorant foreign policy ideas, reckless authoritarian personality and tendencies.
He's American as fuaark

Nah man I'm pretty happy with my life.

>shitposting and memes aside

You may be on the wrong board

All the bad American stereotypes.

SJW's, do you really want SOME OF TRUMP?
I don't think so. WATCH.

Yes. The asspain from liberals will be epic. Like the Zimmerman verdict, only 100-times better.

You mean website. Sup Forums is a joke and reddit is where it's at.


Let's realistically look at what the worst case scenario is.

Trump is elected. He talks about building his wall. Congress flatly refuses to fund it.
He talks about banning all muslims. Turns out this is unconstitutional and the supreme court shuts him down.
He wants to defeat ISIS.
He sends the marines over to shoot at more muslims.
He gets us bogged down in another ground war in the middle est against an indefinable enemy with no real territory, supply lines, or bases to bomb. We end up nation building in Syria for 30 years while the sauds and jews rub their hands together for getting rid of their annoying neighbors.

None of his domestic policies will pass congress. The only thing he has unilateral control over is the military and I don't give a fuck about ISIS. They are not a threat to us. Let them carve up syria and Iraq, I don't give a fuck.
Also his trade policy is going to make things worse.
Also he doesn't believe in climate change. Which, even for pol, is stretching it.

This. Also the fact that everyone is do sure he can't win makes me want to see him in office. His presidency would cause asshurt of biblical proportions, I want to see that happen.

It's still miles better than having a woman or a jew as your president.

>This. Also the fact that everyone is do sure he can't win makes me want to see him in office. His presidency would cause asshurt of biblical proportions, I want to see that happen.

Like many Trump voters, this is entirely and emotional appeal and literally nothing you said was addressing his policy proposals. Thanks for further proving that Trumplets are unfit to vote.

Is there something inherently wrong with jews and women?

Either Trump and Putin will become best buddies, or there will be WW3. Works for me in both ways.

Well said. I'm not even the standard Sup Forums alt-right, I'm sort of... a left-leaning centrist with a libertarian streak. But I want to see Trump win for this exact reason. MAGA

He's like Caesar

>A narcissistic prick who is somewhat successful in what he does, and due to his popularity is on a quest to usurp power from the establish (and ever degenerating) self serving elite.

The point is not who he is, but what it means for the system. You bring an established system which is already in a spiralling death of decay (aka self serving politicians who are propped by agenda chasing media who also sponsor self serving celebrities) and put this man in a position where he dismember this oligarchical construct.

Amidst the impending turmoil, powers will shift and decentralize, allegiances will change, and overall as the power struggle settles, often times you will find a more egalitarian environment (until people forget and become complacent and people of power begin to centralize power again for their own selfish reasons).


To be fair, if a guy who have been alive for 70 years haven't noticed any increase in temperature, I will probably believe him more than some guy who gets paid depending if its real or not

If a libertarian can't win, then Trump is the best alternative, unfortunately.

Good post

Trump is such a bizarre looking person. Like actually so strange looking. He looks like he was drawn by Dr. Seuss or something.

>waaah, Danger Don: The Chaos Candidate wants to tear down all the global power we worked so hard for, waaaahhh

My favorite are Neo-cons trying to find "contradictions" in his foreign policy speech.

>woah woah woah, you want to invade a country and NOT install a new US-controlled puppet
>didn't he go to regime-change 101?!

I'm 24 and the climate of New England has noticeably changed since I was a kid. We've had 3 or 4 winters where it was 60 degrees in January starting in 2009 and that never happened before.

yeah, i am a stone mason, and it is hard to under bid a 14 man group of mexicans who live in a 2 bedroom house working for 50$ a day each who basically pay 60$ each a month for bills and send the rest back to mexico to their family, bleeding the nation dry and creating untaxed income every year they are here.

He is supported by uneducated americsns who want to "win" and foreigners who want to "lol".

It doesn't matter whether we want him to win; he will be president come January.

Yes.I will support anything that stops a vagina from having codes for the doomsday machine.

>it didn't happen in those 24 years of my life

What is the alternative?

You can ask older people or look at the records and they'll tell you the same.

Our weather has been fucked for the past few years.

No, he might nuke Europe.

So you have to go and ruin everyone else's lives by supporting shitcunt politicians?
Die in a fire.

I may actually vote this time...

explain to me how it's the government's fault that you chose a shitty career?
In the libertarian world you would be priced out of the market. Sorry.
Building a wall is big government protectionism. Stifling trade is big government protectionism.
How is he a republican candidate? He openly opposes free trade.

Yes I want Him or bernie, because they'd the most interesting presidents to see. I really don't care about the effects I just want to be entertained


Satellite data show that the average global temperature has been stable for the last 20 years, some regions having colder or warmer weather than normal happens all the bloody time, but is no indication of any global warming or "change" because change is the default state of weather.

He wants to give nukes to Japan

If you don't understand why this is a bad thing, you need to read a book before commenting on politics

> Everyone can see he's a dangerous fool who does not deserve the presidency
> *puts on shades*
> ...sounds like my kind of president


>Having borders is big gov protectionisim

My grandfathers 88 he hasnt noticed shit


I do, I think he'll be the only candidate who will stop the slime invading Europe right now. It will be hilarious to see all our pathetic leaders having to kiss his arse.

Are you happy with those singles while he got dem sick az trips?

learn how to interpret trends.
There is a clear warming trend. It's obvious to anyone who isn't paid off by oil companies. Sup Forums is supposed to be all about uncovering conspiracy theories and shit, but you trust the guys who are on the oil companies payroll more than every other scientist out there?

Where does all this Co2 go? Co2 is a greenhouse gas. We burn fuels which give off Co2. Where is that Co2 going?
We're removing forests, oceans are warming and releasing stored Co2. Permafrost is melting and releasing frozen methane. Cows are producing methane.
Where is all this gas going?

Don't believe global warming if you don't want to, but first tell me how all this gas is just magically transported out of our atmosphere and is having no effect whatsoever.

This denial is fucking retarded. It's up there with body positivity fat acceptance in blatant disregard for facts.

There's 1000 alternatives to regime-change retard, but none give the same amount of direct power to the US. Trump is the biggest dove when it comes to foreign policy, and would much rather have nation-states with sovereignty as allies, than tyrannical monarchies that we've installed for control, but have grown so powerful, they're controlling us.

Also, his foreign policy team has absolutely no one from the neo-conservative or liberal-interventionist think-tanks found all over capital hill. You know he's doing something right if he has everyone on the Council on Foreign Relations sperging out, and actually has George Soros trying one of his "Springs" over here in the States.

Came across a vid on youtube yesterday. Snowden purportedly said that global warming is a hoax. That's on my list of shit to look into today. Might owe my dad an apology. He hasn't noticed shit either and has thought from the start it reeked of bullshit.

trump doesn't seem intellectual enough to know how to really disassemble the problems/loopholes while there are many, scratches the surface.

ron paul/trump 2016

>he doesn't know that the wall has been approved since 2006
>he doesn't know that the president can stop any one entering for any (or no) reason constitutionally

Even if we assume this is true, what the fuck does snowden know about global warming?
He was a fucking contractor for the CIA not a NOAA scientist. He doesn't know shit.

and I bet you're 14

With every bit of my soul I want him to win. It's our last chance.

>Snowden purportedly said that global warming is a hoax


I'm looking it up right now, and can't find any credible sources for that.

And what amendment to the constitution would that be?

And that "wall" you're referring to? You mean the fence that was funded 1.2 billion and then abandoned because Congress realized it wasn't worth investing in?

How can you shit on a fellow American who is trying to make an honest living? You sound like a fucking cunt. How about you get a job and move out over your parents house then let us know how it feels to compete in the real world son. Fucking child.

>He talks about banning all muslims. Turns out this is unconstitutional and the supreme court shuts him down.
the president is commander in chief. he gets to control the entire army and secure the borders. it has nothing to do with any of the other branches of gov't except his office.

>Also his trade policy is going to make things worse.
no, it's going to make things better

I'm 25 and the weather in my area is certainly getting more and more sporadic and unpredictable than it previously was.

We had 70-80 degree weather in Winter and are experiencing days in the 30s to 40s in fucking May. Shit's backwards bro. I live in a coastal city on the Coastal Mid-east. We'll just say Virginia.

Not a man or women on earth I'd choose over the Don.

Absolutely, I will have completely lost faith in the U.S if he is not elected.

>skilled trade
>shitty career
I'd be interested to see how many weeks it would take you to sloppily accomplish what that guy can power through in a day. Trump openly opposes free trade as it's currently being carried out because we're getting screwed by it. He's said he's all for free trade when it's conducted well. Pls explain how wanting to look out for your own people is a bad quality to be had in the leader of a nation.

Good, go back there now

I'd primarily be affected by Trump's foreign policy, which suits me absolutely fine. Apart from that, his more subtle impact on the current sociopolitical narrative is superb, and I will always be in his debt even for what he's achieved so far, merely in his primaries campaign.

>this child like understanding of politics


muh jerbs.
Libertarian economics doesn't give a fuck about your job or your feelings.
Republicans are all anti-minimum wage, anti-welfare, anti-taxes, anti guberment interfering with the free market.
But then when we want to spend money building a giant wall to protect the shittiest jobs in the economy that someone who cant speak english will do, oh they're suddenly all for it.
When we want to put tariffs on our trade so that consumers eat the difference in jacked up prices, they're all for it.

This magical solution to trade isn't as simple as saying "fuck you china" or "fuck you mexico"
The corporations do not give a fuck what trump says. If he wants to tax them then so be it. They will pass the cost on to the consumer, aka you and me and all the other shortsighted voters.

Again with this libshit faggot authoritarian asshole. Please go back to reading your UN scientific studies designed to force a one world gov't. Tell your mommy all about it while she warms you up a hot pocket.

good argument.
you almost had to explain your logic but then you just implied I live at home and am a neet.

>I'm a liberal
>Reddit is where it's at

Should have seen that coming. Fuck off faggot.

I would prefer John Kasich, any Democratic candidate, any Libertarian candidate, Jill Stein of the Green Party, and probably anyone the Socialist Party could come up with, to Donald Trump.

Trump's only redeeming quality is that at least he isn't Ted Cruz.

What does that say?

>He talks about banning all muslims. Turns out this is unconstitutional and the supreme court shuts him down

Turns out this nigger doesn't know anything about the Constitution

Funny that it's the same voter base that backs Sanders as well.

Guinea .....

breh move out of the the forth most undeveloped country on the planet ... then you can discuss american politics.

Not an argument, faggot.

Literally says on the front fucking page of the board not to do what you just did, nigger.

Plants eat Co2, the more there is the faster they grow the faster it is consumed.

Young tress grow faster and thus consume more Co2 than older trees so the lumbering industry help, many of parts in the world have never had so much forest as they have now.

>clear warming trend
Yeah no, we have some freakishly cold and long winters here the last 10 years, sure some were barely cold but thats common enough.


marijuana growers put CO2 in the grow room to increase yields. Photosynthesis is:

6CO2 + 6H2O ------> C6H12O6 + 6O2

so for every 6mol of CO2, 6 mol of Oxygen is created.

climate change, or global warming - whichever buzzword you want to use - is a mass propaganda lie to implement carbon taxes. Once you have the power to tax the globe, you have the power to police the globe.

He can't explain. He is a prostitute and sucks dicks for a living. Millennial scum that thinks everyone owes him something because he was born. Never had to bust ass. Never had to compete in the real world. He is just on here regurgitating talking points he heard from his teacher or favorite media pundit. No real solution just a semi educated gibsmedat at best

That's part of why I gotta look into it further. The video didn't go into detail on that, it focused on the guy's credibility.

Ah. Thank you both.

Friendly reminder that cyanobacteria are the major source of photosynthetic reactions on Earth.

Because you are faggot. No one listens to your shit in real life. So you come in here and take it on everyone else. In real life you'd get your shit pushed in.

Basically this. Hillary bows Trump out of the water on foreign policy

>being this new

People with real governments are talking nigger.

Yeah that too
>b-but muh warming will kill them all!
As if they won't adapt to higher temperatures if it was actually real

Yes I want a 14% flat tax rate to go through

Even if he fucks up literally everything else, as long as he tightens the border and upturns the current political status quo, he will be the best American president in decades.

It would be Article II, the bit about the executive departments. Since the state department handles refugees and immigration applications, the president can tell them to stop processing requests from certain countries. For example, Obama ordered a six month freeze on refugees from Iraq in 2011

>implying democrats didn't refuse to finish the fence because dats rayciss

Shout out to all the scrublords trying to push their anecdotal experiences as proof against global warming

>but muh grandpappy
unless your grand-dad is secretely a published research paper, science doesn't care

A hundred percent YES!

> he's the president Europe needs

I fail to see how your reasoning would result in you saying 'no'.