A guy applies for a job with the LAPD

A guy applies for a job with the LAPD

Inspector says "These are the best qualifications I've ever seen, just one more test before you get the job. Take this gun, go out and shoot six black guys and a rabbit."

Guy replies "Why the rabbit?"

Inspector says "Fantastic attitude, you've got the job!"


This was the inspector

Cute bunny

>"Why the rabbit?"
Because it's rabbit season.

only faggots steal jokes and try and pass them off as their own



come in.

OK thanks


Had to evict this little one out of the tire I needed. Wasn't hurt or nothing. Actually let me hold it for a little bit before scampering off into the woods.

That's a big tire

Crown Vic spare. Not that big. Small bunny. It was just a wee one


Oh my. A king bun!




You're a good user. Have a good life, bun-bun.

Well played, user.
Well played.


Copyinv from r/jokes now are we?

I was shocked it let me hold it for as long as it did. Realistically not that long but in wild bunny hold time 20ish seconds seems like awhile. It was fine so I didn't pursue. If it needed help, I would have gotten it the help it needed. Maybe even kept it. Look just like the ones they sell locally. Tried to get a second pic but it peaced out after a bit.

Oh look, it's a leddit fag.

Go back to your shitty liberal sjw website you fucking cuck

That it let you hold it at all is pretty amazing.

Ask a guy who raises meat rabbits anytging.

Not OP, but I got a question.

Do you get an unlimited supply of free rabbit meat?

It's not free. I have to feed them of course. But it turns out a lot cheaper than chicken or beef at the store.

If I cull them at 8 weeks it averages $.50/lb. 10 weeks about $.65/lb, 12 weeks $.75/lb

Still not a bad deal if you ask me.

What age do you find gives you the best flavor, or doesn't it matter?

Not at all.

I have a significant amount of space so I get free grass hay for them which supplements 50%of their diet. If I were feeding them more rabbit feed and buying hay instead my costs would double.

We eat the meat. The dogs get the gizzards and the dried ears as treats.

The rest of the rabbit; gallbladder, stomach, skull, bones, skin all go in my black soldier fly generator to supplement my chicken feed. Once the bones are picked clean I put them through a grinder and back in the generator so the flies get the marrow, and the compost gets the calcium. When the generator is full I dump the compost on my garden beds

8-10 weeks is when people typically harvest. The meat makes a good balance of cost and yield and is a filling meal for two and easily stretched to 2 adults and 2 kids with pasta. These are typically sold as "fryers"

12 weeks and older cost more because the feed costs yield less poundage, but it makes a good meal for 4. These are typically called "broilers"

As for flavor, it doesn't matter. Meat rabbits are bread for their flavor. They live incredibly easy lives in their cages and hardly develop any tough meat even at 3 or 4 years old

Damn, you got this shit figured out.

are you snow white or some shit?

how do you end their lives? do the chicken eat the larva or the insect? where and how do you live? do you have a job? do you have a motorcycle?

Maybe in a past life. Who knows.

I don't know, animals just don't feel threatened by me.