What kind of person does it make me if I want to enlist in the Marine Corps to experience hardship because I felt like...

What kind of person does it make me if I want to enlist in the Marine Corps to experience hardship because I felt like I got it pretty easy on life(neet)? 26 years old, inb4HURRDURRDOIN'TJOINMARINESORANYBRANCHFORTHATMATTER

I actually think that's a good idea. You don't often find people who want to step outside of their shell and live a different life. Its commendable, honestly.

See Growing as human, experiencing something completely new, developing deep friendships, free food, housing, cloths, access to cool tech, guns and vehicles, possibility to advance in rank and also money.. do it son

I enjoyed my time in the army, best worst decision ive ever made. You will go in all happy and excited until your unit sucks the soul out of u and realise how much u hated it and start counting down until you're out. Good luck to ya. Been out 3 years and i do miss it alot but id never do it again

Dude i say do it, good training, free college, the va is getting better and its a great way to get a leg up on life. Its an investment that's worth it.

go for rangers

I say don't do it. If you've had an easy go don't mess it up with ptsd.

Marines dont have rangers only raiders (JSOC and MARSOC) hell u cant even go airborne school unless its important to your mos unlike army....

Does not really seem worth it just to experience hardship. Shoot your leg and you will be just like them!

Bro why the fuck do you want to join the military? Just enjoy your fucking life? Who cares if you are soft? WHo gives a shit? Just be you man. 26 years old bruh. Don't join this fucking shit. Im 20 and I gotta worry about dumb shit like when can I take leave to see family and going to fucking Korea on a dumbass deployment thats only gonna end in "Yeah they didnt do jack fucking shit for another 9 months lmao fuck your life."

>Grow a fucking set OP and just live your god damn life how you want and quit worrying about what people say

what a true neet faggot would say

This guy just wants to see you suffer

good luck the only thing you will be doing during peace time is mowing the grass and sorting rocks by their size.

Please kys

This post is a trips in disguise and thus you should obey it

Different people process events differently... some people i deployed with had absolutely no psychological issues, some had ptsd and some offed them selfs...

Getting paid while doing jack shit? I do that for free already

you wanna experience hardship, go on a month long meditation (dathun) retreat. Silence. And you sit by yourself. For a month. Marines can't even do it.

Go into Motor T and be operator as fuck

Shut up slick sleeve.... Korea isnt a deployment neither is a Kuwait.... u wont even get a deployment patch out of korea lol

You think I don't know this dumb dick? I made it very clear it's a waste of my fucking time

Cus its boring and retarded as fuck, might as well count to 1,000,000

So ur whining about tax free pay, seperation pay, BAH, low % interest on all your bills, plus 30 days of leave afterwards and 2 weeks beforehand.... at least ur not in a hostile country and not have to worry about living in plywood huts

Bro, I could be making a billion fucking dollars an hour and if the job is absolute ass then I'm not gonna enjoy it. Yeah, benefits are cool, but it sure as shit isn't going to fucking be the epitome of what I look forward to in the job.

Also low interest on bills is IF you had them prior service. That isn't something that comes after signing up. Tax free pay only comes with combat deployments (along with all the other benefits you just described).

I take it you're talking bout the Korea deployment thing. As someone mentioned prior, that shit isn't even a real deployment. It's just sitting around with a dick in your hand for 9 months

Dude its only shitty if u treat it as such... i hated my time in the army, i was treated like shit but like all things in life its a stepping stone and for the love of god if you are an NCO please take care of ur troop and count ur blessings ur not in first cav.

Enjoy your wheelchair if you get into a training accident or are crippled in combat.
Ifyou feel lucky tho, go for it.


He literally said it was a dumbass deployment.
Get your reading comprehension in order.

Loghman province rc east Afghanistan

they'll take anyone right now.
>you're going to north korea son.

there's going to be a draft for the war anyhow.


if you want combat, you're probably not going to see much if any. and if you're smart enough to do something cool, do it. don't be a grunt just to be a grunt. if you honestly want my advice, join the navy or the air force. memes aside, they're the better branches and you actually get to travel. whereas the army and marines get to hang out in a fob to jack off, work out, and pull guard shifts. all the comradery and bullshit the marines feed you is the same for every branch.



Even if you don't do anything remotely similar to a real deployment and even if you don't get the benefits of an actual deployment, the army still calls it a deployment. Jesus fuck, are you a glue huffer or some shit? A tour is a full year, whereas a deployment (WITH THE FUCKING BRIGADE) is 9 months

If you think you got it easy in lifeand you are a neet, you are quite wrong about what your life was up until now. You did not get it easy up until now, you made it easy and did nothing with what you've got.
That said, joining the marines could help you in many ways, you would learn how to deal with challenges and learn new skills and get you life on track, so just do it.

wish i went to afghanistan. iraq was shit.

I guess it was a misunderstanding i figured u were going to casey or jovey or humphrey with 2nd ID

Meh fuck Afghanistan i missed out new dawn by a few weeks, i deployed to Afghanistan in 2012 all they cared about was battle damage assesment etc barely let us do our jobs.... thats why i loved shooting for ODA


if you have a 4 year degree and are under 28 you can apply to officer training school