Yo Sup Forums

yo Sup Forums

Lately I've been occupied with delusional thoughts in my head. I can't stop it either. I seem to be obsessed with answers that I can't get. I feel somewhat like life is too much of a coincidence and my gut tells me it aint no fucking coincidence.

I've asked several people, what is the meaning of life? I get the answer back, "there is no meaning with life, everyone is different from the other and thus one will find its own meaning of life during their time". That sounds way to fucking cliché for me. There has to be something that can fucking ease my mind. I'm literally going insane, thinking about 500 different outcomes, questioning reality. Because I'm getting a lot of signs, or maybe it's my imagination, showing me shit that I've thought about in the back of my head and it fucking happens. I don't know if this is intuition or that I'm just telling myself that there has to be a logical reason behind what's happening.

I honestly don't know, but everything is fucking strange as fuck lately. I just keep getting the feeling that I don't fucking belong here.

Don't compare your thinking to thinking of others. Most people are dumb as fuck. It's a simulation probably and the point would then be to die once or something, and maybe there is even a 'spiritual' aspect to it all even though it's science based

ur gonna die anyways lol

Existence is a projection of a complex equation being solved. The easiest way to do so, is to set up a multi-dimensional universe, with a set starting point, guiding mathematical laws and let it solve itself. The universe will converge to a single state, which will be the solution of the equation.

I haven't compared my thinking to anyone else actually, since the majority of what I've heard from people doesnt make sense in my head. It's actually something thats pretty faint, to live in a lie until you die. Hey that rhymes.

But how do you cope with it?

Aight, but what happens after we die then?

What if there is not solution to the ecuation? Or it is an irrational number?

That statement doesn't specify what the equation really is.

But do elaborate, it sounds interesting. Also by a single state, what do you mean by that?

Because we are a computer program man. Everything happens for a reason just like everything in a program has a purpose . We are just some complex algorithm with in a system of outcomes. But every now and again, an Algorithm can produce a value that is incorrect. Causing the system to rewrite and fix it.

That would be the case, if the universe would remain in an ever changing state. Which might be doable through human meddling, who knows.
It wouldn't really matter though, since the equation is being calculated in sort of a quantum computer, meaning it calculates all possible sets of starting points and laws at once. Think parallel universes. So there would likely still be a solution being calculated in some other universe, regardless of the outcome here.

I don't know what the equation, solution or entity wanting to calculate it is.

A single state means a state in which the entire space of the universe has the same amount of particles/energy and it wouldn't change, save for outside interference.
Hence the solution would probably be hidden in there somewhere.

Are we now? What is free will then?

>But how do you cope with it?
Luckily there are open-minded people who have some concept of metaphysics. In other words don't bother discussing higher concepts with the proles.

Truth is, we can't know for sure - thus any claim to garantee a meaning would be unfounded. Just do whatever the fuck you want, chances are the universe doesn't give a shit about you or your life decisions. Just lay back, grab some snacks, and laugh as the world around is worried about ISIS, Trump, NK or anything really.

When you make a decision are you the one choosing or is your Constance leading you toward an answer?


and what would that achievement mean for us if you don't mind me asking?

Nothing retard

Where can I find these open-minded people?

Alright motherfucker I like your thinking. There exists a lot of unsolved math problems where the solution is just way out of our reach and maybe we will trigger a similar situation in the event of using a super computer simulation to solve a very complicated problem.

This is very unlikely though, creating a reality unintentionally to solve a problem. We'll perhaps create one intentionally though. NIGGERANONYMOUS.

Idk. On the internet, maybe?

I have trouble making decisions cuz I overthink every possible outcome of the decision.

Nothing, that's the beauty of it.
Not only are we not in an simulation about us, the universe or existence itself.
Our existence is merely a necessity created by the complexity of the equation being solved.

But eventually a decision is made.

This is exactly what I'm talking about. People telling me to relax and let the universe do it's thing. I fucking feel it inside of me, that there is something more to humanity than just to find a comfortable place in life. We are complex creatures, start fucking acting like one.

Oh, I would assume those who are calculating it, are indeed capable of creating simulations like our existence.
It's just not the case with this particular instance, imho.
I mean, if this were an intentional simulation. Why include so much stuff we'd never reach? Why put such strain limitations on things?
Why have parallel universes?
Why have the entities in your simulation be able to become aware of it?
and so on

so you're basically saying we are just variables?

Someone gets it.

To make it realistic?

Eventually yes, but it wouldn't be my conscience that would have been a major part in the decision making.

For real life that means. There is a purpose to the universe and your existence. However, you're so irrelevant in the grand scheme of things, that you can not fuck it up.
Also, any choice you make are merely from a range of options given to you by the evolution from a starting point, you had no control over.

What makes you think we are complex?

So let's assume it's about realism.
Immediately the question arise, realistic for us or for them? What are they basing realism for us on, etc.
How would you define realism for an entity, that you yourself created. Wouldn't the easiest way be to set a fixed knowledge range and let it evolve within.
Hence, why can we know that there are planets we'll never reach. When it is not relevant to our existence?
Maybe this is the grand design simulation, where existence is simulated and not humanity.
Though, the only use for this kind of simulation, to me, would be in a museum.

Well of course. You are just stating the obvious though. All of my decision making comes from years of evolutions from my ancestors. But as we differ, so did they. Meaning all people think differently, thanks to evolution. However I have control now.

Do you sometimes feel like most people act on impulse. That they simply act and do not think about their actions?
That they display extremly primitive behavior and irrational reasoning, cognitive disonance and incapability to identify with other peoples opinions?

Are those who are calculating it also a simulation?
It's just strange being born into a universe where the graph that describes a projectile's trajectory is a U shaped curve. All this curves and shapes in math are so concrete, meanwhile reality is so complex and abstract but it's all linked together.
Yeah there's a lot of limitations but if we are not intentional, neither are they. We can overcome them, an advanced ayy lmao civilization can also do it.

I'm this poster and the same one you are replying to. For as long as I remember, I have practiced magic. I got the information in pic related via magic, and have learned a lot of interesting things that I don't really share, but suffice it to say, this universe is as realistic as it can be without it being too boring to the rest of us. Yes, the supernatural is out there, and once you reach out to it you will realize that an "empty room doesn't knock back", so there is a greater reality. I mean of course there is. But that doesn't mean that this current reality of ours isn't real in and of itself. This life is a unique and most likely predetermined one-off life.

I have an idea. It's a great one. It's gonna be big. It's gonna be bold and brash. It's gonna break barriers. It's gonna fuck a duck. It's gonna stick a spic. It's gonna bake a cake. It's gonna beat the meat.

>an hero

Control is a nice word. For a single human on a lonely planet, with little to no social or monetary power.
But if you chose to take control, why do you have a problem with 'doing what you feel like'?
If my crazy theory is correct, doing what you feel like, means solving the equation most efficiently. So you'd even be contributing to the grand total.
Of course, 'what you feel like' is in my opinion something that is usually buried beneath an avalanche of outside impressions from the world and has to be discovered again.

The meaning of life is to live it, only fools will disagree.

I'm fast as fuck boi

I wouldn't know. We currently have no way of perceiving outside of our own universe afaik.
I used to joke. That the worst case scenario for our existence, would be an IT student, who was supposed to simulate earth for CS class, but loaded the entire universe library instead of the solar system one.
I also wondered about the overcoming part. I considered it a point, where we'd become one with the universe, as we realize we're part of an equation inside a machine.
However, the worst outcome, I think we can have on the calculator, is a simple error message.

I'm not saying that magic and so one can not be part of reality. On the contrary, I firmly believe, that due to the nature of a quantum computer, there has to be a universe, where it actually exists. Also, those might bleed into ours, who knows.
We're all part of a greater reality, in that, all possible universes share the same mathematical room. It's an interesting thing to think about, if you consider time to be an attribute of a single universe. Time travel suddenly becomes parallel universe travel.

Been exactly where you are.
Life sure is strange, I used to think that consciousness should not exist, let a lone the world we live in. Where did it all come from, why am I here inside this human body, why is there something instead of nothing?

After years and years of asking myself the same question over and over I have come to a conclusion: that the universe doesnt actually exist. let me explain why this makes sense.

How can something appear out of nothing? It cant, unless it already is nothing.
True stable nothingness should not exist, as "nothing" can be an infinite cluster of all possible combinations of two equally opposing parts. If a particle can be in a superposition, then there is no reason nothingness shouldn't be as well. You can make a zero into a +1 and a -1, or any other number, and it would still equal to zero when combined.
It would take no energy to split nothingness into opposing parts, which means that an empty universe has to contain all possible combinations of nothingness to begin with, probably in the form of waves or strings as explained in the string theory. Then why are there empty places in the universe from our viewpoint if all of this should exist clustered together in the same place? Because you can only interact with matter vibrating on the same frequency as yourself. Two waves of equal frequency will collide and interact while an unequal frequency will simply pass right trough and you may never see it, therefore the universe we see around us is all vibrating on the same frequency, with infinite amounts of universes of other frequencies coexisting in the same space, you just cant see it.
In a universe where everything that can happen will happen it is inevitable that life would appear at some point and evolve from there on.

You are simply the universe looking back at itself, so enjoy your meaningless life and do whatever you want, make your own meaning.

> you can make a 0 out of a +1 and -1
That's funny, that's similar to how I thought of it, Only that it's f(x) = a. Start from one point, blow it up until it's solvable and deconstruct it into the solution.

f(x) = a means what?
My math skills are not the best, pls explain to me like im five x)