My gf of two years just took my phone while i was in the shower and found this ask me anything

My gf of two years just took my phone while i was in the shower and found this ask me anything

Every guy ever looks at porn. She souldnt make such a big deal out of it

What happened OP

God you're such a fucking faggot

PLEASE text something freaky to this shit pumping gas in NZ Atm ,,,64 21 0 295 0464 ,,, Ben Vezich is his name. He's put my wife in hospital and the police won't do anything.

At least she knows you aren't racist, niggerlover.

What was her reaction? What did she say?

Stop spamming this in threads

Why don't you use Incognito mode / private browsing?

Cause he's an idiot.

No, something needs to be done about him. You Sup Forums fucks are weak. You don't do jack anymore. user my ass. Lol!!!

i pooped my pants!


Why don't I just Ddos your ass for being a bitch?

Its a fucking injustice that the guy gets to beat up a woman and get away with it!!!! You have it happen to you Mum/sister/daughter and see what you say eh?

Naw where you go??? ^.^ having to get a new static are we? Lol

how dare she touch your phone, especially behind your back.

dump that bitch


Mmm summer

That dingdong thread is awesome isn't it?

when are you going to stop being a retard and answer the questions?

Tell the nosey bitch to mind her own goddamn business. Then take her phone and go through her history just so that you're even.

Next, learn to use private/incognito mode when browsing porn, so you reduce the trail of evidence you leave behind. Also, set a lock screen.

she went kinda high horse on me cause supposedly shes never watched porn. was making jokes like have fun jacking off all day. def need to rid myself of this chick, but feels....

sorry folks im here ask away if u want. kinda thought this thread was dead with the spamming thing.

and no incognito set caus i dont giva fuck. i hide my folders though cause that shit gets weird

or have the standard that you respect eachother and dump them when they break your trust

hold higher standards (or hold others to the same standards you already hold yourself to). You'll stop wasting your time with shitty people and find better ones

Summer is truly hitting us hard, Sup Forumsros.

true true gotta keep that dignity in tact after all

>shes never watched porn
She's full of shit.