Whats wrong with me

whats wrong with me
>inb4 aids

Too much fruit loops.

When was the last time you ate?

this morning i had cinnamon toast crunch

Literally food coloring.

Your liver is producing more bile than usual. This usually happens when you have food poisoning, or you are recovering from an illness.

but i havent ate anything with green food coloring

i mean i had to have my stomach pumped for like 2 weeks and that was always green i couldnt eat the whole time

Refer toI had this same thing happen to me a few years ago. It looked the stuff that mutated the ninja turtles

You need to stop squirting the green ketchup in your toilet bowl you silly cunt.

have u eaten any crazy amounts of pineapple

Blue food coloring does this actually. Doesn't have to be green.

Your a faggot, no cure, enjoy your slow death by nigger dicks

God damn it.
This just means your body pushed your shit out before it turned brown.
Your poop changes to a few different colors as it passes through you.
If you drank a bit last night that can do it. Some times it just happens.

Don't even trip dawg.

Have you eaten a fuck-ton of leafy vegetables? Have you been shitting a lot lately?

I get green shits when I eat Cap n Cruch with crunch berries haa

Definitely super aids, i'm sorry.

A friend of mine had the same problem. He was diagnosed with colon cancer and died two months ago.

A few quick questions to help diagnosis.

Have you started to see a change in your walking gait from full steps to a slow shuffle?

Is your speech slurred, and you speak in monosyllables?

Have you noticed a change in your body odor? Does it seem more rancid or putrid?

Has your appetite changed?

Has there been a noticeable change in your skin tone?

Have you noticed that people tend to avoid you?

Are simple tasks like climbing stairs or opening doors becoming more difficult?

Have you noticed a singular obsession with brains?

Do you have a craving for brains?

Do you find yourself uttering "brains" at random intervals?

When I say the word "brains", what is your first reaction?

you're dead (and a faggot)

swamp thing/swamp hero