Socialism doesn't wor-

>Socialism doesn't wor-

does it count as working if you end up dying along with a crumbling empire?


The Nazis lost

Yugoslavia anyone?

maybe someday

>pic of nazis

Now you'll start to argue how Hitler was a communist and the holocaust never happened



Hitler was a national socialist
The commies were international socialists
Socialism is a big tent

>nothing to do with socialism
Fucking lol'd
10/10 if troll
7/10 if copy pasta

What about it? My dad was from there, well Serbia now. What are their beliefs? He was a fucked up man and I'm starting to put the pieces together

>nazi socialists
>only way to get economy going was to start a giant war
>kill off millions of own people to make a sustainable population
>eventually free market takes over and creates a power house economy
>Capitalism made failed germany the top country economically wise in EU

>Fucking lol'd
>10/10 if troll
> 7/10 if copy pasta
Fucking lol'd
10/10 if troll
7/10 if copy pasta

Fucking lol'd
10/10 if troll
7/10 if copy pasta

>Democratic People's Republic of Korea

Woops must be democratic then

"National Socialism" has almost nothing to do with actual "Marxist Socialism."

Marxist Socialism: People working for the good of everyone with profits (in a manner of speaking) shared by everyone who is working, driven by market demands.
National Socialism: People working for the good of the country with profits going to the owners of companies, driven by the needs of the state with all conflict between classes suppressed by a heavy-handed state.

Government/law major here. In reality, Nazism was a far right fascist state.


If i am running the show, I can call my government anything I want. I am going to start a theocratic state and name it "the Secular Nation of Dickbutt." Because if you argue with me, I'll execute your ass.

Look up the origins of "National Socialism" before you actually speak. National Socialism was a term stolen and perverted by the Nazi party.

Talks about socialism alongside a pic of a fascist government

yeah it does

Hitler was a fascist. He hated communism, and communism and socialism are one in the same

you have no idea what facism is, probably a member of antifa

nazis were national SOCIALIST party

>communism and socialism are one in the same
>this is what americans actually believe


National socialism want to abolish private property because they hate the jews and the jews own all the real estates.
Hitler also hated gays and freedom but was a vegan, which is strange for a dictator.
In the end, nazis were very evil, their uniforms are super cool too

>nazis were very evil becuase they didn't want muh capitalism freedum

It works when it's not predicated on warfare, killing swaths of people for an arbitrary reason (or conspiracy theories), and when it's not undercut with nationalist reactionaries.

It's hard to win a war when your leader is high on meth and you have 3 superpowers fighting you

That's what you get for starting shit in the first place.
>somehow, Israel managed to beat several neighboring countries in less than a week
>even Fidel avoided over 600 attempts on his life from a government less than 100 miles from his home

No, the gays go under communist.
My uncle and his friends are gays, and they said to me they are communists

>my uncle says
Well MY uncle says otherwise.

Um, they lost, you stupid faggot.

My uncle is fucking serious when he say he's a communist
Your uncle can GTFO