Got a big enough joint there Rick?

Got a big enough joint there Rick?

I'm going to see them live in two months


Watching this right now
does the show get funny again after season 8?

It was never funny

whoah there big boy calm down with those opinions

what makes this show so god damn funny? can sb explain?

being high af

Me too. Durham/raleigh?

Fuuuuuuck yeeea
Knoxville tn in october


Sup Inflatable Elvis

I have an inherent distrust of people that are unable to like this show.

I might be biased because I used to be a real life trailer park boy and this is pretty much my real life. Grew weed in the woods at my trailer, had a brother who fed stray cats much to my chagrin, lived with my buddy who I got wasted with and played Bob dylan/Neil young songs Dr day, always coming up with get rich quick schemes, had a drunk crazy landlord, the works.


Frig off Randy

Frigg off, Rick!

Is Donna the best new character of the new Netflix seasons?
(S)he was definitely underutilized in the last season.

fuck off randy

Season 8 onwards feels like a completely different (and not very good) show.

Season 7 is really underrated though, I remember people used to hate it but it's great.


It's never a laugh audibly show but I think the absurdity of their activities is funny.

Mustard tiger
