Should transexuals be put to death? Why the fuck are SJWs trying to normalise these abominations?

Should transexuals be put to death? Why the fuck are SJWs trying to normalise these abominations?

There are more important things to care about than whether or not someone wants a dick or vagina.

Are your parents proud of you user?

If she dressed up like that for me I'd eat the fuck out of her ass while tweaking her erect nipples from behind.


You are correct

If we're going to be putting people to death for mental disorders, let's start with sociopaths. That'll take out a good chunk of the problems in the world (unlike killing trannies, which are a non-issue outside of religious shitfields).

put to death. no. medicated yes

why would you put someone who doesn't hurt anyone to death?

No you faggot

yes, time for a cleansing



And you are a faggot

Why medicated?

Maybe not to death but to some serious therapy, this is mental illness

Put yourself to death. Trannies are a higher stage of human evolution. Soon humanity will be full hermaphroditic species, and there won't be two shitty sexes, just one, and people will be able to reproduce with their own genitals and a great clone army will emerge. Prepare your anus.

So is intelligence, who gives a fuck?

Intelligence is a mental illness? Wtf no

These "abominations" are people. That would be like me saying that you should be killed because you think that. Your opinion is your own business and killing you for it would be wrong. Well.. transsexual's bodies are their personal business, and they shouldn't be killed for wanting to have the body they want. It's not your concern. So get over the fact that some people are living their life the way they want.

No, you should be because you're a threat to other people.

This guy gets it

no u

SJW faggots

The irony of a guy giving a fuck about what someone does with their dick.


Because liberalism is a diesease

transexuals should start admitting that they are transexuals. I'm so fucking sick of these transwappy types claiming they have switched genders. Born a Girl, always a girl. Born a boy, always a boy. No matter whether you cut your parts off or dress differently or want to try a different bathroom. Jenner is a dude! A big gay faggy dude with fake tits and lady makeup, but still a dude.


After enough hormones and surgery, they definitely can't be considered their birth sex anymore for almost any practical reason, though how much they can be considered their new sex depends highly on the context and how much surgery/hormones they actually got.

More realistically, they can't be considered either fully male or female. Jenner isn't a dude, but nor is (she) fully a woman.

Fuck no. And you should be ashamed for even thinking that.

i can't think of a more important issue than the death of the white race, you fucking faggot!