I just fucked my ass for the first time with a dildo ama

I just fucked my ass for the first time with a dildo ama

What's your credit score?

Sore now?

How well did you go in your final year in highschool?

Like 640

Not to sore just radiating heat
I did ok mostly Bs and Cs except one D in accounting

White male, mid twenties confirmed.


How do you find out? Im genuinely curious

>Not to sore just radiating heat
Yes, it's nice like that. How big did you go?

5inches i wanted to start off slow

Credit karma

Did you blast?

any special diet you take prior or don't eat? do you use an enema or shower head to clean yourself out?

Yes all over my stomach


Were you jacking off? Thats cheating

I just eat a normal diet at normal intervals and im always clean but if im not sure somedays i just use my shower head jet

Yeah i was but i wasnt even hard i was just rubbing the tip and came a shit ton


It's amazing isn't? I bought a 7in suction cup silo and I love fucking it and sucking it

Yeah its probably the best feeling ever i even bought poppers when i went to get this guy and i did it and sweet jesus