Fitfags BTFO

Fitfags BTFO

Healthism kills

fat people dont go out much so have less risk of getting killed by blacks.

Everybody has a 100% chance of dying

>being overweight gives you a chance to become immortal

Burgers prolong life and freedom hahaha

Eurocucks BTFO

Overweight =/= obese

overweight is like having 10-30 lbs of unnecessary fat on you, not 31-100 lbs of unnecessary fat

How much you want to bet this is just sensationalized science reporting?

Like basically any other study that's reported on.

Eurofags eternally BTFO, how will they ever recover?

I'm about to go grill some life prolonging beef patties right now to celebrate.

30 pounds of unnecessary fat is definitely obese. Hell, 20 is.

Study by who ? Juden + feminist witches ? Leaf fuck you.


it's just about how bmi is a terrible way to decide how healthy you are.

95% certainty. It's a sucker's bet for it to be anything else.

A 175lb person at 12% bodyfat(near ab level) carries 20lb of fat.



>People who have a BMI of 27 — officially classed as overweight — now have the lowest risk of dying from any condition.

everything anyone needs to know from this article/study. "deemed" is the critical word in the tweet.

That's not a fat person in America though right?


This. BMI is a fucking bullshit measurement to begin with which means fucking nothing.

A male with any form of muscle mass is deemed overweight nowadays. The article isn't about being morbidly obese but rather having a normal well fed and maintained human body.

The title is probably clickbait

the study probably doesn't conclude anything like this


Overweight is not the same as disgustingly obese, as in that picture.


Reminds me of the old "People who get more sleep do better on exams" bit. It's because they have their lives in order and are better organized people that probably studied a day or so in advance and didn't start cramming at midnight.

By "deemed overweight", they mean a BMI of slightly over 25. You can in fact be perfectly healthy with even 35% BMI i you work out regularly and have a good diet.
Short titles for news sites destroy the idea.

it's alright if the people actually read the article, then they will come to understand that bmi sucks. but then you have the people who just read the tweet and suddenly think being fat is healthy and being "healthy" is unhealthy. i can imagine those weird fat positive people retweeting this without reading.

bmi is an okay measurement for people that will never touch weights in their lives

It's alright if they have astronaut-style muscle atrophy.

BMI is literally "I made up this arbitrary scale based solely on height"

That's it. A lot of people of heigh X are healthy at weight Y. According to BMI, every bodybuilder/powerlifter/olympic athlete is fat.

>lower risk of dying
>than those that are healthy
That doesn't make any sense, unless the definition of health is de-coupled from physical well-being. I can guess what the author tried to say, but guessing means it's a shitty written article, probably based on shitty sources with misinterpreted data and questionable conclusions.

Yeah, that's why I said it's a relatively decent scale to apply to people who don't touch weights.

Reminds me of that study that just lumped everyone together depending on weight samples.
E.g. Cancer patients, chain-smokers and drug-addicts were all considered a "healthy weight".
Funny stuff.

Is that supposed to be an argument against staying at home?

Fit/neet hybrid likely best

>All these fat basterds grasping at this straw
>'may have a lower risk of dying'

Ehehehehe... America, never change pls.


Not really as some people are simply born with more natural muscle mass than others.

It works in maybe 15% of cases in my experience. Being skinnyfat is unhealthy too.

>lower risk of dying
Everyone has risk = 1

Fucking stop and read his comment you dumb fatty.

Someone explain to me how encouraging fat fuck pieces of shit to continue on their lardinous escapades to their eventual deaths is any different from trying to get Bern victims to make Hernie glow sticks?

There's no way you'll be "fat" just from that. It's pretty damn hard to reach 25 BMI if you're a natty; anything over that is steroids, no ifs and buts.
There's a huge gap between 18 and 25 BMI (the "normal" range), and almost everyone fits in it.

>muh heavy bones

Fatty please.

They used to make fun of me for being a fatass, but who's having the last laugh now, mortals?

True, overexercising can wear out your body prematurely but it's not a black and white situation where everybody has to pick between being a professional body builder or some ham-planet because neither of those are actually healthy.

Just get some common sense, guys, being healthy is always about balance.

I'm a skinnyfag who can't gain muscle for shit though.

Why are some of you retards still defending a system which has been debunked a million times over as horseshit?

If you have no muscle mass and little fat on your body, your BMI is 20. 27 is mostly fat people and athletes.

>lower chance of dying

Because dumbfuck, it's a good system for what it does.
Sure it's not perfect, but it's a quick and easy way to determine where you are healthwise.
Instead of all this #notallhumans crap you got going.

A lower risk of dying how? is this clickbait?

Holy shit, not even hiding the medical industrial complex to keep people fat.

According to BMI, the measurement you're defending, being obese is now to be considered something healthy though.

So are you actually retarded or simply pretending?

>is this clickbait?


Except it's not as this article illustrates. And humans aren't born equal unless you're going to disregard genetics entirely.

What's the point of living longer if you can't find your penis?

>BMI isn't the only metric of health


not me. i am already dead

A leaf on vacation maybe?
The plot thickens.

>ignore diabetes, cancer, heart disease and stroke risk
>wow so healthy

Drink 3% milk faggot.

>deemed overweight
I am 'overweight' too if you listen to deluded idiots while in reality I am fit as fuuurak with my sickening gainz

They found that people with a BMI of 27 lives somewhat longer. Here's the thing

Christ, I have a BMI of 27, without being overweight. I'm 6'0", and 90 kg. That's 26.9 BMI. This is what a 27 BMI male body looks like.

Well, in a way it is. Too much muscle isn't healthy either and puts a toll on your organs.

Well you surely could do with lowering your bf% :^)

Your dad said otherwise last time he was prepping me for your mom.

prepping you for the oven, pigboy (^:


My pork tenderloin went in your mom's oven, if you catch my drift.

I think where the line gets drawn is when you are obsessive over your health.

Im no fitfag by any stretch of the imagination, but I do like to get exercise and eating right, but I'd be willing to bet that some people take their obsession so far, that they end up stressing their body out more than if they would have exercised less frequently and ate some food that didn't adhere to their strict diets.

Perfect example, Jim Fix. Madman jogger, famous for it, and dies when? Fucking jogging, massive heart attack.



Journalists are scum.

that graph must be for women.

'Normal' BMI for men should be about 18.

The conclusions they reached were from wrongly interpreting the metadata

They put heavy smokers, deathly ill people and malnourished Asians in the "healthy BMI range"
>gee I wonder why fat people do better
>lets play some more with the metadata Bill

Harvard called them out on their bullshit along with some other reputable sources

> Being unhealthy is healthier than beeing healthy


>google national post
>it's canadian
>close all tabs


on the inside doesn't count

Fucking called it. Suck my dick pls.