How can anyone like this?

How can anyone like this?
Rick and Morty is shit!
Reddit is shit!
Adult swim is shit!


Ouch! Speaking of edges, this post really got me good!

No one cares about your faggoty opinion. Yeah, the show sucks, but so do you.

i just read through a guy committing suicide

fuck you

if my mom or dad said he/she values my life more so than that of a muslim refugee i would have to restrain myself from hitting them
the idea that proximity, blood relations, or platonic/romantic relationships, should make you value one person more than another is so backwards and primitive
as a more intelligent 'citizen of the world' kind of person it is impossible for me to relate to the stupid ideas that drive trump voters; like community, loyalty, tribalism etc...
honestly all people are equal and if in your puny mind you believe otherwise and say you value your brother more than your neighbour, or your neighbour more than a stranger, and your countrymen more than foreigners, you're just a low iq idiot stuck in the past
the world is changing and there's no place for people like you anymore
the borders are opening and soon no one will be afforded more safety/comfort/opportunity than anyone else purely because of their nationality, gender, sexuality, and skin colour
if that means dragging the developed world down rather than building the developing world up then so be it
imagine if you were trapped on a desert island with 9 other people and only a small amount of food
it's obviously better morally for 10 people to eat a little each and starve to death than for some people to eat a lot and survive while the rest go without entirely
if you can't understand that basic principle of social progress you probably shouldn't talk about or involve yourself in politics
sometimes the best outcome is more about ideas and attitudes and not necessarily to do with prosperity or even survival
maybe you'll learn that when you grow up a little and stop being so naive

Why Sup Forums is kill


it's for clever people
you sir,are a pleb


>it's obviously better morally for 10 people to eat a little each and starve to death than for some people to eat a lot and survive while the rest go without entirely
this is where you fucked up with your ironic post. its just evil to not care about strangers dying. its fine to love your family more than other people, but knowing strangers are dying and only caring about you being fine is just not morally justifyable

Adult Swim was always shit



all these rick and morty inside jokes are so fucking annoying, anyone who watches it is a blue pilled-normie

>blue pilled normie
that's the sound of narcissism


Lmao? You are so wise and edgy it's crazy. Go masturbate to Mexican chicks you'll never get on a computer you can't afford and blame everyone else for your problems. You same "red pilled" people in highschool were the atheists in highschool who thought they were so smart but smelled like someone came on their own armpits. Faggot.

>You ate just gay
I'm personally offended, I eat straight people as well.

>Reddit is shit
No argument there.


is hating rick and morty hip and cool now? like hating on family guy was in 2009?


but i still hate family guy

>Angry at normal people for having a sense of humor
The fact that you took to an anime image site to bitch about it is testament to how socially inept you probably are. It's a fucking cartoon. Sorry, cupcake.

Yeah, well that just like, your opinion man

all these replies are kill, probably all the fans who make the show seem like it's for retarded manchildren and annoying edgelords.

You're just mad because you think everyone bases their daily interactions with each other on a tv show they like. It might be a funny joke now and again but who the fuck really cares, OP.