Liberals are flat out tougher than conservatives. We protest, we take the cops on head to head...

Liberals are flat out tougher than conservatives. We protest, we take the cops on head to head, we actually sign up for and fight in the military, we never back down.

I've never met a conservative who wasn't completely full of shit or who I couldn't smack into next week in less than five seconds. I know 100s of liberal left badasses and ZERO conservative badasses. You think you can take us on. You can't. We've proven that over and over and over.

It is what it is.

but muh guns...i'm tough now right?

I've never owned a gun. I have fired almost every type of weapon that exists, but I never felt the need to own one.

Why? Who's gonna fuck with me?

I just have to say it. I don't know where people ever got the idea that liberal meant wimp. Or that somehow tougher. Somehow.

Bull to the motherfucking shit you are. Bring it, homos. Come and dance with us at any protest. Be prepared to become one with the asphalt.


The silence from you conservative Sup Forums shit talkers is deafening right now.


>We pepper spray people who disagree with us and hit people over the head with bikelocks
>We support marxism and shitty failed ideologies and $15 minimum wage
>We hate people based on the color of their skin or their gender
>We hate the military because evil colonialism is bad leave north korea alone they are working communism you bad white american cis gendered fuck
>booohoo we r stronk b cuz we dont like christianity they r bd but islam iz for da kool kids
>tips fedora*
beanies gunna take down the trillionaires and quadrillionaires am i rite gaise?

shut up and go suck your wife's bull's dick

Did you notice we run this whole fucking $how? From one end of this country to the other, the liberal left is in charge. Doesn't take a mental giant to see where the big cities and the big money are.

Take your fucking rapist asshole baby and fuck off. America is better than him. And today's liberal left are far superior intellectually, morally and physically than all of you fucks put together.

Suck it, loser. You wouldn't last 5 seconds. Not 5 seconds. Not on the best day of your life.

I'm going to go to my garage and decide whether I want to whip the Bentley, the Jeep or the F-350. You Trump geniuses have fun while I'm away. I'll be back to smoke your lame asses soon enough.

>buying into the jewish media
9/11 nice bait

Post your address. We'll find out soon enough.

Which address, you broke ass fool. You know I come from a family of 6 boys. You know I have a 7 ft tall Senegalese MMA fighter as a roomie?

How retarded are you people!!!!!??/

Yeah, so going forward let's be absolutely fucking clear about one thing. When we (liberals) tell you (weak ass conservatives) that we're gonna kick your fucking ass. We are going to kick your fucking ass. No ifs no ands no buts and no maybes.

Thank you please drive through.

I'd love to wade into a room full of Trump's bitches and clear the room. I'd beat you to death with your own arms and legs.

Yeah having fun being a race traitor? And have your women fucking nigger, and worshiping rappers and nigger culture? Yeah you liberals are real fucking cool. Lets fight for black people just to have guns. So they can rob and rape us.

Fear. It's what you people live on. Live your own life.

>permavirgin libtard tossing shitty b8 out and still getting replies

sage all fields




>File: 2017-06-19-kys.jpg (806 KB, 1000x1376)
> (OP)
>>permavirgin libtard tossing shitty b8 out and still getting replies
>sage all fields

It destroys you that you can't refute or debate me.











>waste time on me
Summerfags b8 better than you







how long will stupid fucking republitards cry about someone attempting to take their guns when its never going to happen
are you really this fucking stupid?
I can imagine in 50 years faggots will be saying "they are coming for our guns any day now"














would love to live my own life. As soon as niggers and mexicans stay the fuck out of mine. Then I will not have robbers and criminals running around my town.




some people like hunting and shooting shit, I personally don't but I understand why people like guns.




Bait. Such obvious. Many wows.



That picture looks so shopped







You just get up with the BULLSHIT after a while. I took this picture to set the record straight. Conservatives are in no way, shape or form tougher than America's Liberal Left attack dogs.

No fucking way.












Fine. But the truth is still, we are meaner and more badass than you.

It's always been this way, too. Always. So you can take that confederate flag and shove it right up your ass. And Fuck Trump!




Trump supporters are NOT fucking basement dwelling, no-life losers.

If they were, would I have all these sweet korean wifus to sit here spamming????



You lost in the American civil war. You lost in WW2. You lose constantly and fail constantly.

The world will never want your facism liberals no matter how much you bully us.







Confederate Flag is a democrat icon.
