Hey Sup Forums what do u think about confederate flag? Should it be banned what do you guys think?

Hey Sup Forums what do u think about confederate flag? Should it be banned what do you guys think?

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Get with the program...
Its No Step On Snek now

Nah, it helps identify the retards so you can easily avoid them.

BTW, that's the battle flag of Northern Virginia, not the Confederate flag.

shouldn't be banned. don't know that anyone is trying to pass an outright ban on it. also shouldn't be part of government displays unless it's in a history room and placed in its proper historical context.

Its a good marker to let everyone know who is a worthless hick and/or enjoys Lynyrd Skynyrd

I think it should be banned from government owned places but in its entirety? Nah. The Nazi flag isn't even banned here in the US.

>1st amendment rights, free speech, its not the actual confederate flag, its the battle flag, its honoring the dead, etc. etc. etc.

That's pretty much every valid reason its still flown OP, you don't have any legitimate reason to ban it.

No because freedom of speech, but also: pic related


People need to figure out that not letting the state promote something isn't the same as "banning" it.


But that's the Union's flag for most of the war, how can that be?

I don't think it should be banned, but it's hypocritical for all the southern fags to yap on about American patriotism and then bring up southern pride and the importance of this flag when its patriotism to another country and a failed cause.

The mental gymnastics people in the south have to preform is truly amazing.

I think the South Will Rise Again

Yes, the white flag of surrender was the flag of the side that never surrendered. Flawless reasoning young hick.

Yeah, all that meth and heroin does get you guys really high

Also same OP who made this post, I live in the last capital of the CSA. I hate it here and hate all the southern ignorant shitheads who spout southern pride.

Fight Me you fucks

> we were doing really well until we lost

Get reconstructed dickhead

If US bans nazi flag they should ban the sscb flag too. They killed so much more people than nazis, Fucking commies.

Looks cool as fuck, reminds me of Dukes of Hazard and Lynyrd Skynyrd. And rednecks, I love rednecks doing their shit. I live in brazil.

Well Atleast whites are dominant group in here.

fuck no the confederate flag is a piece of US history thats like hiding a piece of history cause offends the fucking normies, they can go eat shit

Completely agree, even if its representation is bad it is still a part of American history and should not be forgotten. It shouldn't be waved around with pride, but rather as a grim reminder of what once was.

Looks like a cool flag.

fuck no the confederate flag is a piece of US history thats like hiding a piece of history cause offends the fucking normies, they can go eat shit. this flag means more then just slavery also fucking leftist history manipulators

Niggers are complaining shit. It should'nt be removed.

Battle of Fort Sumter
Battle of Big Bethel
Battle of Carthage
First Battle of Bull Run
Battle of Wilson's Creek
Battle of Kessler's Cross Lanes
Battle of Munfordville
Battle of Harpers Ferry

You know what all these battles have in common?

Hahaha LOL that was really good

A#1 Duke of New York

At least we ain:t full of spics and Queers

Well done

But that's france flag during ww2

Glad they fucking lost, glad all you racist hicks are getting triggered LOL.

Fuck the flag of a lost cause, the only people who would have any pride in that shit aren't people who would be interested in having a civil conversation with someone of my heritage anyway.

The Left wants to ban anything they don't like or understand. That's how "tolerant" they are.

They led to the eventual surrender of the confederacy?

Nah b it got history

if someone really wants to fly a flag representing treason i'm not going to stop them.
1st amendment, son

"good thing we set all those niggers free"

Yea, congrats yankee fag

TV stations have banned Dukes of Hazard because the flag is on the car. Walmart won't sell stuff with that flag and neither will Amazon. Plus calling it a symbol of racism to guilt people into taking it down. Those are all forms of banning it.

Ban you to the cuckshed!

And thanks to that you have niggers ruining the country.

Don't care because it's a fucking flag. Pple who are offended by such things do so by assigning their own meaning to different things. One sees a kickass flag that stand for rebellion and the other sees some bullshit about black pple

Still better than being a Democrat.


No, also the Confederate Flag is not racist because of this.

STFU your parents hate you fucking homosexual antifa shit.

It's my fucking heritage. Fuck all the blue pill cucks who insist that the white race must over compensate for the past. Guess what. I didn't do shit. I view races as cultures more than anything now, as those who are one color or another may fall in a different racial stereotype. "Wiggers" and what not...

Essentially. It represents culture in the Deep South. Heritage. And pride in our way of life. Fuck all the yankee faggots who don't want us to have our battle banner.

Why the hell people think its racist any source of it being a racist symbol?

Don't you have a wall to hide behind faggot? Oh wait, I guess you don't...

100% fine with people flying the flag. It's their fucking choice, not the little busybody fascist censors who think they this right to meddle like nosy, nagging neighbors.

On the other hand, it's the flag of a failed secessionist state. It shouldn't hang in any U.S. courthouse.

The loser flag.

i wonder how they got here?

>muh heritage and pride

pride of what? being slavers? being traitors? getting a lot of good people killed cause you were too afraid of getting cucked by blacks?

Well fucking nigger only 6 percent of southerns had apes as slave.

Less than 2% of southerners owned slaves. The flag does have some questionable history, but symbols are complex and mean different things to different people. Pretending your interpretation is the only one is just plain stupid.

It wasnt %2 it was %6 or less than %6 (as i remeber)

6% had slaves 100% supported the continuance of it's institution. You make a weak point.


I could be off. It's been a while. It's a small percentage, either way.

Why has noone mentioned your trips

how accurate is the data from the 1800s

And your point is?

That sir is the Virginia battle flag. Dont care about it but at least call it what it actually is

How do you know that? It's clear that the vast majority of southerners had no economic stake in slavery. Are you making an argument from original sin, that they were born evil or something?

they still fought to keep slavery instituted

Don't know, but probably fairly decent. We have pretty good records from a few parts of the middle ages of all things, thanks to things like the Domesday book. With mandatory door to door census every 10 years in the U.S., there should be quite a body of raw data.

> Only some southerners owned slaves

maybe, but the entire economic system of the south relied on slavery and its enforcement. Plus, when the south went to war every single state said they did it to preserve slavery

Then by that argument, every person in Stalin's army was an avowed communist and supported oligarchic repression. Every person in Hitler's army was a genocidal maniac.

Stalin and Hitler they both were fachist and killed millions of people yet swastika banned in most of the european countries but flag of the sscb is not.

Yes, because banning images is not fascism. Fuck hold on, banning feelings is not fascism. God damn, thats still not right. I'll try one last time. Banning images and feelings that I dont support are the only correct answer! I think I got it as long as we pretend the CSA never happened and Lincoln wasnt one of the worst presidents...but living in delusion is your job OP.

im sure the data is close to accurate but im still a little skeptical about somethings, like if the Confederacy was its own country did they conduct the census and possibly messed with the figures.

The economic system of the south was heavily dependent on slavery, but those who benefited were the slave owners not the general populace. The political argument is a better once, but who are the politicians? Generally, the rich established types who owned slaves. So the were voting in their own self-interest.

Slavery was definitely a major issue, but I think we've swung too far from 30 years ago, when it was just one of the causes, to today when the orthodoxy mandates we all say it was slavery and only slavery. It was one of the tipping issues, and a rallying point, but it was the 1% (or 6%) that drove it.

The Constitution of the CSA forbid the outlaw of slavery in any state that joined their Confederation. If you fought in CSA Army you were fighting to preserve that institution.

I think it's funny they left the United States because the Federal Government was telling them what they can and can't do, so they form a government telling it's members what they can and can't do.

Both sides had their reasons and interests to protect, though is slavery really defendable?

Banned? No, but not on government property. Represents treason to America. Put an American flag in its place.


Neither were fascists. Stalin was a communist, Hitler was a Nazi/national socialist (which mixed right wing nationalism with left wing economics).

And Europe's singling out of the swastika and ignoring the hammer and sickle because a lot of academics are sympathizers is something to be ashamed of.

We'd still have good data from before and after.

I enjoy reading common sense posts on Sup Forums. Theyre like unicorns and homeless midgets, rare but out there.

because he's an idiot. It, in fact, is not the Confederate Flag though neither is it the Virginia battle flag. It was the Confederate battle flag. Worse than priorly mentioned

Humans aren't property

kys you sadist

Banned from what?

>what do u think about the confederate flag

It's for dumb Cleetuses who hate America

>should it be banned


banned like a swastika. it won't happen, just burn the fucking thing

people ignored the hammer and sickle because the soviets won

>Humans aren't property
Says who?

If you joined the U.S. army in the 1980s, you were fighting against the right of homosexuals or marry of join the armed forces.

That's a really, really weak argument. People fight in armies without necessarily supporting all the policies of their government, just like plenty of people vote Republican or Democrat without agreeing with every position the parties hold.

maybe, i feel like after the war was over they might have fabricated some numbers. if the percentage was so low, why be willing to go to war and die for it when its a small minority of southerns

If you ban it, then how will I know which leaking rusty heap's tires in the Wall Mart parking lot needs nails?

The Soviet Union collapse in 1989. The reason Nazis have turned into the stereotypical boogeyman of the 20th century, and the even worse crimes of communism get a pass (just Stalinism or Maoism alone) is because there have been a lot of a communist sympathizers in academia. No other reason.

You know it's not really the confederate flag, the flag you have there is the "Army of Northern Virginia battle flag" common in modern reproductions. The real flag is this.

Watching American History X right now. So at the moment I don't think it should be.

Says morality. Says the volunteers of the Union who died fighting the American Civil War. Says the generations of Africans brought to America to build a nation for the white people. Says the Jewish people enslaved by the Egyptians.
Says I, who would fight, kill, and die to make sure the disgusting institution never comes back.

your argument is weak as fuck considering the us army never went to war against gays

I fear, at least in the US, that 'banning' the flag is a violation of free speech. I hate the idiots who fly it off the back of their big ass trucks in my small town because they're the ones fueling this stupid discussion.

As soon you ban the flag then you can start removing confederate monuments, literature, and ultimately, all references to the American Civil War. When will people realize that asking the gov to ban shit will not fix anything long term.

I think a lot of it really does go back to Southern pride. If you've even been to the South, it's really a core part of their identity, in a way that's very foreign to anyone from the North. Now slavery was strongly interwoven with that pride, so they don't get a complete pass. But neither was slavery the only reason.

Why would you ban a flag. Why would you ban anything.

We need to educate ourselves properly and we need to acknowledge the truth of history so that we may learn from our mistakes.

You sound like a faggot.

No one really

But do you really want to live in society where we enslave humans and treat them like chattel or worse.

Why is that good? You know where most slaves are nowadays the middle East and South Asia , backwards part of the world that white racists fucks like to moan about because they shit in streets and worship a prophet who fucked a kid.

We need to respect humans better than that, it will feel better on our fragile conscience.

don't give a fuck. I say what I mean

I guess if you are pro the now defunct Confederate States of America...which I guess is a thing you can be - for - technically -
I guess? Other than that I have no idea why its still around.

what other reasons were there besides slavery and big government?