Ok, so I live in PA and my house is full of ants...

Ok, so I live in PA and my house is full of ants. My bedroom is in the attic (basically 3rd floor) and those fucks are even abundant up here.
They've been biting me nonstop and my pasty ass is itchy as fuck constantly.

So, 2 questions here, best way to get rid of the fuckers, and best way to make the bites stop itching.

And don't say some shit like "o jizz works", because I don't have any source of that

Other urls found in this thread:


>And don't say some shit like "o jizz works", because I don't have any source of that

Tits or GTFO

Ant chalk, boom

I can assure you, you don't want to see them

don't know about the itching but you could just spray a little Raid around the entrance and floor boards or your room. they'll go away for a while.

It's the price of admission, I have 2 ideas already

I like to bring an xacto knife with me while I shit and cut the fuckers in half while I sit there doing my business. It doesn't really put a dent in them, but it's fun watching 100 half ants run around trying to find themselves.

Find and kill the Queen!

>In most monogynous ants (ants which only have one queen per colony), the entire colony will slowly die out. But it will take a while.

I can assure you, you're wrong.

there is some gel stuff that you can get and put around the house. the ants will carry it back to the nest to eat it and then they all get poisoned. i dont know the exact kind, so you'll have to google it.

as far as the itching goes, take benadryl pills and/or use benadryl cream

First tits or GTFO seriously it is rules of Sup Forums nobody cares about how bad they look it is about you bringing up the fact that you are a girl otherwise all anons are assumed to be male.

Just fucking calk up wherever you see them coming in from and plus the fuckers out. Bonus points if you mix cinnamon into the caulking the little shits hate the stuff or they can't walk across it or something like that. Like how roaches dislike bay leaves

Oh look, it's this fucking thread again.

Basically two type of ant food: protein and sugar. Buy one type trap. If they ignore, try the other one. Your ant problem will be over in 48 hours,

get some spiders

> Subtle I'm a femanon
Whelp, tits or GTFO then.

>mix cinnamon into the caulking the little shits hate the stuff

I've also heard sprinkling some cloves around makes them go away too

My dad would kill them, he can't stand spiders

Where in PA are you? I'm in mercer county and I had my own ant problem. Ended up having to call an exterminator. Also I'm interested in seeing your tits even if you're fat and covered in acne. Postem

benadryl is for hives you fucking monogamous relationship

First of all, checked.
Second, I'm in Oxford
Third, tbh yea I'm fat :{


benadryl is an antihistamine. it works for insect bites. try googling for 2 seconds before you post a dumb reply next time

Sup, Oxford. Downingtown. Want some fuck?

Please post them, I really want to get off and go to bed. Also call an exterminator if it's an infestation.

I've heard that mixing borax with powdered sugar makes a good ant killer.

Fukken checked.

OP we have rules for a reason. Please refer to rules 30 and 31 of the internet.

There, sine it's been asked of me enough, enjoy my tits.

I'd motorboat those babies

Not timestamped, but probably yours

Those are unironically really nice, would love to see more or trade nudes with you offsite. Good luck with your ants


My house is covered in feces, urine, mold, ants, moths, etc. Also in PA.


If I try to clean the house, I get beaten and if I fight back, the police are called. If I get rid of any garbage, I get beaten. If I don't make any effort to clean, I get accused of causing the mess. Double bind. Whole house is a landfill. When I complain, they say, "What do you care?". I'm weak and sickly, malnourished, rotting teeth, fungus nails, constantly stink, going to kill myself soon

if you are underage just call child protective services

I'm not, I just lost the will to live

Where did op go? I want to trade nudes

maybe you can just clean your room, take care of yourself, and stay out of the house most of the time

Can I come fuck you in your anthill?

Agreed. OP lives near me and I'm tryin' to get my dick wet.

My room is covered in feces, filled to the brim with junk, bed covered. I essentially have no room. I have to keep everything in there "for now". "For now" means indefinitely, been almost my whole life. Never had a friend and too embarrassed to leave. Zero connections and nothing but ridicule and repulsion coming my way. Hoping for a tornado to kill me.

Fuck off nerd.

I remember there was this trick about leaving bottles of wine + antifreeze open and about. Or was that for gnats?



QuickSand Man Says Raid

>My room is covered in feces

how did this happen tho?

also cant you take out a little bit at a time and just throw it away somewhere else?

why don't you just walk away and become homeless? it sounds like it would be a lot better than what you are dealing with. or walk to a near by hospital and tell them that you are suicidal to get admitted to the psych ward

Need a source of Jizz Maybe?


Kill it with fire

Not prepared to live on my own.


but how did your room get covered in feces? like.. wtf happened to cause that

Buy kilo cinnamon go wild around the house they hate it

Animals shitting in the house

Cheap ways.
1. Talcom powder.
2. Diatamacious earth (garden centre) cruahed shells into a powder.
3. Fire.
4. Plant peppermint and spearmint plants around your home. 6 feet or so apart (2 meters ish)
5. Fire

That's fucked up. Go into the psyche ward. Like they other user said. It would be better than where you're at now, and Probly could t hurt your mental health.

You live in Monessen, Hi Kelly. Nice tits.

rip fuck this tits or gfto yo just fucking buy traps lmao

409 kills them almost instantly. Stop being a fat pig who leaves food all around her hovel.


>best way to get rid of the fuckers


you gotta do something, user. clean that place up or gtfo

if you are really scared of leaving, at least get a gym membership so you can shower and sleep in a tent in your yard.

can we get a pic of your room?

Speaking of how well does
>Diatamacious earth
Work Texas is awash with roaches, I even see them when I go running in the park.

amdro traps everywhere.

then clean up your fucking filthy house. the ants are only coming in because there's free food.

You fucking slovenly trailer trash loser

Ant lives matter

Use cheap bar soap to scratch the bites. The lye kills the proteins that cause itching. Works everyone for mosquito and flea.

Stick ants into penis
Post timestamp

post a pic of your room faggot

There's a store near you called Loyal's. It's a hardware store. Go there and ask for a Sonic emitter. It's like a device that puts out a high pitched sound that week either kill or cause those ants to leave.


come on do it for the lulz. i want to see this garbage pile you live in

make your own trap

>really big spoonful of peanut butter on a scrap piece of cardboard
>mix in about 20% pure boric acid powder to peanut butter ratio
>mix throughly, leaving absolutely no powder visible (they wont eat it otherwise)
>put mixed contents on the floor or in a cabinet in an area where you see the most ants the most
>if you have pets, make sure this trap is not accessible to them
>wait a few hours and check back
>see disgustingly large pile of ants
>this is good, its working
>DONT kill them, let them eat
>ants take acid back to nest
>queen eats
>queen dead
>no more ants

ive used this method personally before, it works. if they dont eat it you used too much acid. if they eat it but it doesnt kill them in two weeks, use a second dose to finish them off.

youre welcome droopy tits