President snowflake holding a speech behind a bullet proof glass wall like a true pussy...

President snowflake holding a speech behind a bullet proof glass wall like a true pussy. Bonus points for doing it in front of a monument for people who didn't dotch the a draft and fought a superior oppressor.

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I wonder, did the kid behind him have a foot boo-boo aswell?


>dotch the a draft
just when i thought liberal shills couldn't get any more autistic

Because you special snowflake have never made a typo before? Retard.

>mad nazi snowfklaes


also it was in poland where no one wants to kill him and also there was a fucking army escorting trump

>catholic woman doesn't want to touch hands with a pussy grabber

this makes me kinda sad

Did you dodge the draft OP? I bet you never enlisted. Glass houses and all that.

There was no draft for the AK.
I'll just leave that with you.

trump has grabbed poland by the pussy by shaking hands with that cunt polish president

if you are going to try to use "snowflake" as an insult you should understand what it implies so you dont look like an idiot. because i dont think you understand what it implies and you look like an idiot.

Well at least he didn't have to stand behind bulletproof glass so he wouldn't shoot anyone in the crowd like that nigger obeezy.

>Did you dodge the draft OP?

No, I didn't. I became a conscientious objector and worked as a caretaker for mentally disabled children alternative service. Saving the government money. How did you serve your country?

>dotch the a draft

You know? I get why you might be pissed angry at the douchebag, I respect him exactly because he's the douchiest scumbag that reigns on one of the most powerful countries in the globe. He accomplished something there but I'm not really sure what but I respect the stupid fuck.

But, I'm not a lardass, don't have english as my first language, had to learn by myself in order to guarantee a halfly decent job and then there is this asshole that can't for the sake of his own life use the corrector.

Why the fuck can't you stupid dipshits learn english?

holy nigger how thick is that shield , poles dont even have such strong bows to pierce one glass

By not being a tard wrangler who can't spell "dodge", for one.

>A polish potato farmer

Why am i not impressed?

>By not being a tard wrangler who can't spell "dodge", for one.

So you didn't serve the community at all. Then better shut the fuck up.

Shut up, tard wrangler, and tend to your tards.

>>catholic woman doesn't want to touch hands with a pussy grabber
>>touching melania's hands anyway

Well those hands are so fucking tiny they are easy to miss when reaching for a shake.

Only thing you have ever wrangled was your dick.

Only pussy she grabs is her husband.

And I do a better job of it than you with the English language. Now silence, tard wrangler.

That's mean

I bet your tendies that your mom cooks for you are going to feel extra tasty after saying tard wrangler one more time to truly btfo an user.

And then before that smirk of his finished she turned and shook his hand too. Fake news.

Apparently you never saw the glass walls Obama would stand behind for all of his speeches. And trump has had people go after him twice directly now and another time more indirectly but that one actually produced a corpse. And none of that counts the baseball shooting.

Oddly enough, I'm not much of a "tendie" guy. She makes a pretty mean crab linguine, though.

I've been seeing it a ton used by the left lately.

It's like when they tried to take back the word cuck.

clip is from tyt what did they fake

Well, he is a glorified tard wrangler.

>Huge war heroes
>Tiny Cheeto Jesus

Definitely not a flattering comparison.

I love how these alternative facts guys don't do their research


more credible than Breitbart CNN msnbc fox infowars and WSJ

so which part was a lie or you just going to say tyt as if that's your argument


TYT are a lie every time they open their mouths.

I'd have thought being behind bullet-resistant glass would be something all major leaders do these days (especially if they are as contentious as Trump is. I remember Obama being behind bullet-resistant glass when he made speeches too. Not disputing his cowardly nature but it seems like standard Secret Service procedure to me

how convenient now which part of this video did they lie in

>assuming that someone who wants him dead couldn't possibly travel there from another country to attempt an assassination
Plus he's seen with loathing and contempt in many European nations, people have killed for far less than the shit he's been doing

Exactly this. The Secret Service is in the business of protecting the President, no matter who it is, and the President doesn't exactly get a say so in the means of protection.

who on earth wants to kill trump except 50% of usa citizens ?

>N-no... but I went to play around with autistic kids to pander to my female nurturing instinct... I helped too! One day we ran out of Ritalin and little Pyotr lot his fidget spinner! It was awful, I didn't get back home until like 5PM that day!


ISIS/ISIS sympathizers, far left terrorists, and anybody who's spoken to the man for more than 20 seconds, just to name a few

Release the Ivanka nudes before impeachment mr president

Communists, especially because he's a rich bastard who has been clearly looking out for other rich bastards through tax cuts and attempted deregulation

This!!! OP is a fag.


The part where you suck Cenk's microfallus.

Jesus Christ, look at that fat regressive brown buffalo. And you listen to every word hesays, you faggot. I'm typing this and this dumbass is still yucking it up.

>funded by the US version of Al Jazeera

Isn't it pretty funny how op ignores this...



OP probably left. Likely has to get up early to tend to his charges. Either that, or he got his precious fee-fees hurt from being called a tard wrangler.

What a precious little snowflake.