Is Christianity any less retarded than Islam?

Is Christianity any less retarded than Islam?

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Just the idea of god being real is retarded

Christianity is the only real true religion, islam is made up bs and mohammed is as foolish and retarded as all muslims who follow it

Christianity is for cucks

Christianity: Don't be happy, because crazy shit. Also, blow up those Moloch worshippers.
Islam: Don't be happy, because crazy shit. Strap a bomb to your dick and try and take down a plane, you'll get so much pussy bro.

Conclusion: A little.

Christianity is the must beta religion out there, with turning the other cheek and stuff like that.

>comparing Abraham religions as if there are significant differences


NO they both don't
eat bacon! Jesus didn't even eat pork!


It's exactly the same. Judaism too

no but christians at least acknowledges the bible was written by a bunch of idiots who probably got it all wrong.

muslims assume it's perfect and kill everyone bc of it. there haven't been 30,000 christian-related attacked recently, now have there?

>turn the other cheek

mfw kill thousands of Saracens and take Jerusalem from them

Same God, you mean?


No jews don't believe in hell or heaven

yes. we had a reformation. it pretty much neutered jesus freaks. islam never had this so they still do shit like stone grills and murder homosexuals and apostates. look it up.

Because the bible (the new testament actually) doesn't tell you to kill muslims you fucking moron. There are people who take the bible quiet literally: Jehovas whitnesses are the most literal christians that exist, everything else is just watered down christians. These would be the people to go full out ISIS if something like that was in the new testament, but that's simply not the case.

but they do believe that they are gods chosen people. and that non jews are goys.

So you want the women have sex (Adultery) for more basterd childs and the homos to spread std

Hmmmm if i remember correctly:
On the day of reckogning every human will have to prove before god (who will appear in jerusalem, temple mountain) that he was a good human. I'm not sure what the results would lead to, but there's some godly court thing happening according to jewish theology.

No they are not

>What is contraception?
>Frightened of homos spreading stds because you're gay yourself

About the jewish after life:
"Traditional Judaism firmly believes that death is not the end of human existence. However, because Judaism is primarily focused on life here and now rather than on the afterlife, Judaism does not have much dogma about the afterlife, and leaves a great deal of room for personal opinion. It is possible for an Orthodox Jew to believe that the souls of the righteous dead go to a place similar to the Christian heaven, or that they are reincarnated through many lifetimes, or that they simply wait until the coming of the messiah, when they will be resurrected. Likewise, Orthodox Jews can believe that the souls of the wicked are tormented by demons of their own creation, or that wicked souls are simply destroyed at death, ceasing to exist. "

That being the key word.
We had our turn.

>reincarnated through many lifetimes
>souls of the wicked are tormented by demons
>that wicked souls are simply destroyed at death, >ceasing to exist

The religion of the Jews is flawed


>Christianity is the only real true religion
Why ?

Mfw Christianity was reformed in the new testament

Yes you dumb fuck. All religions claim to be revealed truth. Islam is the only one that claims to be the last.

>christians at least acknowledges the bible was written by a bunch of idiots who probably got it all wrong.
Most of these niggas don't even read the Bible. They still think Jesus' mom had him without Joseph boning her.

Also yes, the Christians killing abortion doctors, and shooting up planned Parenthoods and shit like that.
And you're blaming Islam for what's mostly political insurgency inspiring terrorism.

No but it doesn't ask its followers to blow up concerts.



>the Christians killing abortion doctors, and shooting up planned Parenthoods and shit like that
citation needed

>And you're blaming Islam for what's mostly political insurgency inspiring terrorism
It's literally guys blowing shit up and murdering people in the name of Islam, because Islam commanded them to.

Yes but Christians aren't.

It has some bizarre ideas and is a big trolling FUCK YOU to religion and the Jews, but it's never recognized as such.

Also it has some pretty death-cult ish stuff in it. And paganism, and it assumes some strange shit about sorcery and speaking with the dead.

well, yeah.

If a follower really believes it's the word of God, who are they to question it?

It's retarded when believers claim not to have their own morality that's independent of an ancient book but then reject the validity of the book or another book for contradicting their morality.

I only believe in particular Gods based on what I think is just and unjust = my God is a reflection of myself.