NatSoc Quotes

ITT: NatSoc quotes from The Fuehrer, Goebbels, Goering, Soldiers, Generals, etc

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From Mein Kampf

>The Jewish religious teachings consist mainly of rules to keep the blood of Jews pure and to regulate the dealings of Jews among themselves and even more with the rest of the world, with the non-Jews. Even here, their rules consist of extremely petty economic guides and are not concerned with ethical problems. For a long time, there have been very detailed studies made which reviewed the moral value of Jewish religious teachings. These studies were certainly not made by Jews because the Jews twist their statements to suit their own purpose.

>The Jew’s life as a parasite within the body of other nations and states is the origin of an unusual characteristic which caused Schopenhauer (Arthur Schopenhauer, the German philosopher) to describe the Jew as the “great master of lies”. This kind of existence drives the Jew to lie and to lie regularly and methodically in an orderly, businesslike way which comes as naturally to them as warm clothes to those who live in cold climates.

>His life within a nation can only continue if he convinces the people that Jews are not a separate people, but merely a “religious community”, although an unusual one. But this itself is the first great lie.

>In order to carry on his existence as a parasite among other nations, he must conceal his inner character. The more intelligent the individual Jew is, the more successful his deception will be. This deception may even convince parts of the host nation that the Jew is really a Frenchman, an Englishman, a German, or an Italian, just a person of a different religious persuasion. Government offices are particularly easy victims of this notorious trick because bureaucrats have little sense when it comes to history and only react to a fraction of actual history. In such circles, independent thinking is often considered a sin against sacred rules that determine who is promoted and who is not. Because of this, we must not be surprised that the Bavarian State Ministry, for instance, even today doesn’t have the faintest idea that the Jews are members of a separate people and not of a simple “religious group”.





does national socialism has a ''neutral'' flag? I mean not affiliated with a country

>Germany was a mistake
Adolf Hitler

the swastika without the eagle is considered neutral, any national socialist party could adopt it. More modern movements influenced by national socialism use runes, or the shwartz sonne, like Nordfront in Sweden or Azov in Ukraine.

He admired France quite a bit in Mein Kampf.

>The English are well known throughout the world for their lack of political scruples. They are experts at the art of hiding their misdeeds behind a facade of virtue. They have been at it for centuries, and it has become such a part of their nature that they hardly notice it any longer. They carry on with such a pious expression and deadly seriousness that they even convince themselves that they are the exemplars of political virtue. They do not admit their hypocrisy to themselves. It never happens that one Englishman says to another with a wink or a smile “We don’t want to fool ourselves, do we now.” They do not only behave as if they were the model of piety and virtue — they really believe that they are. That is both amusing and dangerous.
>One has to be on the alert when dealing with them. They managed to conquer the world because they never encountered a worthy opponent. In the last three centuries we Germans often had comparable strength in Europe, but we were usually far inferior when it came to exploiting national and international opportunities. The English were unshakably confident in their belief that Great Britain’s world domination was a sign of divine providence. Those who attempted to resist, or defend themselves against the empire were ruthlessly suppressed, using the occasional low blow when it was necessary. The English always talked about their nobility and sense of fair play, but they were anything but when circumstances required. We saw enough proof of that at the end of the war, and in the years from 1919 to 1933.

are there basic essential criterias a flag must respect to be accepted as a national socialist flag? (like red/black colors or certain lines for example)

>are there basic essential criterias a flag must respect
not anymore, to my knowledge. there really is no national socialism anymore per se, just movements inspired by it. It was appropriate to its time as a whole, but some parts have been appropriated as still relevant.


p.320, Mein Kampf

ok thx


>One is never sure which of two characteristics is more prominent in the American national character and therefore of the greater significance: naivete or a superiority complex. When for example they say things about our region, our surprise at their ignorance is surpassed only by annoyance at their stupid insolence. The less they know about a matter, the more confidently they speak. They really believe that Europeans are eagerly waiting to hear from them and follow their advice. They took our strategic decision not to discuss their shallow culture before the war as a sign of admiration.
>The U.S.A. has no poets, no painters, no architects or composers of world stature. Whatever culture it has is borrowed from Europe. The land lacks its own language, culture, and civilization. It has borrowed everything, generally debasing it by Americanizing it, never improving it. Americanization is a kind of kitschification that gives every cultural value an American stamp, turning a mature language into slang, the waltz into jazz, a work of literature into a crime story.
>If the Americans lacked money, they would probably be the most despised people in the world. Superiority is nowhere as annoying as with them. They naturally build the best airplanes and tanks, and by the hundreds of thousands. They have the best generals and soldiers, and their defeats are only proof of their intelligence in destroying the bravery of their enemies. Their president is a demigod, though he led the nation into an economic catastrophe from which he saw no way out other than war. They promised Europe a savior in 1917 and sent them a Wilson in 1919. They will repeat this great betrayal today if we do not prevent it. In short, it is a nation still a long way from being a nation, and a people that lacks the most important prerequisite for being a people, a clear style of life.



>Mongolian rape offspring

He's JIDF on a VPN.

Nice meme, Tyrone Gonsales.

>One feels the need to wash one’s hands after reading American newspapers. They are filled with intellectual filth, daily printing such stories as an announcement that a number of prisoners have formed “Fighters, Inc.,” and offered their services to the president. They were ready to fight in the ranks of the Allies against aggression. Mr. Roosevelt happily accepted their offer.
>Can anyone name a single country in Europe where the public would accept such a thing? There was not a word of protest in the U.S.A.
>So far, not a single U.S.A. soldier has set foot on foreign soil, but many have been chased back to U.S. soil in disgrace. After a siege of two or three weeks, an army of 60,000 men with munitions and food sufficient for six months gave up, leaving all of 600 dead behind. That does not bother its brilliant leadership in the least. Of course, it does not have a citizenry able to defend itself against such silly illusions. Everything is junk and make-believe. Everything is sensational. Public opinion can be kneaded like dough. It is a paradise for cunning Jews and businessmen who terrorize the people while flying the flag of democracy and citing Roosevelt’s Four Freedoms. Only in the U.S.A. is it possible for criminals to become world famous gangsters, the guests of mayors and police chiefs, who give interviews for journalists from newspapers with circulations in the millions in which they give their opinions on the questions of the day.

nah he's just a salty slav

every natsoc thread has one. its like a tradition

Kek go fuck a potato or drown in your sorrow, Mongolian serf


Go masturbate to your dead cuck niggerspawn.

>Mongolian rape offspring

Rape offspring = Evolutionary success, provided you have more than the usual number of kids.

>One glance at the world of Jewish newspapers immediately proves this, even to someone of the most ordinary intellect. Of course, the Jewish Echo (a Jewish newspaper) is not yet an official government journal, so in the mind of these government officials they have no need to read it.

yeah that's true, but most Russians in natsoc threads want to argue more directly, on the merits. JIDF only wants to bait infighting between white nations.

on banking---


on the Soviet Union---

>Jewry has always been a nation with definite racial characteristics and it has never been identified solely as a religion. Their need to advance in the world caused the Jew to search
for a method that would distract undesirable attention from its members. What could have been more effective and more innocent in appearance than a religious community? Even here, everything is borrowed, or rather stolen.

Also, I have trouble believing that any woke Slav alive today doesn't know what Jews did to his ancestors.

>The Jewish-Bolshevik Decimation of the Russian People
>Jewish financiers and the Russian Revolution
>Putin confirms, 85% Jews behind Bolshevism


The destruction of the Russian people by Bolshevism was the Jew's revenge, that is to say, the revenge of the fake-Jew converts, the Khazars, the Ashkenazim, for the Slav's destruction of their empire in ancient times.

>thread about nazi quotes
>post actual quotes
>S-stop triggering me! it was all faked by Jews! Muh Hitler loved my bastard cultureless master race


>>The Jew could never create a religious institution on his own because he lacks any form of idealism which would be needed to create such a cover. The lack of idealism means that a belief in any life hereafter is absolutely foreign to him. According to the Aryan concept, no religion could be conceived that lacks a belief in some form of life after death. In fact, the Talmud (the record of Jewish Law, ethics, customs, and history) is a book that explains how to prepare for a practical and prosperous life in this world and it says nothing about preparation for the hereafter.


>The Jewish religious teachings consist mainly of rules to keep the blood of Jews pure and to regulate the dealings of Jews among themselves and even more with the rest of the world, with the non-Jews. Even here, their rules consist of extremely petty economic guides and are not concerned with ethical problems. For a long time, there have been very detailed studies made which reviewed the moral value of Jewish religious teachings. These studies were certainly not made by Jews because the Jews twist their statements to suit their own purpose.

>The Aryans who conducted these studies found this kind of “religion” to be detestable. The clearest indication of what this religious education can produce is the Jew himself. His life is only concerned with this world and his inner spirit is as foreign to true Christianity as his nature was two thousand years ago to the great Founder of the new teaching Himself, Jesus Christ. Jesus made no secret of His feelings toward the Jewish people, and even used the whip to drive this rival out of the Lord’s temple. Even then, the Jewish religion was just a means to make money as a business. Christ was nailed to the cross for his intolerance of the Jews, while our present Christian political parties lower themselves in elections by begging for Jewish votes. Afterwards, they try to hatch deceitful political plots with the Jewish atheist parties and against its own nationality.

>Miscegenation illegal in Israel
>Jews push immigration to white nations
>Jewish Supremacism

those feels when I first saw this.

My parents were not nazi and I had a very normal childhood.

How fucking messed up the west must be for us to look back 80years ago on hitler and doubting if our countries made the right decision attacking him. Sometimes even wishing we could turn time back or even... oddly missing him.

Even my GF (to which i never speak about this) on occasion tells me stuff like 'you know hitler did x or y good things', 'the UK were not angels either'

love this one :)

>"On this first and biggest lie, that Jewry is not a race but a religion, the Jew builds subsequent lies. To him, language is not a way to express his thoughts, but a way to conceal them. When he speaks French, his thinking is Jewish. While he is fabricating German rhymes, nothing he says can be believed because he is just expressing the nature of his own race, that of the lie. As long as the Jew has not become the master of the other peoples, he must speak their languages, but the instant they become his slaves, they will have to learn an artificial universal language like Esperanto (Esperanto is an artificial international language based on word roots common in Europe) so that Jewry could rule them more easily."

hitler painting & poem

>Goebbels on Jewish Controlled Media
>Hitler Speech Censored in the United States



>The Haavara agreement - Germany created Israel
>Netanyahu clears Hitler, blames holohoax on Palestinians

excellent observation

>Benjamin Freedman on the causes of WW1 and WW2


That quote eerily describes Bernie Sanders.


>The whole existence of these people completely depends on one continuous lie and this is uniquely proven in the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion” (which is an antisemitic work outlining a plot by Jewish and Masonic elements to achieve world domination. Today the manuscript is known to be a forgery)that is so bitterly hated by the Jews. The Frankfurter Zeitung (the Frankfurt Newspaper) keeps groaning to the world they are a forgery which is the best proof that they are genuine. What many Jews wish to do unconsciously is consciously made clear here. It does not matter what Jewish mind these revelations come from. What matters is that they uncover the nature and activity of the Jewish people with absolutely horrible accuracy and show their inner connections, as well as their ultimate goal. This book shows how the Jewish mind works, and the activities described, as well as the methods, are characteristic of the Jewish people.

>The best test of the authenticity of these documents is by studying current events. Anyone who examines the historical development of the last hundred years with the revelations in this book will immediately understand why the Jewish press is so upset and denounces it constantly. Once the contents of this book have become general public knowledge, the Jewish threat can be considered destroyed.

>In order to know the Jew properly, it is best to study the road he has taken through other nations during recent centuries. It will be enough to follow through one example in order to fully understand. Since his career has always been the same, just as the peoples he devours have remained the same


hitler capitalism

>“’Socialist’ I define from the word ‘social’ meaning in the main ‘social equity’. A Socialist is one who serves the common good without giving up his individuality or personality or the product of his personal efficiency.
>Our adopted term ‘Socialist has nothing to do with Marxian Socialism. Marxism is anti-property; true socialism is not. Marxism places no value on the individual, or individual effort, of efficiency; true Socialism values the individual and encourages him in individual efficiency, at the same time holding that his interests as an individual must be in consonance with those of the community. All great inventions, discoveries, achievements were first the product of an individual brain. It is charged against me that I am against property, that I am an atheist. Both charges are false.”


Heil Hitlor

>The first Jew came to what is now Germany during the advance of the Romans. As always, they came as traders. During the turmoil resulting from the great migration of German tribes, they seemed to disappear again. Jews reappeared with the first formation of a Germanic state and this may be considered the beginning of the new, and this time permanent, Jew infiltration of Central and Northern Europe. The same process has occurred wherever Jewry came into contact with Aryan peoples.

>With the foundation of the first permanent settlement, the Jew is suddenly “there”. He appears as a trader at first and does not bother to hide his nationality. He lives openly as a Jew. This is evident because of the extreme physical racial difference between him and his hosts. His knowledge of the local languages is minimal, and the clannish nature of the local people is too strong for him to risk appearing to be anything but a foreign trader. With his cunning he knew his lack of experience in the host nation was no disadvantage, but rather an advantage, so it was in his interest to retain his character as a Jew. The stranger finds a friendly reception among his hosts.

>"Gradually he begins to take an active role in the local economy, but not as a producer. He acts solely as a middleman. His skillfulness has been a thousand years in the making, which altered his commercial cunning and negotiation skills so that they were far superior to the Aryans. The Aryans are still inexperienced and clumsy when it comes to business, but their honesty had no limits. Within a short time, trade threatens to be monopolized by the Jews. He begins by lending money at extremely high interest rates. He actually started the practice of charging interest on borrowed money. The danger of this new method of borrowing was not recognized at first and it was even welcomed for it provided short term advantages"

>The Jew settled down by this point and he now occupied a special section, his own market-places in the cities and towns, forming more and more of a state within a state. He viewed all trade and all money related business to be a privilege provided exclusively by him and he ruthlessly exploited it.

>Finance-related businesses and trade in goods have now become his private monopoly. His ridiculously high interest rates finally begin to arouse opposition. His growing boldness became offensive and his disrespect stirred resentment. His display of wealth further ignites envy. It is the last straw when he begins to include the very soil of the earth in his realm of profit and degrades land into a commodity to buy, trade and sell.

>He never cultivates the soil himself and regards it only as an object of development for profit. He allows the peasants to continue to live upon “his” property, but they must submit to the most wicked and excessive demands from their new master. The dislike of the Jew gradually rises until it becomes open hatred. His blood-sucking domination grows so extreme that the people ultimately resist his tyranny with violence.

>People scrutinized the alien more and more closely and they continued discovering new, disgusting traits and characteristics until the gap between the Jews and their hosts is too wide to be bridged.

Top bread fellas


>In times of great public distress, we see the hatred and rage against the Jew surface. The robbed masses take the law into their own hands and recover their property from the Jew which ruins him and frees themselves of what they believe is an affliction sent by God. In the course of centuries, they have come to know the Jew and in times of trouble, they saw his very existence as a danger like the plague.

>Now the Jew begins to reveal his true character. Using the disgusting tool of flattery, he pays homage to governments, puts his money to work to dig deeper into the community, and in this manner keeps his license to rob his victims. Even though the people’s rage against the perpetual leech often blazes up, that does not stop him from returning again a few years later in the same town and resuming his old life all over again. No amount of persecution changed his ways and he continued taking advantage of men. No matter how loudly the people shouted and yelled, no one could run him off.

>Every time the Jew is chased away, he soon returns and is up to his old tricks again. To prevent the very worst from happening, Jews were forbidden by law from possessing land.



As the power of the princes and kings grew, the Jew elbowed his way closer and closer to them. He begs for deeds to property and for special privileges. The noble lords were always facing financial problems which made it easy for him to obtain these courtesies once he has made satisfactory payment. It did not matter what this cost him because, within a few years, he knew he would receive his money back with interest compounded many times. This Jew is an absolute leech who fastens himself to the body of the unfortunate people where they cannot remove him. There he feeds until the princes need money again and, with their own dignified hands, they draw off the blood he has sucked from the people


Why couldn't Hitler have not killed literally 30 million Slavs then?


See It's not as if he didn't try.

>Hitler Honors Germany's International Army

>not the worst leader of Germany ever
>allied with Shitalians
>dragged into Africa because of that
>didn't decide to postpone Operation Barbarossa untill spring when it was delayed for 2 months
>declared war on the West while struggling with Communist mongols
>slept over the D-day
>all his dumb decisions eventually caused the great nation he made, to be almost completely obliterated
>millions of Germans killed, crippled and raped

All thanks to Shitler being a huge autist

And you faggots worship him like he's some diety

>This game keeps repeating itself. The role the German princes played is just as disgraceful as that of the Jews themselves. These rulers became the punishment of God on their dearly beloved people and we can still find their kind among the various government ministers of today. It is because of the German princes that the German nation could not free itself from the Jewish troublemaker. Unfortunately, this never changed, so they received a reward from the Jew that they had earned a thousand times over for the sins they committed against their people. They associated with the devil and later found themselves in his power.

You forgot to add that he killed your dog and bullied you in school.

>The Jewish entanglement of the princes soon leads to their own destruction. Slowly, but surely, their support among the people grows weaker as they cease to represent the people’s interests, and spend their time exploiting their subjects. The Jew carefully watched for the time when the princes would fall and when he sees it coming close, he does all he can to speed up the collapse. He feeds their constant financial problems by preventing them from honoring their true duty to the people, by boot licking and using the most blatant flattery, by introducing them to vices, and in the process he makes himself more and more indispensable. His skillfulness, or rather deceitfulness, in all financial matters succeeds in sweeping, no, I should say horsewhipping, new funds from the robbed subjects.

>These exploited subjects find themselves driven down the road to poverty faster and faster. Each court has its “Court Jews”, as the monsters are called, who torture the people to the point of hopelessness and arrange the endless pleasures of the princes. How can anyone be surprised that these “assets” of the human race receive official honors and climb into the upper class by joining their families, they not only make nobility look ridiculous, but they actually contaminate it from the inside.

>Please poor person gibsmedat to the gebsmedats, I mean amurricans :^)

>Women as caretakers is a sexist concept.

>Leon DeGrelle


>Now the Jew is in a better position, politically and socially, to push his own advancement forward. Finally, he allows himself to be baptized and in doing so he gains all the opportunities and rights of the native people. This act of “business” delights the churches which believe they have a new son of Faith among their flock, and this business also delights Israel (the Jewish people, not the country, the country did not exist yet) when they see the successful fraud they have accomplished.

Yeah, nah. Fuck off
There's a reason why Germany lost, and it's almost solely caused by Shitler being an incompetent fucktard. He should have just continued improving Germany and not bother with starting a fucking war, as it was honestly a pretty nice country to live in before the war.

>muh USSR would invade
No they wouldn't. They might try to retake Poland, but then, Germany could have made good relations with Poland by supporting them.

The West wouldn't have bothered if Germany decided to only invade the USSR. They actually had rather good diplomatic relations with Germany, especially the US.

But you see what this dumb sperglord did in the end
You can't defend this

>In the world of Jewry, a transformation now begins to take place. Up until now, they have been Jews. That is to say that they had no interest in appearing to be anything else, and, in fact, could not have done so considering the very pronounced racial characteristics which differentiated them from the native race. As late as the time of Frederick the Great (in the mid to late 1700’s), everyone regarded Jews as an “alien” people. Even Goethe(Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, a famous German writer) was horrified at the thought that someday, marriage between Christian and Jew may no longer be legally forbidden. Goethe, Heaven knows, was no extreme conservative and not against progress and certainly not a blind follower of philosophy. What he felt was nothing but the voice of blood and reason. His race’s blood and common sense spoke the truth to his ears.

>Now was the time for a change to take place. Over the course of more than a thousand years, the Jew has learned the language of his hosts so well that he shows his Judaism less and dares to put his “German” side in the foreground. As ridiculous and stupid as it may at first seem, he has the audacity to transform himself into a “Teuton” (an ancient German or a speaker of the German language) or an actual “German”. This was the beginning of one of the most notorious deceptions that can be imagined. Since he possesses none of the qualities of German character and can only abuse and twist its language and otherwise has never mixed with the Germans to absorb their character traits, his ability to pretend to have a German identity depends on his ability to emulate the language alone.

>Noel Ignatiev
>Mainstreaming white genocide

>A race is not bound by their language, but entirely by their blood. This is something the Jew knows better than anyone. The Jew doesn’t care about the preservation of his own language, but he does care deeply about the purity of his blood. A man may change languages and easily learn a new one, but his new language will only express his old ideas. His inner nature is not changed. The best proof of this is the Jew, who can speak a thousand languages, and yet his Jewish nature remains intact; he is the same Jew. His characteristics have always been the same, whether he spoke Latin two thousand years ago as a grain merchant at Ostia (Ostia Antica, an ancient Roman trading harbor city) or mumbles German gibberish today as a middle man pushing adulterated flour. It is still the same Jew.

Please keep going. I'm learning so much because of you.

Any essential reading recommendations to, as an introduction, really help me understand the Jew situation?

>The reason why the Jew suddenly decides to become a “German” is obvious. He feels the power of the princes slowly beginning to waver, and acts to strengthen his own standing. His financial domination over the entire economic system has already advanced to a point that it can grow no further until he gains the full rights of a citizen. He can no longer support the entire enormous structure and his influence cannot increase anymore without this critical piece. But not only does he want to preserve what he has, he wants to expand further. The higher he climbs, the more tempting his old goal becomes, just as it was promised to him in ancient times. With intense greed and wide eyes, his alert mind sees the dream coming within reach again; the dream of ruling the world. All his efforts are directed towards becoming a full citizen which gives him full possession of civil and political rights.

>This is why he cleansed himself from the Jewish Ghetto--so he could become a full citizen.

Taken by a Hitler speech. Still, gutt, mein freund :^)

>Any essential reading recommendations

Watch this:
>Endgame - White Genocide

ᛋᛋ - BOOKS

>A. James Gregor - Mussolini's Intellectuals
>The Triumph of Reason - The Thinking Man's Adolf Hitler by Michael Walsh

>Adolf Ehrt - Communism in Germany
>Adolf Ehrt - Bewaffnetter Aufstand!

>Gottfried Feder - The Program Of The NSDAP The National Socialist Workers' Party And Its General Conceptions
>Gottfried Feder - Das Programm der NSDAP (Deutsch)
>Gottfried Feder - Manifesto For The Abolition Of Interest Slavery
>Gottfried Feder The German State On A National And Socialist Foundation

>Arthur Bryant - Unfinished Victory (1940)
>Prominent British historian writes a fairly objective prehistory of WWII

>William Joyce – Twilight Over England
>Twilight Over England compared the evils of Jewish-dominated capitalist Britain with the successes of National Socialist Germany.

>Politically Incorrect Books Archive:!B4dB2SzQ!h_pMC30v2a_y31iD0dy0sg
>Antimony Group Right-Wing Archive
>Archive backup torrent backup - December 2015.torrent