What's keeping you from killing yourself, Sup Forums?

What's keeping you from killing yourself, Sup Forums?

My will to live.

The fear of reincarnation on touhou universe as satori.

i have no arms or legs

im a masochist and i like the constant emotional pain that day to day living gives me.

a survival instinct that had been engrained in us through hundreds of millions of years of evolution

a good suicide note, ideas?

my parents will suffer

My incredible laziness and apathy towards doing anything. I'm just a shell taking one day at a time now.

The fact that I haven't got my will and shit sorted, and I need to take my ex wife off my life insurance policy. Next week, I'll be good to go.

yo momma

because i kinda enjoy life. it might be meh some times but i like it

"I have to go now. My planet needs me. (user died on the way to his home planet)"

Being too much of a pussy

At least two living beings love me, not including myself.

something better

Dont need to take her off. Most life insurance policies dont cover suicide for fraud reasons. Be sure to write suicide note and make it messy.

Hours long masturbation sessions

Also a generally great life


I had a baby

Not much. Wanting to do it with massive heroin OD but can't find any in my area.

Plus I live with my gf so I'm trying to make it to the end of our lease so she isn't on the hook for all the rent.

I dont know.
Maybe have lore of astral plane?

It'll look pretty accidental. I wanna leave something for my brother and his kids. Motorcycle accident, it WILL be messy. Don't worry.

God trips!
Satan trips.
Same thread!

Wanna make music, Sell Out,Get pussy, Fuck all 14 year old girl fans, Get Trap GF, Marry her. Kill self and make it mysterious as fuck.


plump anime thighs covered in thigh highs.

A will would be enforced no matter cause of death, for life insurance payout it would have to look really legit. Any alcohol or drugs in your system at time of an at fault vehicle accident could be seen as intentional or be against something in the insurance agreement.

funny because I want to do it so they'll suffer :/

My dad did it. I got 140 grand ten years ago. I know damn well it was suicide. Accidents happen dude.

The hope that one day I might get to bury my face into thighs like those.

every trolling account I have

Right now, I don't really want to die.

Things are going alright. I have an ok-ish job, friends that care about me, and I'm doing alright. I plan on going back to school sometime next year, and things can only get better from there.

I know it can't last forever, though. I never want to wake up and know, beyond any doubt, that the best part of my life was already over. I don't want to drag on until I end up a retarded cripple. If I can just run out of tomorrows while tomorrow is still worth living for, I'll die a happy man. I'm afraid it won't be so simple, though. If it comes down to it, I might need help. I'm afraid that when the time comes, I will be too weak or too stupid to do the deed. I hope that someone will love me enough to help me load my pistol if my hands shake too much to handle the cartridge. I hope that someone will help me remember how far I've fallen so that I can at least die a man instead of dragging on a hollow shell.

>32 year old mom sucking/fucking my dick whenever I tell her to
>Good job that pays $22 hourly with 2 weeks paid vacation and great health benefits
>Good Grades in College
>Wonderful Garden of peppers and shit
>Sleep enough, don't drink and smoke as much
>Paint and play music that relaxes me
>Not as negative as I used, because it served no benefit to me or to her around me

joining this Jujutsu dojo saved me.

blame someone you hardly know.

that sounds good, makes sense

2 weeks paid vacation, wooooo, look at you
>4 weeks is the legal minimum here
>murica and it's shitty workers rights

on the other hand your minimum wage is like basement level.

meh a near death experience kind of put me off to doing it. if i try and fail doing it. i was in a lot of misery in the hospital and rehab place. i came a long way man. my right arm and leg didn't move to working just kind of slow at it.

Honestly I don't know /brother, I guess I'm just hoping for the future. The memes and weed helps.

Daily anal masturbation with orgasm after orgasm after orgasm etc. until I'm completely exhausted from pleasure.

It motivates me to exercise more so I can have more energy to fuck myself or get fucked like that.

The fact that jews rule this earth if i kill myself there is 1 person less to redpill young people.

I would rather take as many people as I can out with me. My one purpose in life is to cause as much pain as humanly possible and I don't have what I need to achieve said goals yet.