Get compfy lads

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>all those jews

The choice is yours: Fear or Freedom

>first few mins in
"This may be the last voice we have on our EU membership..... as Brits"

Fucking madman

Are we all Europeans now? Or are we British? which is preferred?

Oh, you interpreted it that way. I thought he was referring to getting ethnically washed with immigrants

Those immigrants are Europeans now too. Food for thought when choosing.

Messaged the vimeo moderators to remove this. Hope it works as well as it did last time I did.

I'd like to say FU to the EU. But I am convinced retards, well women actually, will be keeping us in... :(

Well done, Leave folks.

I can only wish that our politicians, on all sides, could be this clear in their messaging.

It's pretty damn powerful. It's like Trump inspired some charismatic politics in the whole world.


It's not supporting the enemy, it's being a partisan, so I got your back. Upvoting now.

Don't forget your new "working" class.


Yeah, you kind of have to say bad things about it if you mention it here else you'll get hundreds of 15 year olds who can only comment on the fact you mentioned another website, rather than what you said.

Seems like these pro-Brexit people interviewed are Neoliberals that would love shit like TTIP. The markets bought our democracy.

It's on r/documentaries.

I've found it in /unitedkingdom and /ukpolitics but it's doing poorly, maybe it will surge another day.

This is a fantastic film.

Fuck the EU

I saw a thread earlier about this movie. It was deleted by youtube because it is racist apparently. Like what the fuck.

Nah, it was a music copyright issue, you should know all about that GEMA.

>mfw scotland, wales and northern ireland will probably cuck us out of a brexit

Bureaucratic bullshit stopping you from seeing a movie about bureaucratic bullshit.


Well, it was pushing the limits as much as it could. But then again, the issue here, in the end of the day, has a major connection with race problems, so why avoid the topic?

how did you uplaods to jewtube sucessfully?

I'd be happy if they got their freedom, fuck those cunts.

I thought it was okay until they brought up the points relating to regulations of the EU. The examples they provided to argue against regulations in manufacturing were awful.


What, you do not want regulations for what is put into tooth paste? Want to leave that up to a private entity?

That was fairly stupid.

I hope this is being broadcast on TV there?

You know what's fucking painful?

Watching this movie, and then realising we'll quite possibly vote to stay.

I really hope we leave, I will be very, very, sad if we don't. Staying will literally be like begging to remain slaves.

Watches the whole thing.

The only bullshit part was where they claimed Britain's economy failed due to government regulations....and then praised China's economy.

Shut the fuck up, we aren't all SNP-voting cucks

If you're the sort of retard that supports "fucking the cucks", you're just as bad as independence voters. Either way you both support the destruction of the union

Hahaha! Good one!

The media would never allow something like this to air here.

A group is defined by it's majority and the scottish people spoke when they elected that bull dyke.
Get your act teogether

The laws governing toothpaste are expansive, vague, nonsensical and almost impossible to comply with.

There will never be a better toothpaste in EU due to this.

Basic "it can't have arsenic in it" is very different than what regulations are in place.

that's not the way to greentext newpal

If we vote to stay we have 3 options. Suicide, Fight - like actually fight, or leave for Oz.

The majority of Wales is OUT don't know about the other two though

So when England elects labour what does that mean?

There are two kinds of regulations:

- regulations to make sure products are safe.

- regulations to make it harder for non-EU countries to export goods to the EU.

The core of the problem is the EU is mixing up the two.
Which makes it very hard to abolish the 2nd kind when they are no longer relevant.

One example: if you buy a DSLR it will have a 29 minute video recording limit. - this was a regulation to prevent Japanese VCR makers from competing with the booming European VCR market. all you millennials will probably wonder what a VCR is.

I don't think so, but they have made a big show out of it's release and it's being aired in one of London's main cinemas.

I agree. China's power is concentrated in a handful of top officials, who can pimp the budget wherever they need, which is why they can do massive ambitious projects like cross-continent bullet trains and rebuilding the silk road network.

If a handful Eurocucks had this much power over Europe... dear Christ...

Democracy ruled by people and empire building seem somewhat mutually exclusive, sadly, but you won't find either in the EU.

We need to get out of the EU immediately.

> all you millennials will probably wonder what a VCR is.

Millennial extends back to born in the 80s m8. Yes we know what a video tape is (well, us older ones).

I really hope the brits actually vote yes and then this shit heap of bureaucratic decadence called EU crashes.

Bureaucrats pants from EU are Shaking from all Shit they Shat from seeing this movie.

Just imagine how much Wankers in bureaus will lose their job and have to actually do something productive.

Jesus FUCKING CHRIST I can't explain how much I hate these fuckers, they are primary reason Economy is shit with all their retarded rules and regulations. Playing god with paper and pen.

So do we m8. Though you're preaching to the choir here. It depends on the normies.

Alot of those are pakis and foreigners

Don't forget conveniently forgetting about the ECSC

Praising the German miracle in free trade...yet still kicking ass today with supposedly suffocating regulations.

Heh. A lot of them are also the old industrial areas of the north etc (same reason Glasgow is Labour land). Can't blame it all on the wogs.

in theory.

in practice there is one type of regulation. that which empowers companies that are already established to gain an advantage over any competition that now has to deal with this regulation at the start

and no, they aren't dealing with "aw man I can't put rats in the tacos how can I compete?"

its "pay 5000 dollars for a piece of paper and put all the rats and horsemeat you want, tesco"

And Germany is also heavily regulated.
It's a lie that they are some kind of free market paradise.

Germany does so well simply because they work hard.
And having to re-build means you're forced to modernize - which can be good on the long run.

That might be how it works in America.

In Europe we also have strong lobbies from health groups, not just from corporations.
This is also why we are so weary about TTIP and having to adopt America's lower food standards.

That said, we don't need the EU to implement those health regulations.
In fact it's easier on a national level.

>Germany does so well simply because they work hard
that's half-meme, they also benefit a lot from trade imbalances created by the Euro

Shit, off topic, where's the question time thread ?

we don't even have tesco in america

I specifically tailored my example to point out that regulation in europe, is shit

That's like saying Real Madrid is the most successful football club because they made the game fair.

I have no idea what a tesco is.

It's a cheese shop

Here you go lad

>It is the third largest retailer in the world measured by profits and second-largest retailer in the world measured by revenues.

what is it like living under a rock

this documentary right up until it spoke against tariffs on chinese goods.

i think america should do that too

had me right up until*

Yup. Tata steel crisis blows that argument wide open.

what the fuck
why were we trying to get into eu so much then?

So apparently it's a British chain.
Thought it was American, sorry.

So you're saying a British firm gets to mislabel their food items?
Because you're wrong.

Bennies and retirement plan for Turkish political elite

So that you(r country) can destroy it (Yurop) more easily

Got your attention

You're aren't really trying.

For starters you can't keep jailing journalists if you want to join the EU.

My guess is Erdogan can win back some votes from the Kemalists by pretending to be open to Europe.

>You're aren't


This was so fucking based omg

free trade with the US would be pretty dope though, we're consumers... i've always imagined we would buy the shit out of Jags if they weren't marked up 20+% and even more on parts

>winning votes from kemalists
He already hit his ceiling man, he can't win any more votes


Spread this faggots,. Like we did with open gates

I really find it hard to believe someone could watch this and support remaining in the EU, if this gets out there I think we might win.

I agree we need a campaign to spread this like wildfire.

1st post is best post

Jewtube link:

I'll help spread it if there's a plan.

They just won't watch because they know they'd get convinced

There's a lot of people that would like to hear arguments laid out for them, this does that very well.

Good film for normies.

Had a lot of contradictory shit in it, but the salient argument is fine and true.

>Had a lot of contradictory shit in it, but the salient argument is fine and true
What was the contradictory stuff? I didn't really notice anything glaring off the top of my head.

It's time for freedom.