Found this baby bird laying on the floor outside,what do I do with it?

Found this baby bird laying on the floor outside,what do I do with it?

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>on the floor outside
you fucking moron

jizz on it

do floors not exist outside or something

Please be nice to it :( bring it to the vet and ask them.

Take a shit on it.

Put it in a box with something soft (dried grass works) it won't eat and a bottlecap or something filled with water and and bring it to an animal care or whatever they are called in English. Ideally a clear plastic box. Also don't forget the vents. Try not to touch it all the time, that just stresses the little guy out.

Put your dick in its mouth


stick it up your ass


Its old enough to survive alone.
I have a master in biology

Don't be a dick to it. The nest is probably where you found it, and the whole thing about the mom not wanting it back if it's been touched is bullshit.

let it free

Regurgitate into its mouth

This, why the fuck do you guys have to try and be so edgy all the time

just let him be

Shower it. It smells like shit

It's a fledgling. Put it back or it will die in your care from stress. The parents are still watching it at that stage in development.

please OP

Before that, look if there is a nest it has fallen out of. If yes, wait until the parents are away and put it back in there. If you can't, set it in the branches of the tree with the nest and wait. It will cry for it's mother, and if you're lucky they'll come and get him. If nothing happened after 12h, do what I said first.


Found a birb last year and asked what to do with it on infinitechan

Ended up sticking its head in my foreskin, Cumming on it then biting its head off

If dubs pick one

Birds are not that important

Put the head of the bird in your asshole.

No. They do not. It's called a ground.

Sacrafice it to Satan.

Put it back outside. Its parents are still taking care of it.

Drown it in brandy, roast it, and eat it whole.

Fuck birds

Never mind, found the nest in my garage, figured it fell off form there so I put it back. Nice and comfy.

Dubs decided

Fucking faggot.

thanks dude

Pure autism.

Have you never heard of someone installing hard flooring for outside?

You did the right thing, user.

It's this creatures first chance at life.

Let him have it, don't be a psychopath.

Yeeeeaaah boiiiii

please take it back and shit on it like a real man you fucking faggot

>Put your dick in its mouth


Thanks mate, it's nice to know there are good people even on this hub of degeneracy.

now jizz on it


I have marble flooring in the garage. Everybody has it here, so it is floor.

Do whatever the FUCK you wanna do with it. If I was you I would keep it as a pet.

I second this.

Raise it and have a little bird Friend. I had 2 in my life. It's really nice


Put the bird inside your foreskin. Take a pic.

Thank you very much user

good job OP, thanks for not listening to the mentally handicapped anons :)

please bring it back to its nest. if it is in contact with your skin too much it will lose its natural scent and its mother will reject it, leaving it to either die in the wild or be kept by you out of its habitat.

thank god

Were there any more birds in the nest? Please keep your eye on it to see if parents come back to it or abandon the nest/baby because of too much human contact. If so, you might still need to take care of the small thing yourself / take him to animal care center :)

Surprisingly not many people know this, but birds live on the ground for about a week learning to forage and fly. If the bird has flight feathers (which yours does) it's best to stick it in a bush or something.