Sleeping wife guy from other night. Convinced her to sleep naked. Taking request to verify proof...

Sleeping wife guy from other night. Convinced her to sleep naked. Taking request to verify proof. No writing on her no props.




Tips when she rolls over

Tits** when she rolls over

timestamp on paper faggot


Spread them lips m8

Going to see if I can get her wet






Ugh, you filthy beast, dont put those nasty dirty fingers in her. Clean your fingernails cmon dude thats fucking gross. People notice that and you seem like you've been digging with your hands. It isn't hard to keep yourself clean, your wife will like you more and you won't disgust people around you.


lol. I'm giving OP an advice. Also his wife would appreciate it more, sticking dirty fingers/dicks into a vagina can result in an infection.

No writing on her.
No props
No proof.

Welcome to Sup Forums, newfriend!

hell yeah. continue

Put a pillow on her back

WAIT dont welcome him yet..... he may be a faggot

Actually, this is a useful tool for verification. Clean your nails and post more.