This has to be the last straw...

This has to be the last straw. Trump is now met with Putin and didn’t call him out for hacking our elections and even wants to cooperate with them on cybersecurity:

Welcome to being a client state of Russia. Circa 2017. He is letting the Fox, Putin and his gangster hackers, into the US security henhouse, so that they can steal and use, or alter to malicious effect, anything on any American computer. The Art of the Kneel. Seems like 476 AD. This is treason plain and simple. This smacks of Chamberlain at Munich. Welcome to the fourth reich. This country is in danger of disappearing from the world’s democracies. I want to scream HELP! This is beyond serious. I think Russia’s more ambitious goal is to start a civil war in the United States. And Tillerson is right there, delivering America to Russia just as our most paranoid thoughts suggested he would.

This should be the impetus that gets Congress started on removing trumpy from office. Mueller and the Senate Intel comittee need to subpoena Donnie's tax returns. This is payback and quid pro quo….there is no other explanation! If someone can’t stop them we’ll never have another fair and honest election for at least a generation.

America deserve all the bad things that are going to happen to them from now on, handing your security to foreign nations doesn't look like a wise desition to anyone with common sense.
>But they are white like us.
enjoy your socialism America.

































































































