anyone who disagrees is trolling.

Other urls found in this thread:


u play teemo in ranked wtf do u expect to cockroach

Play a champ who has CC and/or can snowball

ur fucking trash and u should be B5
play champs

Your farm is shit. You deserve your ELO

you are a chieftan of elo hell faggot, wake up and realize your lot in this world

I dont understand how people can be so bad that they drop to bronze 5. The game is so easy and you are bad at it, end your pathetic life

alos u were lanning vs tryn who can only auto attack
and u have a blind
ur not good u just played a counter

Fucking play real champs u scrub

>95 farm
>25 min playing the fucking game
you are a pice of shit

master the teemo and win every game, enjoy

regardless of what you think I am better than the people I am queue'd with and their is a systemic problem

I was against yorick and I wrecked him, I told MF to switch with me and just farm top under tower, she fed more of course, by then the game was over

> weak ass fag
> can't see his mistake
> blame ....
> there is no ELO HELL
> L2P

>vs tryhardmere
dear lord kill yourself couldn't even carry the fuckin' game , you are tryharmere counter, you deserve the elo you are in.


I got out of Bronze V to Bronze II in like a week bro, spammed warwick & riven all the way.

60 min game
look at your CS
is this for real ?

vs yorick noob

support noob

> 23 mins
> 12 CS
What the fuck man...

>teemo support
really ?
you are part of the problem op, you made the elo hell

1) shit cs
2) shit kda
3) shit champ
4) shit bait
5) shit elo
6) shit w/r
7) how the fuck do people get into bronze i literally lost half of my placements my first season and got placed Silver I

he plays teemo any role, and CS like shit, and expect better, aaayyyyyy

screen ur wards placed then we'll see

support teemo, and KS all game long....

elo hell is real

Game 1
>95 cs
>Yas jg
>They had no jg
Game 2
>Teemo sup enough said
Game 3
>Teemo sup again.kys.
>No enemy adc

You're just fucking bad kiddo.L2play.

shitty bait thread go to bed kiddo

Support with no support item jeez

stop playing cringy anime games and go outside you 12 year old goblin.


95 cs at 25 min...

>been bronze since s2....

do you want me to boost you? I can do it for free i feel bad for you

I dont let people play my account

You wouldn't be in "elo hell" if you played a carry champ and not teemo. Learning how to cancel is viable too

never play ranked because I feel it adds stress to a video game. tired of everyone saying im bronze scum even when I'm doing far better than them. Saying I'm bad because I'm unranked. Do my placements and get B1 first attempt. play a few games and now I'm in my series.
Ranked doesnt mean your good. This shits easy.
Knowing game mechanics > Rank
also learn how to carry a team fight as a support and not ks all game.

tl:dr if you're going to support you need to support team. Support role is important and not a variable slot for a potential additional carry. Providing vision for your team and denying enemy objectives wins games.
But hey, I only main the support role because I know how valuable it can be. Unlike yourself apparently.

learn more champs than just one. being A+ with 5 champs is better than S++ with just one.

lol I play conventional supports too jackass and I dont need your advice

inb4 thats why I'm bronze

that is why you are bronze. You dont seem to know how to play the role so you under perform. Loose. then blame ELO hell for a lack of skill.

dont assume shit retard


champ mastery legitimately mean jack all. I mainly play aram (almost 3k games played) and have 5 mastery with at least 30 champs just from mass playing alone. Why do you think all those champion 7 mastery rivens go 4/23?
Skill =/= champion mastery

holy hell, youre not just bad, youre in denial. Ok kiddo, keep thinking elo hell exists and its not because you lack skill in the game. stay bad and stay bronze. Hope to see you in game. ez pz elo


Stay bronze son

damn you can't really CS at all can you? like what the hell how are you so bad? Was unaware ELO hell affected your ability to cs

i dont feed, my team does

you are dodging the truth that I'm the best player on my team

this is the problem, this is elo hell

if you have something legitimate to say than say it, you are the one "denying" the obviousness of that screenshot in which zed fed akali and threw the game. Now you are embarassed, just stop posting.

there's no excuse for being bronze 5, most people in that tier play like fucking bots.
if you aren't good enough to solo carry in b5, you aren't good enough to get out either

Well I get that OP is trolling, but elo hell is kinda a thing. I remember first starting to play ranked and having three afks in a row in my games to establish my starting rank. When bronze 5's get pissed off, what do they lose by trolling the people trying to rank out of bronze? Oooh they're going to lose their 0LP? Ooooh they'll be banned from their bronze 5 account for a week? Sure I guess statistically if you grind to fuck you will climb just because you need like a 51% winrate to climb. Shit is still pretty gay and toxic. The worst part of it all is when the 0/7 Zed starts running it down mid because someone pinged him for not playing it cool his team gets chat restricted when they call him a dick for ruining their fun.

What a fucking retard. Playing teemo, can't cs for shit, and tries to blame team for being terrible at the game? There's no such thing as elo hell. it feels like hell because you're shit and can't advance past it. It's where you belong.

my support cs is bad? thats why im bronze?

you must be one of the retards I get queue'd with

bots are significantly better than the trolls feeders and afks that I'm stuck with

yeah seeing how my support cs is better than your adc cs. you are bad, trolling and I'm done. learn to git gud. stop being shit at such an easy game.

Learn to play champs that except 1v9 ex. Warwick, xin, fizz, Ori, Viktor, akali, Katarina, or if u insist on playing support pick up thresh or blitz, something that no matter how shit ur adc is u still carry, and never play lux/teemo support ur just throwing away those games, I'm not good either I'm stuck in silver but I don't blame my problems on elo hell

oh im sorry, I didnt know you were mentally handicapped

Why do people even play this shitty game anymore?

1. You're playing the worst fucking supports in the game.
2. You're still shit even when playing the easiest roll.
3. You're stealing kills from your carry as a SUPPORT.
4. You're in denial that you're shit, and blame your team for your awful ability.
5. kys

>playing games designed for morons
>lol, dota 2, cs, wow...

you forgot overwatch and pretty much any other online game

Id have to agree. But the olny argument ive heard that holds water is that if you are good enough to not be bronze, you will work you way out of it.

Ive personaly never played ranked seriously until this year. And with the little amount of time ive had to grind. Ive gone from b5 to b2. So maybe their is some water to the counter.

What i can assure you is that you need to start bei g able to carry games 20/3/9 to think you are doing well enough to climb.

Its not enough to win your lane anymore. Its 1v9 or die. Meaning if you are not actively and consistantly A.)Win lane, and B.)spreading that advantage.

You will not climb.

this is true, but its not proof that elo hell isnt real, its actually part of the reason that it exists

you shouldnt have to go 1v9 just to get to S5, thats unreasonable

I mean let's say you're just getting into ranked, which will guarantee a starting rank of Bronze 2ish iirc. Now is saying "if you are not skilled enough to single-handedly carry enough games to rank up multiple times you deserve to be a bronzie" is a fair statement? I hear this line of thinking all the time and I just can't justify saying being unable to consistently win 1v5s against bronzes means you deserve to be bronze.

I agree. I just had to play a regular draft against a plat and we won cause of team work. But that guy should Not have been in our game. And i would say just proves how crap the match making system is.

That is absolutely wrong, everyone deserves their elo. Once you are good enough to climb, you will climb.

But id also say that with how complex this game has become. Understanding how good some people really are is hard to tell. If i had Not scouted that guy out and had Not had years of playing (even withiut ranked), he could have easliy carried his team.

It was an extreamly tough match. Even focusing him the entire game. So there is no doubt in my mind that you need to be exceptional to climb. Even out of bronze.

Think about the fact that over 90% of players are not taking the game seriouly and can get dumpstered by anyone with even a little game knowledge.

Move to silver and you are now in what the top like 50%? Thats a huge gap. You have to have a good amount of skill to bridge that gap. Even more so for gold, and so on.

Why do you think there are so few challenger players?

either play dota or hots, not the inbetween

its the design of ranked and mmr

the fact that you have to win an absurdly high percentage of games to climb (I need a %75 winrate for example) is keeping the majority of people in sivler and bronze, literally %70-80 of the players are at the bottom. there are so many things wrong with this system

lol this is so wrong... every pic on here has a negative win rate ( and a pretty significant one) and it should come as no surprise on why you're that low of elo

All i can speak for is my own account. I only ever played enough ranked to get my placement matches done and see my rank. I was always silver. Then last year i was put bronze after getting teolled really heard going 2/8. This year was no better....... but like i said, this is the first year ive actually tried to climb.

Now i am just over 100 games into ranked and i have climbed for from b5 to b2.

Im sitting at about a 51% win ratio, and have climbed 3 brackets...

So i cant speak for others, but..... if you are going 20/2 on fizz to help hard carry your team. You will have a better chance of climbing.

70% win rate? Idk about that. Id juat say if you can manage a 50% win rate you can climb. At least i have....

This thread is stupid. youtu.be/SaxFyrw5JhM

>hot girl
>landwhale in training with a fucked up shoulder