When will America apologize for Hiroshima and Nagasaki?

I've just learned that Obama is going to Hiroshima but has announced he won't be apologising. OK, Whatever, I think its a shitty thing to do and shows a weakness and lack of humility since it was a war crime in everyones eyes but if that is what he wants to do then fine. The question is, WHEN will America apologise? A decade from now? On the 100th anniversary? When everyone who was there is dead? It needs to be done eventually.

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we didn't want to kill our men

war is war

even then, that crazy shit radiation indirectly brought us anime

We are still handing out purple hearts prepared for the invasion of mainland Japan.

Let that sink in, you limey redcoat fuck.

the real question is: does Japan even give a shit?
and not some small little group of gooks wanting a "sorry", I mean the entire nation and all it's peoples
do the vast majority of them absolutely demand an apology?
if not, why bother? a "sorry" does nothing for no one

He tried to at the start of his presidency and the Japanese told him to shut the fuck up.


They don't care because the citizens didn't like the Imperialistic government, and they are honorable enough to accept defeat.

Have they apologized for Pearl Harbor?

That bow is full on cuck
As has been proven many times on this board, if we really wanted to fuck Japan, we would have dropped nigs, not nukes.

Here we go again.

Another "japan did nothing wrong and didn't deserve the bombs" meme.

>implying the japs have apologized for their much worse war crimes

America apologizes for nothing.

One of their many faults. Humility and remorse for terrible things show strength and conviction, steadfast defense of war crimes out of pride is a weak stance.

nukes are a hoax

who tf says that? Japan acknowledges that they were on the wrong for WW2.

>i don't know what a war crime is

That's some shit tier bait right there.

just like i dont think the japs need to apologize for nanking and comfort women.
albeit, the nukes had more justification than comfort women and such.

Why would Obama apologize for something he didn't do?

We did them a favor.

Could you imagine a world without Godzilla?

Where's the shop of him bowing all the way to his feet?

>apologizing for things youre not at fault

Do people do this?

same day you apologize for the Falklands


Why should they?

Americans shouldn't apologize to us. They should apologize to their ancestors for letting their nation be overrun by cucks and spics.

when will they apologize for iwo jima, the rape of nanking, and pearl harbor? :^)

That's funny how the japanese today praise America and think that the US is like their elder brother while they mostly know about the american bombings
Japs are so illogical


Hiro Nagasushi gets it

America did help rebuild their country after bombing it into the ground.

>When will America apologize for Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
Why should we apologize for winning, Muhammed?

Hopefully never.

This, desu.

Why can't everyone on this board be as based as the nipposters?

>America did help rebuild their country
How exactly, can you explain?

you 80IQ ruskie dont get japs
theycoming from the back like pearl harbor

Dude your country is less then a shadow of it's former self because you let libs and weaklings walk all over you. Being soft gets you nowhere.

Because that's the progressive thing to do. Winning is a cisnormative heteropatriarchal construct of whiteness and you should feel bad about it.

we gave them lots of money and used our soldiers to help reconstruct their infrastructure and buildings.

are you joking Ivan? We occupied and rebuilt them until the 1960's. We're still there ready to defend them since we cucked their army size

2 bombs weren't enough.

Lots of money and materials, same with Germoney. Passed a bunch of economic reforms too.

They don't even want us to apologize
Why the fuck would we do it when even they don't want us to?
Also Nippon is our oldest and greatest ally, no way in hell there is any bad blood between us

>Why did you bomb us, USA?
>Why do cruel and unforgiving?
>Why USA?
>The screams..the screams
>I still hear them

was godzilla a metaphor for the nukes?

It was necessary, the Japanese had a religion that made them think they where superior to all and the world belonged to them. Without the extremely demoralizing effect of the nuclear attack which killed their faith they would have never stopped.

In the end Japan improved greatly as a result of the nukes and they where able to join the winning team (the west).

Now if only we could do something like that to Islam....

Bull fucking shit they do.


>cisnormative heteropatriarchal
>mfw I've heard that exact combination of words used in conversations with anthropology students.

You laugh, but they actually do talk like this.

We rebuild every country we bulldoze through.

From 1945-1952 Japan was an occupied territory of the U.S under reconstruction.

But Germany doesn't treat America like the japanese do

Fucking this, before the nukes the japs were animals

It was for the best any way you look at it

That wasn't a war crime.

Still butthurt over 1905, Ivan?

Lad Germony's head might not be as far up America's ass as Japan's, but it's still up there.

You high, boy?
We QUITE FUCKING LITERALLY went over there and rebuilt Japan brick by goddamn brick.

Good lord put that tinfoil on tighter.

Or you could take some physics courses for free.

Mexico needs a couple of them too. If only we could pinpoint where all them cartels are and zero on in

>war crime
japan dindu nuffin

>Apologising for something that happened in the same war as Nanking and all the shit Japan did too
No. Leave it as it was, and move on with both countries the better for it.

Throw them at rio de janeiro and the whole northeast Brazil pls

>literally eating up propaganda
There wasn't going to be a land invasion

>Gave them a post war economic miracle aka "the bubble"
>Gave them our animation expertise via Disney allowing them to go on and create anime which fuels their economy and tourism
>Were damn lucky we even allowed them to have a military at all, JSDF is even being allowed to expand due to worries over upcoming war
>Put the whole blowing up our harbor thing under the water and said "let's be allies"
>Paid and compensated all the Japanese held in our internment camps
As far as I'm concerned we paid our dues and kept casualties to a minimum.

So sad that our grandparents laid down their lives so that people like OP can be such useless faggots. What an absolutely useless, grating, whining, loser generation Obama had spawned.

That's what makes it funnier, it's literally just buzzword soup And also depressing

It's too bad identity politics academics just about aggressively drove out every right leaning academic in Social Sciences which led us to the crap anti-intellectual departments we have today

Does the GDR ring a bell

If we had flattened the Red Army like Patton wanted and taken the whole fucking country they might be a bit more friendly and dicksuckish.

What happened in 1905? Bourgois revolution? How is this connected?

>Obama has spawned


>apologizing for something you didn't do

Sounds pretty British to me.

Godzilla was yeah, it was created due to radiation and inspired by the bombs and this
>Daigo Fukuryū Maru (第五福龍丸?, S.S. Lucky Dragon 5) was a Japanese tuna fishing boat, with a crew of 23 men, which was exposed to, and contaminated by, nuclear fallout from the United States's Castle Bravo thermonuclear device test on Bikini Atoll, on March 1, 1954.

The crew suffered acute radiation syndrome (ARS) for a number of weeks after the Bravo test in March, and Aikichi Kuboyama, the boat's chief radioman, died less than seven months later on September 23, 1954, of secondary infection.

Mishima was gay and a madman

Killing civilians en masse is the only way to break the will of a highly dominant aggressor.

So everyone knew about Manhattan then?

Why did we waste so much time building P-51H's and our own V1 copies? Why did we mint enough Purple Hearts to last until 2083? Why were we massing an absolutely buttfucking mind-boggling amount of men and materiel right at mainland japan?

Propaganda it was not. They simply told nobody about the bombs until they were ready to deploy and scrapped the invasion plans out of hand. Please learn what actually happened.


> let that sink in
Leddits down the corridor and to the left m8, get your TIL on.

after the japs apologize for committing the biggest genocide in history against the chinese in wwii


What would apologizing do? Turn back time so the bombs wouldn't be dropped?

Winners don't have to apologize to the losers you English cuck.

Why the fuck would you apologize for catalyzing the surrender of Japan?
We saved American lives by bombing Hiroshima and Nagasaki
In war there should be no limits to the cost of saving the lives of your own citizens

>what you mean entire navy sunk and captured in greatest shame of century you speak of crazy amerikansk

Get fucked zipperhead

This. This is now why Japan is now bro tier. At least they can see how we went from Alpha to beta cuck joke nation.

We kicked their asses later

Just fucking send Trudeau, he already apologized for some rapefugee ship that got told to fuck off, back in 1914 ffs. This cunt will bend over for anything.


You already started one thread about this, but ok..


Yet when on an even footing with them you lost like you don't even know what your ass is, let alone how to find it.

When Japan thanks us for not allowing them to fall to the USSR.

A direct result of the nukes. Russian was racing us to invade Japan.

The first cuck president

Amerifat, please. We ripped Kuril islands from them, does that looks like the loss?

>beating a man while hes on the ground
a very russian thing to do, desu senpai

Lol ok

"After Japan accepted the Potsdam Declaration on 14 August 1945, and announced the termination of the war on 15 August 1945, the Soviet Union started the Invasion of the Kuril Islands, which took place between 18 August and 3 September, expelling the Japanese inhabitants two years later"

Not Japan as a whole, but there are a few japanese who orchestrated Pearl harbor that showed remorse. I always found the story of Mitsuo Fuchida interesting.

>Casualties and losses:
>Japan - 21,389 (Japanese data)-83,737 killed
>USSR - 12,031 killed, 24,425 wounded

Right, because they totally just tripped, fell, and accidentally attacked Pearl Harbor. They roped us into a war and then got BTFO'd.

When Japan apologizes for the Rape of Nanking.

god the russians are a bunch of assholes.
thank god we dropped the nukes and won the cold war

>Just when the Japanese were ready to capitulate, we went ahead and introduced to the world the most devastating weapon it had ever seen and, in effect, gave the go-ahead to Russia to swarm over Eastern Asia. Washington decided that Japan had been given its chance and now it was time to use the A-bomb. I submit that it was the wrong decision. It was wrong on strategic grounds.
>“The conventional wisdom that the atomic bomb saved a million lives is so widespread that (quite apart from the inaccuracy of this figure, as noted by Samuel Walker) most Americans haven’t paused to ponder something rather striking to anyone seriously concerned with the issue: Not only did most top U.S. military leaders think the bombings were unnecessary and unjustified, many were morally offended by what they regarded as the unnecessary destruction of Japanese cities and what were essentially noncombat populations. Moreover, they spoke about it quite openly and publicly.
>It is my opinion that the use of the barbarous weapon at Hiroshima and Nagasaki was of no material assistance in our war against Japan … The Japanese were already defeated and ready to surrender because of the effective sea blockade and the successful bombing with conventional weapons
Want me to keep going?

When Japan resurrects the soldiers they killed at Pearl Harbor.

America should never apologize. What (some of) Japan wants is nuclear disarmament. Japan is stupid in this regard. These people should be educated about the realities of war. Just because they were an occupied nation during a time of peace doesn't mean that armies are useless and everyone should renounce war. Fortunately, Abe and the other conservatives have realized the threat of China and are ignoring the Constitution to expand the military, much to the dismay of lelberals and American academics who despise Japanese nationalism.