My brother was arrested for pickpocketing, should I bail him out?

My brother was arrested for pickpocketing, should I bail him out?

Yeah. He's your brother. Unless he's going to pickpocket you.

No. Buy him a razor to trim his fucking unibrow. Bert lookin motherfucker.

is that pic him?

If he's your brother, are you Bert from Sesame Street?

naw pickpocketers are pretty gey

if so tell him he's ugly af

Yes, and since he is a pickpocket, ask him to use his skills to get the money to pay you back. So you have no risk.

Would you have loaned him the amount he was going to pickpocket? Because you will be both out some money.

Seu irmão é o pirula?

Pirula foi preso?? Nando moura deve estar comemorando agora


The man on the pic is a YouTuber from brazil

No honor among thieves. I wouldn't associate with such a character, regardless of sibling ties. Can never respect someone who steals shit from others. Such a disgrace.

the skills that were good enough to land him in the crossbar hotel?

Let him suffer, it builds character.

Ele foi preso p q?

I backtraced his ip with a visual basic gui, quadangulated his coordinates, and pulled up the nearby security camera of a nearby store. I was able to capture this image of op's brother in the act.


the unibrow is fake?

wrong pic. that's op's sister.

here is his brother.


the open part of the hood is actually a mask itself, to look like someone with human features.

Nando moura felizão

If he was a good pickpocket, he wouldn't be caught, so let him fucking rot

The only people who pickpocket are either gypsies or addicts. Neither should be bailed out.

Get a restraining order on him first