Stupid names you give cashiers when they ask for one

Stupid names you give cashiers when they ask for one

I usually say "megatron" and they either crack up or look at me like im autist

What fucking cashier asked you for a stupid nickname?


Mr. Lahey

like being in Mcdonalds or starbucks when its packed

I'm pretty sure they ask for your name not a stupid nickname tho faggot

oh i see now, funny, haha.

what's the deal with fast food places asking for peoples names now? What was wrong with an order number?


Yeah this. some do numbers still

Because some people are so fucking dumb they don't know numbers. Not to mention the customers have to remember a number. It's just easier.

Cunt destroyer

im using this


They just want it to feel more personal and communal. Not the restaurant employees but the out of touch old people who run the corporation. It doesn't work.

well they give the receipt after they ask your name so its printed in a piece of paper thats given to them

You're a cringelord

Don't do this. It's dumb. It's not funny. You're the 5th guy in the last hour to do this shit. If you say this shit to me I'll make a name up for you.

>Name on the order sir?
>Megatron (inner lulz)
>Ok, Dave, it will be ready in a few minutes.
>No my name is John.
>Just answer for Dave, Megatron.


Whoa, watch it guys. This fucking Soup Nazi is going to put down all 13 hours of his top 5% Barista school training he received while trying not to be homeless and put you all in your fucking place.

Dude, please keep using silly nicknames. I work at Taco Bell and it's great when someone isn't a pissy asshole just wanting their chips and cheese. I love interacting with my customers, especially the ones who use goofy names. It sounds really stupid but like, people like you bring joy to my day. Keep it up please

I'd ask you how you got my name right, my name isn't dave, but I can do a pretty convincing shocked face

Again, some are too dumb for numbers.

printed. on. the. reciept. ever. tiem.


This. I'd rather interact with people and dick around to kill the boredom of a boring job.

Nick Gurls

I say Leon Kennedy.

>Remember when
>Born in the early 2000's

I swear to fucking god if you don't shut your cock holster, I will date rape the shit out of you and leave you in a Florida everglade.

>look at me like im autist

do you know why son


I can't only surmise he knows. Stop being such a faggot like you have anything special to add to the conversation.

maybe illiteracy is a real problem nowadays

its for the mexicans

woah man you really have some anger problems I bet you're great at parties

They are so hard to call out for too with names. You can't understand them half the time. Was that juan or john?

I have people coming in and telling me to write their name in as Batman, George Bush, taco, Nemo, a bunch of random shit. It just kinda lightens up your day, instead of having some bitchy woman screech Miranda at you. I personally like using names instead of numbers. It's easier to call by names. I have an odd name so it also gives me a tiny bonding moment with the customer, whoever they may be. I ask for their name, they tell me and then ask for mine, it's nice. It lets the customer feel more than just another number, and it makes me feel better than some small person working in some small Taco Bell. Pictures def unrelated

Shes cute. Why did tge soulless monster trap her though?

You seem like fun.

When I ever decide to fucking drink coffee, which is never, i'd give this name:


Happens at nearly every fast food place here.
I've had fun with them too.

they dont understand the numbers

I didn't trap the mouse! My cat was trying to eat it and I kept in a container with food and a bit of water until the morning when I let it out outside.

I always say my name is Gordon. Its referencing Half Life, even though I never says Freeman.

Its mainly for my friends. It always throws them off when I tell the people the wrong name, to the point where now they ask me why I didnt say Gordon when I give my real name.


Honestly I love names that lowkey have references (ofc only when I get it). You have that moment with the person where you smile and you're like "is that from..?" and all they do is say yeah and smile back and it's great. Dealing with boring ass people everyday is awful. People need more personality. Yeah you're just ordering food from some shitty little teen at some nasty fast food place but dang, some of us are friendly

Chris, It's personal

I just use my real name, Bond.

They always expect me to say James afterwards and I just stare at them.

Idk, I usually just call them cunts.... wait you mean... oh. Jeff