Sup Forums will defend this

Sup Forums will defend this.

they are dead, they can't complain


So you're against immigration?!

Great... when do you leave!??


No, not those indians.

LOL this is the funniest thing I've seen all afternoon.

Yeeeeaaahhh, that is kind of retarded.

I haven't had Wendy's in forever. I could go for a baconator.


No of course not. You could fit 30 more cars in there.

What a waste. You could fit an entire McDonald's there.

There are like five graves, they should just be moved...

>eating a baconator next to buried corpses

2 spooky

OP isn't talking about us dot Indians

I'm not a bleeding heart libtard by any means, but that pic is fucking disturbing.

We've all seen what happens when you build on a indian burial ground, better to be safe than spooky


There's millions of years of dead dinosaurs in every one of those cars.

Agreed. Every inch of American soil does not need to be a fucking shopping mall. And the dead should be respected, Injun or not.


fuck off paco, have some respect for the dead.

Pretty sad desu.

Underrated toast

if it was a white cemetary they would have moved the bodies and dumped them in the wrong graves already, if they bothered even moving all of them to begin with

strip centers really are an ugly blight but at the same time i like having lots of shops near me

That is actually hilarious

I am absolutely not going to defend a Radio Shack. It's 2016, people use NewEgg and Amazon.

I really can't defend it.

They could have at least given them a little spot. Why lay asphalt everywhere?

Why didn't they just move the graveyard?


Radio shack didn't deserve to die.

radioshack was dope, people just became unwilling to do anything for themselves.

Can you imagine this happening to a white graveyard?

Are the prices so low, it's haunting?

Do you think the soul of the Radio Shack there will haunt whatever's built over its grave?

i won't defend it but i do think its funny

>dead dinosaurs in every one of those cars

It's their own fault for making shitty deals, should have had a Donald trump

>rare, African pepes

>Ghost Burgers
>Not taking this wonderful business opportunity

In all fairness they still probably didn't poo in loo.


This Kenyan has been shitposting like crazy. Probably a proxy.

Do Indians have cemeteries before colonization ?

It's one of the relatives of obama

Is this Sand Springs Oklahoma?

most graves there arent marked, theres about 40


I am an integral part of these political discussions you mad little nut hurt faggot
maybe instead of insulting my fine quality posts (which i personally rate 10/10) you should work on uncucking yourself