Any fellow degenerates get that heartburn/acid reflux shit? If so give me some Protips on how to at least calm it plz

Any fellow degenerates get that heartburn/acid reflux shit? If so give me some Protips on how to at least calm it plz

Take prilosec otc daily as a prophylaxis. Reduce greasy/spicy/acidic food.
Become vegan, cut off your penis.

man up and ignore it yabish

Alright cheers user
>Become vegan, cut off your penis
I'm not that (((trendy)))

Pantoloc 40mg delayed release.
I had heartburn for years and it ruined my LES. Get pantoloc script. Trust me.

Its getting to the point where I cant, its makes me vomit etc

Eat smaller but more often, avoid laying down, sleep on your left shoulder. Oh also stress can rly fuck that shit up so learn not to stress

>it ruined my LES.

Weight gain can cause it as well. If you've been gaining weight drop a few lbs

Nah pretty skinny/average

Stomach acid that kept coming up due to acid reflux caused erosion of his esophageal sphincter.
Good news, now the faggot can deepthroat like a champ

Have had stomach and acid issues for years, prescribed stuff didn't even touch it but started taking Gaviscon and really haven't had any problems at all. It's OTC as well

Sounds like a trip to the doctor is warranted then. Long term antacid use can cause it's own issues.

Just cut out all fats and oils from your diet. Its what causes it. Stop drinking coffee also. Cut out all dairy and cheese. Limit your meat intake to 100g every few days. That'll fox your problem.

Go to your doctor and get apo-ranitidine

This doesnt work when youre laying down

All natural antacid with no side effects, baking soda. Mix it in water and take it like a shot (salty and horrible tasting) instant relief.

I have sameness prob op, have to prop up pillows and sit in a semi upright position.

Nah I know why I get it
Cutting out cheese sounds shitty, I'm just after a decent medication/rememedy to stop the burning sensation

It's Semi-Fowler you ignorant fuck.

A tablespoon of mustard helps quite a bit. I use this trick all the time.

Semi-fowler/gangsta lean
Same thing boi

If you want the real answer. Stop eating like shit. I had these problems for years and took every damn medication. Got worse over time. Once I stopped eating processed foods and gluten etc I was fine. It's tough but, eating rice, meats, veggies and fruit that aren't out of a box will solve your problem.

Drink apple cider vinegar. Its gross, but the acid counters the reflux. You don't need a lot, try a table spoon at first.

Cheap and effective solution other than cleaning up your diet is baking soda and water. Guzzle that shiy

Respekt kek

Thats because gaviscon isn't an acid reducer.

It makes a barrier on top of the stomach right at the esophagus and works well until you lay down and tge barrier shifts

Cut out all fizzy beverages, tomatoes, and grains. Did the trick for me. Also helped me lose about 150lbs.

Stop being a fat fuck, stop eating your fucking fat pig bacon food. Also go fucking take a bath, you are more than likely covered in week old oily food grease, sweat and semen. Fucking KYS you fat matherfucker

But I want to continue eating like shit and drinking and smoking, surely medical science has solved this predicament.

Have you tried suicide?

I'm actually pretty hawt

I will when I obtain nembutal at an older age