Why should I care about her

Why should I care about her

Her problems are hers not mine she never gave me anything.
By the way 99% of the songs are shit.

Eh people are sobbing because she got caught up in a legal situation. Fuck em her music is shit.

She fucked her way to the top now she wants to play the victim.

Better question: if you care so little, why start a thread?

why are you coming on Sup Forums and asking why should you care?
why the fuck should i care if you care or not.

Fuck that whore

basically she left the "illuminati" or whatever you want to call it elite and now she's getting fucked because of that

Is it my problem? no
Do I feel sorry for her? maybe

you sounds like a little child OP

i can literally hear my brain cells dying when i read "illuminati" comments on the internet.
in another 10 years, i'll be the one saying these comments.

This, pretty much all tops celebs do hardcore drugs and are into rape or rape victims themselves.

But only a small few of them make the news because of that, end up killed or are ridiculed otherwise.

you must support this woman because she cried

what, are we supposed to support EVERY woman now?

what would you call them? Shadow government? Zionist jews?

Huh? What exactly does Kesha need support for? I don't get it.

Is it true, watches at $ 0?

Well it would suck not being able to make new music or non at all because you signed a contract but going after some dude with fake rape charges is bull shit. Basically she wanted the fame and money and cryed when she had to pay the price

I wish we could support a goddess such as herself

The concept of "support" in our culture is retarded.

you callin me a faggot?

Reptilian shapeshifters

How long until rick people start opening GoFundMe

Shut the fuck up you subhumans.
Führer doesn't care about this crack whore. he loves potatoes and pure arian bitches.
Führer has spoken!

This is what happens when you shake the Jew devil Hand. Then want to cry for freedom you have to the Jew. Now you pay the price not even hitler could stop there evil

I don't even have a clue who the fuck that is so I guess I go in the I don't give a fuck camp.