What the fuck is this?

what the fuck is this?

that's a water bear, and they're bad ass motherfuckers

Your demise


water bear


Google is your friend...learn to use it.

seems like a vacuum cleaner with a cat inside


Your mother

The oldest lifeform

It's a water bear yeh, a Tardigrade. Tiny animals that split off from other animals 550 million years ago, making them unlike most other things in the animal kingdom.

They are what goes bump in the night before you're torn up from the warm confines of your bed and shredded to paste. It is the most feared tardigrade, impervious to almost anything and everything, their only natural enemy is an singularity.


A water bear.

It's a clitoris


your moms vagina after I got through with it.

That's a tardigrade, and they're all tiny badasses.




Tep lel


I don't believe the intent was to learn.


also forgot image

Aqua Cat


How the fuck you supposed to Google what something looks like faggot?

"What's the thing called what looks like a stumpy caterpillar and has a weird mouth snout"

Ya go Google that kiddo

Yeah, so that's not how you spell "yeah."

Ya, it is

What is reverse image search?

google image you fucking moron, learn faster grandpa

>what is image search
fucking retard

How's that reverse image of a CGI tartigrade go for you?
I'll wait

Did you fags even try it before posting?

Pretty good.

It's a tardigrade, they're cool because they're the only living thing on Earth that can survive the vacuum of space. They basically just hibernate until it becomes warm enough to wake up

it works fucking fine, what are you talking about?


Lol fuck off, I'm finding another thread


So u r retarded

that's pretty much the most common image of a tartigrade


SPACEcaterpillar. NASA nicknamed him "buzz"

What's his actual name?


Spacecaterpillar, how does reading work ?

life size pic

vacuum bag

Are you genuinely asking me how reading works?

bear something

always makes me smile


it is called bear something. water bear?

Looks like a Mite


why is its mouth so perfectly round and has exactly 10 petals? how does nature decide these things? why exactly this number?

Yur mum

Aside from reverse image search, there is a high likelihood someone searched the same thing by typing in the same words... However vague they might be.

it's a Japanese vacuum cleaner bag
with feet for mobility while you clean
the spares follow, Rip off of the harry potter movies it is.