Well, Sup Forums?

well, Sup Forums?

They lack the intelligence to create wealth. It's not just hard work, it's smarts and ingenuity as well

George Monbiot doesn't know what the word enterprise means.

The object is to work harder, not smarter. Who provides more value - a person with a stick, breaking up soil all day, or a chemical engineer? Difficult physical labor is either done by draft animals, or machines.

Niggers can't even raise their kids without eating them or some shit.

Wealth is an appreciation of labor. Africa vastly lacks infrastructure. The amount of wealth generated by the average laborer in Africa is dwarfed by the average laborer in Europe or America because of this lack of infrastructure.


>Hard work


>be landscaper
>make 65$ an hour
Please explain me

Why doesn't she build a cart or something? Too dumb to make a wheel or what.

>brought to you by the Krugman foundation for applied WEWUZ

Have you ever seen the po' black women who has to carry water in a bottle on her head?

Niggers never invented the wheel, and certainly not the wheelbarrow.
Their retardation is their biggest problem.

Millionaire? Surely they are all millionaires in zimbabwe lol.

Also, only those with land should be allowed to vote.

>well, Sup Forums?

Want > Work
If you offer something that is rare and wanted you become a millionaire, if you offer something that a mule or 3 billion other people can do as well, you don't become a millionaire.

A better example would be the miners, not some appeal to feelings and white guild african niggers.

If EVERYONE was a millionaire, then wouldnt that mean theyre all poor?

Scarcity of people willing to do what you do (supply) / amount people are willing to pay for those skills

It always boils down to supply/demand.

>Sheboa has to walk 30 miles everyday to retrieve water from a stream, gibs moni so we can build a well

There are so many things that I've always wondered about these sorts of charity claims. Where are the men? Why not move closer to the well? Why not build a well yourself?

Africans are one of the few sub-species of humans that don't take active measures to improve their lives

fuck off
(you're correct)

>Be chemical engineer
>Make $90 an hour

>And I bet you don't use a sharp stick.
>Probably use all types of machines


Enterprise? Lil vague

Things to remember if you want to be successful.
Work smart. Not hard.
If you want to get ahead even more, work smart AND hard.

Sure, she's working hard. But it's infinitely easier to fashion a simple sled and drag those sticks.
Take it from a man that's cleared brush growing up. Carrying one limb is a bitch, but dragging a dozen is easy.

hard work and enterprise only applies to civilised countries. barbarians cultures that treat their people, especially women, like cattle have to make do.

but by all means contine with facile soundbites dressed as insight.

Dunning and Kruger were geniuses

i'm actually a pruning/tree specialist.
One of like 20 in the state.


>working hard
>working smart
>that pic
nigger should have invented a wheel like white man

And I'm sure you do it with a stick.
BTFO again. Lucky you get paid for cutting trees, you surely would starve to death if you needed your brains. By the way, I had some pruning specialists here, last summer. A crew of 3, for 4 hours. They brought wood chipper, they had chainsaws, they used pulley and tackle to get into the trees - and I didn't pay them no $65 per hour apiece. So, onceagain, you have been smacked down Did you even make it to high school?

People in Africa have only been working hard since they have lived in civilizations. Before that Europeans worked hard in cold climates while Africans layed on their backs and picked coconuts, so natural selection made Europeans smarter and more competent. When the world became civilized Europeans don't have to work as hard because it is already in the sweat and blood of their ancestors.

>If wealth was the inevitable result of hard work and enterprise

It isn't. It's the result of hard work, enterprise and talent.

Wealth is from hard work? Since when? Wealth comes from not being a dumb nigger and buying shitty cadilacs you can afford and big ol dumb nigger tvs you cant afford and instead focusing on acquring assets. but but, muh big screen flat screen plasma ejector screen for muh beer and football.

Wealth is the result of intelligence. If you can figure out how to get more done with less labor, your output will be higher, and more wealth will be generated. This is fundamental, all businesses seek to get higher level of output relative to input, the key input being labor. IF working harder is better, just get rid of backhoes and bulldozers. Make people use shovels, that weigh 90 pounds and have dull blades. See how much more gets done when you make it harder.

there's also called cost of living, and having 18932784 nigglets drains out your pocket
>hard work
>not smart work
that woman would make a good buck if she opened up a cartwheel renting service

Work as hard as you fucking can digging a hole. Literally dig that hole as hard as you fucking can. Just to this side of dieing. Once you have worked as hard as you possibly can without dieing, look around and see how much wealth you have created.

>hard work means hard physical labour

>this pic
Whoever did this image is a fucking idiot.

Actually what they are doing is the opposite of "hard work"
Most likely all she have to do in her life is go gather wood, bring it to the village, nothing else.
She doesn't have to think of way to bring more wood with less effort.
She doesn't have to think how much wood will be needed for the village.
You only need strength and condition to do this, no actual skills.

See wood
Bring wood

It's just straight up physical labour nothing else.

Too stupid to feed themselves.

Are you suggesting that living in tribes like the Maasai and Akhan was easy back in the day? If we wanna talk natural selection, those guys have been hunting so hard they've evolved specific advantages in slow twitch/ fast twitch muscle fibres.

Hard to escape the bucket when you're one crab among many.

>work hard try to make a living
>robbed and raped
>now pregnant with aids
>+1 starving niglet to care for
>it keeps happening

Any idiot can be a ditch digger, but it takes someone with an actual intelligence to make hard work easy through use of inventions such as a shovel.

>hey we are hungry!
>lets steal!
>theres nothing to steal!
>lets eat rats!
>farming?pffff no way thats for white cucks