For those that are not racist, what do you think about this graph?

For those that are not racist, what do you think about this graph?

sexy/10 would fuck anytime

Solid graph/10 would read again

That it's directly proportional with levels of education and if they were raised with the same opportunities they would be just as smart

Facts can't be racist.



I thought education had no causation towards iq?

You really don't intend to stop posting this picture, do you

The graph is incorrect.
It is a simplified representation .
There are more genius level whites on this planet than Asians.

Exactly it's culture not race. Black culture is shit, but a black kid born into a different culture wouldn't necessarily "act black".

Intellegence doesn't correlate with knowledge but iq testing isn't an represent intellegence perfectly
People don't believe me but I swear i don't know how to post another picture

This is actually false.

Do you think that a dog, raised in white culture, would be as smart as a white child? What about a gorilla? How about a chipmanzee?

You can't pick and choose to whom the laws of nature apply and arbitrarily draw a line saying "these are humans and they're all equal". Different genetics means different mental potential.

The examples you used were outlandish. Any proof that different races have different mental capacities?

Would love to hear as well. Real sources please no pseudo-science bs.

>Rename it "picture"
>Select another image
>Name it "image"
>Post new image
You're welcome

Comparing gorillas and dogs to human is like comparing apples and potatoes. You say that I'm arbitrarily drawing a line when you are drawing a line in skin color which is arbitrary. It's as arbitrary as the timeline where race wasn't defined by skin color but eye color

Last time I tried something like this I almost lost the picture and it's the only picture I have

This is so very very wrong, niggers should have under 20 iq

What happens when you just try to download a new picture?

still waiting on the 3rd stormlight achives. BS is taking forever

I'm not going to lie this conversation is making me very uncomfortable and it would be easier to just stick with this picture

Couldn't you just look at how much of a shithole sub Saharan Africa is and was before whites showed up? If I'm not mistakedn black people hadn't even invented the wheel when whites started showing up.

Lol. I'm not some pathological egalitarian myself but come on man.

It's okay, I don't want to make you feel stupid or anything, but what happens when you try to download a new image? Can you just not access it or does it simply fail to download? Where does the problem arise?

My palms get sweaty and my breathing increases and I'm sorry I can't talk about this anymore


But an iQ test test your abilty TO LEARN not what you have already learned

The roleplaying on this forum is the best in the world.

I'm so sorry to hear that. You should talk with a professional computer scientist or computer therapist about your problem. I've never heard of this issue, but I'm sure you're not alone, even if it's a rare condition.

That's what it's meant to test but because of its flaws, education still increases the test outcome by a small margin

Bingo. Take a young black kid away from the "thug" culture and you get Carlton Banks, introduce white kids to it and you get chavs.


Clearly East Asians should be running the joint.

Simply not true. Which is why when you look at dirt poor white areas such as WV rural areas the crime rate is insanely lower than poor black rural areas in Georgia and such. Niggers are simply stupider and more violent than whites.

makes claim implying understanding of nature of intelligence, at least regarding iq
also claims to not understand how to post another picture

and yet i dont disagree with first statement

Except Jews have even higher avg IQ.

Its the dick largest?

also the ability to learn is, in some ways, a skill
one which many modern universities are failing to teach, which is why we have to read so many poorly argued papers

Then the Jews should be....oh wait.

and asians do not spead the tests over their entire community (for the most part)
they only test in a few centers with their best educational institutions (higher percentage of academically inclined people)
whereas the west tests more widely, including cleetus

The same studies that present the IQ gap between races also present the positive effect that putting children from those disadvantaged races in wealthy white households has on their IQ. There actually is data suggesting it is culture.

Both genetics and culture play an important role.

>born too late to hate niggers because racism is a standard part of virtuous society
>born too early to hate niggers because it's scientifically proven that their genes are inferior
Feels bad, man.