How often does Sup Forums shave?

How often does Sup Forums shave?
Do you wax or use a razor?
Is Gillet a good gel to use?

I shave likely everyday. I wax my face from there on if im lazy to shave everyday.

once a week.

I just trim my beard as much as i can. never fully shaved. i do it once a week

do you use a razor or electric kind?


I was my face and balls 2x a week. Smooth as a baby's ass. Best feeling ever.

Oh good i have a question, does electric shaving cause bumps like normal razors? I never used one and im thinking of getting one. Do they also fully cut the hair (mines is thick).

I have a beard. I like twiddling it and i save a fortune not having to buy razors.


waxing is good since it removes the root hair lmfao you're the faggot.

Once a week.

Every second day
Phillips OneBlade master race


>does electric shaving cause bumps like normal razors?
no it doesn't. it never does.

>Do they also fully cut the hair (mines is thick).
not like normal razors do, that's why it's different

oh okay and for the last question so it does fully cut them?

I shave using a double-edged safety razor from Maggard razors. Bought it online, has been really great so far. I replace the blade every 3-4 shaves and soak the razor itself in isopropyl alcohol after every shave.

A good electric does. It is cleaner and faster.
No bumps

A man of culture

This January I transitioned to just trimming my beard with an electric razor instead of shaving completely with a disposable. It is a lot better on my skin and personally I think I look better with some facial hair (also it's a lot less work).

>so it does fully cut them?
nope. you need normal razors to get baby skin

exactly. this is what i'm telling OP i do

Oh okay i'll stick to regular shavig.

I hate having hair on my skin it's bad. I like my face hair-free.

I bought one of those hair cutting machines and use that to trim down so I'm not clean shaven and always have a bit of stubble

I shave 5 days a week. Only every morning before I go to work. Just a process control engineer at a paper mill. I don't need to shave, but I don't grow a full beard. So whenever I don't shave I usually just look like a teenager (pic related... haven't shaved since Friday morning. Will shave again tomorrow morning.)

I use the cheap bad of orange razors from Walmart. I'll use the same one for a month. Instead of using shaving cream, I just always make sure to shave immediately after getting out of the shower.

All of you fuck faces make us men who can actually grow beards shave because your shitty genes put the burden on the rest of us.

search magic shaving powder on amazon. i use it but only on pubes. works great if u dont leave it on too long