Am I an ugly guy for my age? I'm 24 still never found a girl who was slightly interested in me

Am I an ugly guy for my age? I'm 24 still never found a girl who was slightly interested in me

You're a good looking guy champ

For fucks sake. You're still doing this?! Lmao I'm impressed man

Sup Brandon

Im a girl, I think if u never found a girl interested in you, is not because of your appearance.
maybe you are not a interesting person or maybe just shy.
we like confident men, extroverts.

Being introverted doesn't make somebody less confident faggot.


kys Brandon. You were cute at 19. Any window you had is closed forever.

I never said introverted men were less confident.
I say we like confident man and also extroverTs one.
I dont understand your necesity of insult me.
he asks, I respond. Its my opinion, he would take it or leave it.

Nah, you're a virgin because you're a fucking weirdo, Brandon.
I tried to tell you this shit at matt's house back in 2012 but you wouldn't listen brandon.

Brandon, is this fucking you? Why the fuck have you been shitposting about this for over 4 years?

Why do you say that?
why is he a weirdo?

You're a virgin because you keep telling girls "Hey, put your cooter on my mouth and put your pooter on my nose"

No girl likes that. They don't want their pooter and cooter on some weird faggot's face

>he would take it or leave it.

He would leave it. He's been leaving it for the 4 years he's been doing this.


Brandon! There's this newfag Twinkie who's replaced you on /soc/

get a job and tell the bitches you wanna suck their asshole

You're not ugly physically, but the reason others probably don't find you attractive is probably your negative attitude, need for reassurance, and boring personality. Making you an all around lousy person, outside of your looks. You see, looks aren't everything, and even if you are the most handsome person alive if you have a negative attitude and lame personality people won't want to be around that person. People are drawn to charm and charisma things you seriously lacking if people aren't wanting to be around you.

you look fine man

I am slightly chubby dude, but know how to charisma and confidence. Never had issues landing hotter chicks.

be alpha fam, put in the extra work for a girl to like you

i can see in your eyes youre damaged
let go of the hurt and embrace whatever you feel confident doing

fix your hair too, you should do a fade or an undercut style next haircut. itll flow better sense you have a long face.

Are you pissing with fear in this photo? You're making a facial expression that belongs to lesbians. You look like someone just told you they aren't gluten free. Did your mom just die? Try a normal face you fuck. Ever see an old photo? Nobody's making that face because those people all died. Your face says you aren't even a real person, you're a half-full condom that stole a 13 year old mexican's facial hair. Other than that, maybe a shorter haircut.

>confident men, extroverts
Yep you basically saying introverts not confident.

It's impressive you're still posting this shit bran
