WW3, how close do you fags think we are in terms of exact time?

WW3, how close do you fags think we are in terms of exact time?

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it's impossible to tell with the person in charge

he changes his mind by the minute

Decades away

The image you chose is the album cover to crown of creation by jefferson airplane best fucking album ever

Not fucken close enough

about tree - -f sd

we're gonna get ass fucked by other stuff before WW3 becomes a problem


Hundreds if at all.

I think some form of (American )civil war is more likely.

A good solid 3-4 years

Exact time??????

15 years

About 120 years or something, maybe more. We've reached the most peaceful times in history and people can't even appreciate that.

The super powers all know that Ww3 is not an option. Ww3 is the end. These sand countries think they have power but they dont. Lol north korea is trying to flex but they have no idea what kind of beast they are poking. The news tries to make the world superpowers all seem unstable ready to nuke at any moment and its just not true. Its all posturing its chess where no one can win because they all have a final fuck you move.

are you from 1850 or something?

half passed 3 o clock on a sunday afternoon, august 24th 2021

that's pretty exact

Agreed. America loving conservatives will only take so much of this anti america mentally ill liberal democrat bullshit.

No man its just the media people on both sides (conservetive and liberals) are constantly raising tension on every line possible. Race, Relegion, sexual orientation, wealth.






Half past a monkeys ass, a quarter to his balls.

Not going to happen anytime soon

The globalised economy is what's saving us from a major war you can ruin a country much faster with sanctions than with military these days no one wants to go to war and crash the economy and no one is going to be brought into a war over some dispute with a little country ie China with north korea

Nukes are only political currency. The only reason Iran and North Korea recently have put efforts to them is because they want the security and economic benefit of being a super power.

this right here. america is reaching a boiling point because of violent liberal agenda

What a proxy war between the US and Russia plus the fact that Europe will only get even more Islamic leading to Austria, Poland, and Greece to finally snap and go full Deus Vult isn't good enough for you?

>the security and economic benefit of being a super power.

Ww3 is on

Just imaging if right now shit just immediately real. Nukes start flying and tv news gets insanely scary. Start being told what to do and where to go by everyone at once. Within 24 hours you are apart of the largest military operation travelling by boat/plane to whatever shitcunts are worth fighting. Please let this happen.

I honestly agree with this. We (Americans) will go to war with each other before WW3.
People HONESTLY think Trump is going to start a world war when he is more likely to be the cause of another American Revolution than anything else. Just look at whats happening in American politics today.

about 16 years ago

Let the duds decide. 22 Years check em

It will not heappend.

>No one like to think Iam right

Never eh? So you're saying for as long as humans are around we're never going to have another war...

Must be nice to live your life like you live on Sesame Street.

21' or 22', I'd say late September.

Started 2 years ago.

>Trump will be the cause

No, millions of butthurt libs that don't respect the democratic process will be the cause.

Dont kkow if b8 but ill bite. Do us a huge favor and Kys faggot. Youre a fucking nuisance to an informed democracy.

I think WW3 will be a war for the mind. It seems the world is split on how people think, or thats how we are made to feel from media. Which proves my point.

Yes never it will happened. Humans are changing and they no longer see real point in wars, when united and collaborating we can all live good life's. Is time to create not to destroy as wars and separations do it.

>Help the wick link in chain so whole chain become stronger.
>Give food to who is hungry. You understand how this can change alot? More healthy humans who can collaborate and contribute.
>Who push as down as humans is really no longer among kings.
>Don't support bullies or selfish people, cut all contact with suck people. They lost power over you. (You are in control of your life whole time.)

Says the cuck that cant stand having his orange leader being ridiculed for the obviously shit job he is doing.

china will fuk up russia bigtime
while usa eco crumble
eu also fukd
only india left
what now

This time next week the world will be toast.

You're a delusional person that thinks you live in mr rogers neighbourhood, that's a real pie in the sky fantasy you've got there. Now give your head a shake, look and listen to what the world is like nowadays and rethink that.

If you're paying attention, you'll see a new cavalcade of powermongers vying for our attention. Silicon Valley leaders--the same guys who made billions and think they know what's best for society because they made a popular app that lets people post pics of their kids, food, and naked bodies--are aiming to put us all in little boxes and control us by dangling carrots on sticks in front of our faces. Libertarians want an even coarser brand of feudalism to come back--to essentially set up company towns again, except with more privately operated armed guards. The third wave Dems want to keep drugging us with pills, locking up the poor, and dangling broken health care solutions in front of us. The Repubs want the same, but they dangle different carrots. The deep state wants to continue invading other countries and building and seeling weapon systems. Neohippies (SJWs) are being distracted with bullshit while a big brown menace infiltrates Western societies abroad, dragging down our objectively more constructive, progressive, and beneficial culture. The poor continue to form gangs or whine on Internet hate boards.

It's hard to say where WW3 is going to come from, but I think the aftermath will be way worse. It will be the perfect excuse to chisel away the rest of our civil liberties.

Yeah, that person is extremely delusional. There's no way in hell they really think that, right?

What you see today is not whole picture. Do you see what all people are doing and thinking? No. You don't know out come of all this thinking.
Do you see what internet is doing? When all talk to all and foreignness can become friend. When neighbors take a beer not the guns in hand.

Do you see what kids today do different then in past? I seen some kids helping kids not bulling or fighting. Be on Sup Forums you can't see this all. Like you can't know all from one book. Read, experience more.

>Give positive vibes and you will receive positive vibes back.
Use this and you can create in long run different world. I know it take time but in 10.000 year life on this planet will be a lot good and different from now.

>Because you see one not good news, it don't mean world will end. Media is made to scare and manipulate you so how can you expect CNN to give you good news? Look for new sources.
You see and get what you look for. Go and look for positive things to get positive things back. You are responsible how you shape your life. Do you like to be follower or leader? Fallowing the opinions of media or other people. Ask your self from what source you know what you know.

If I can talk about this then there is something about creating peace in progress. What you think is your personal thinking. What we collectively think it can be different.

You have a fundamental misunderstanding of the human race.

30 seconds to midnight

I'm not murican and I don't give a fuck about Trump. Just laughing at you guys using him as an excuse for la revolution.

You must be short on friends and in need of attention.

Tl;dr if you think mankind will NEVER go to war again, you're retarded. That is all

World war 3, if it happens, will be a series of civil wars, not international conflict.

After WW2, societies have changed their priorities. Now, populations do not blindly follow their leaders into battle.

The power elites understand that, were a war to be declared that required obedient conscription, the populous would choose to fight against thei own leaders, rather than other countries. They would be overthrown.

Instead, they have found a way to foment distrust and fear within societies, so that when people fight, EVERYBODY will think they are fighting to defend their own existence - nobody will be invader. Nobody will be aggressor. But everyone will be racked with such a deep paranoia that they flip out and start attacking people who they perceive to be a threat, but who are really harmless.

You don't thing that humans can change. Right?
Do you live like you did 10 years before? No.
We use internet different then we did 10 years ago.

You and I see same thing differently. There can be more out comes in life, do you see.
I like to go for PEACE. Peace is hear in front of as. If you see it or not.
If you like to have and be in war, I will not stop you to think like this. Where I live there will be no war. Power of meditation+love can change all. Just wait and you will see.

>Think about if country's don't trade with country who sell guns to ISIS and terrorists. This will be game changer. USA will starve per example and lost money.

Iam autistic so what. Iam not a killer. Do you like to be a killer and have wars? I don't think so.

I listen to Joe Rogan, too, user. If you're actually autistic and not just trolling, I'll cut you some slack. My only advice to you is read up on your history. You'll see the same cycles repeated. The only differences are cultural particulars, setting, and window dressing. Humans have never shaken their tribalism, and if you pay attention to the reaction to the Internet, you'll see that it's only been used as a tool to further our tribalistic tendencies. There are no greener pastures for us. It will be ebbs and flows until we're wiped out by a solar flare or the Big Crunch or whatever the universe has in store for us.

So he keeps going....

Billions/trillions into weapon tech.
Military bases worldwide
Resources to control, oil etc.
Perpetual war ever since WWII, Korea/Vietnam/Iraq/Afghanistan

Oh please wise one, teach me more about how everyone hates War.

>people can't even appreciate that
We're violent creatures. Like chimps, just a bit smarter.

I have to go now so see you in new world.

Oh yeah, people today are very zenlike

Roast him for being retarded
>I have to go now
Hopefully to kys kid.

Lol china aint taking russia out no way

China and Russia are allies...

Try again

World War 3 is going to be a internet shadow war and has started years ago. The whole North Korea and ISIS situations are just background noise and distraction so you are ignorant to the propaganda being spewed and the fact more and more governments are becoming more controlling and secretive. Economic collapse, industrial espionage and destroying infrastructure/education so others can take over your country is what will happen during WW3, not bombs and shit.

While it is cool and edgy to think Nukes wills tart dropping it will not ever happen. The most likely thing would be maybe a different bomb or chemical weapon use in a big city, which would most likely be done by a rouge terrorist cell since ISIS is all about money (which they make a ton of when an attack happens) not religion. They use religion to manipulate others, why else do you think their fucking leaders are rich as fuck and never do shit?

TL;DR: Nukes will not happen. WW3 has been going on for a while.

25 years give or take. By that time we predicably will run out of phospate rock. Phosphate rock is what's primarily used in creation for fertilizer since plants require phosphate to grow. Failing crops doesn't bode well to a population that's been dependent their entire lives, and are now left helpless.

If the bees last that long, no bees=no crops.

Nukes may not happen, but an engineered bioweapon probably will.
Ebolapox, combining the most lethal Ebola strain with the easy spread of smallpox, was done decades ago, imagine what could be done now, and 10 years from now with things like CRISPR.
And that will make a nuke look like a child's toy.

Really Close

August 24th 2021 is on a Tuesday.

Unless we engineer automated drone bees that still polinate for us.

Sure thing, but nevertheless we are living in the most peaceful times ever. We had 3 LARGE wars in the last 210 years, plus a lot of small ones. Oh yea, and that doesn't even take into account for systematic killings in some places - i mean think about it: If isis kills 100 people in the middle of where the fuck ever -istan it makes the news. That's bad and terrible, but taken into perspective we live in extremely peaceful times.
Oh noez, someone has an other opinion than you? Fucking hell m8, open any history book and reevaluate your own living situation. Yes, there's some stuff happeneing here and there [boo fucking hoo, someone burns a flag ;______;] but again - in comparision to passed times this is nothing.

1 year if that

Awesome, my 49th bd

I really hope someone's working on that, I live in Canada and I believe the problem is more serious than they're letting on.

The burning flag is just ONE person in a riot of thousands, they were burning everything they could, rolling cop cars, assaulting trump supporters. Do you think before you reply?

Who is smarter and wiser?
Who make guns or who can make peace?

The japanese are working on it.


Of course they are