Hey b why shouldn't i kill myself?

hey b why shouldn't i kill myself?

1. overweight
2. balding
3. 31 years old
4. live at home with parents and siblings who have addiction problems
5. go to therapy and read self-help books, they don't work
6. don't really want to do anything with my life, no dreams or aspirations
7. did a little college but stopped
8. had one girlfriend who sucked, lost virginity at 25
9. been on like 20 medications for depression, none of them work
10. get headaches and feel like shit every single day
11. starved for attention and "help" a huge fucking bitch of a human
12. want to die all the time

So why should I NOT kill myself? The only reason I can come up with is its difficulty. I can't think of a good way to do it that won't potentially end with me brain dead or seriously injured... I fear that far more than I fear death.

I'm also not sure if I actually want to die. there's a small part of me that has hope that this ship will turn itself around somehow, but i'm 99.99% sure it won't

13. I have no real friends
14. No job
15. Only had two jobs that I worked for a year each and hated
16. pretty much miserable all the time

start studying sociology

> don't really want to do anything with my life, no dreams or aspirations

if you fix that, 99% of your current problems will go away in relatively short period of time.

im the same way but im going to enlist to give me some time and money to start with if i come back. also its a win/win i could die or i could make easy money

I've been trying to fix that part but I haven't even put a dent in it. I can't find any meaning to anything.

I thought about enlisting but like I said I'm scared of injury more so than death.

Also i'm way too out of shape and probably too old


I hope you find meaning in your life.

people around you are toxic and you are severely depressed. you have negative mindset, you should start working out and eathing healthier. finding correct medication is also necessary. I dont want to sound condescending when I say this, in real world you have to fight for your life. in everything. if you want meaning, you need to try things and go for it. I know its hard, but you have to do it.


they stop enlisting around 40-ish so you have some time and bootcamp gets you in shape and i guess being injured/killed is just the risk you take. neither of which bother me but at this point i dont have many options.

thank ya but all i seem to be into is drugs weapons and cars which isnt very becoming so i hope ill mature some while im out there if not i have cash to do these things later in life

one of the biggest problems is there's no escaping the toxicity around me

it's incredibly difficult to focus on any self improvement when you're embedded in a shit show

The meaning of life is happiness and have you heard the law of attraction and momentum cunt. If you do one or more of these things the quicker and better everything will start coming. All these problems have easy solutions upon isolation so just start chipping away.

Your health has a lot to do with several items on your list. There's no mystery why you feel like shit. I know depression is going to make it more difficult to get yourself exercising but it has to happen.

You say you're worried more about pain than death. Age and bad health is gonna bring the pain brother. You're in a better spot now than you will be later so it's time to take control.

yeah i've read a lot of self help books and they go over this.

so around 24'ish i got this notion that i could fix everything... lost 70 pounds, went back to school, got that girlfriend i mentioned in the OP and for a tiny moment everything DID seem better

then i slowly realized that i was wasting my time at school because i didn't have an idea what to do with the education... didn't want to pursue anything further

the girlfriend ended up being boring as all hell and we didn't fuck or do anything nearly enough probably because

after losing 70 pounds i still looked like a sack of shit... skinny fat they call it

so over the course of the next few years i gained all my weight back, broke up with my girlfriend, dropped out of school, and essentially have been wasting my time doing nothing ever since

If you want to kill yourself dont! You are free of anything if you truly want to die... i dont understand how people dont get this.. you can do whatever de fuck you want.. leave your house visit places on earth.. just walk there... who gives a fuck, no one... why commit suicide if youre free to do anything you want... just pack up some stuff and gooo... its not hard just do it, go be a monk, be forrest gump, join the army, sneak into festivals anywhere you want.. go kill some terrorists do whatever you want but dont kill yourself

so i actually get this one a lot and have been pretty defiant... believing exercise and eating right could not POSSIBLY have that kind of effect, but maybe since absolutely everyone says "exercise" they could be right

i don't remember how i felt when i was running nearly every day back around 24'ish... i think i was still getting the headaches daily and i'm pretty sure i felt like garbage as well, but i can't be sure

Walk. Walk everyday. Set your alarm for 9.15, walk for 30 mins away from your house, walk back. You'll be back by 10.15. What do you normally achieve by 10.15? Nothing. You've lost nothing, you burnt calories. Google how many calories you burnt, and next time time thou want to snack, ask whether your prepared to throw away the effort you put in by eating it. Do this tomorrow- set your alarm now- 9.15am.

Just start fucking prostitutes and doing drugs. Just fucking do it. It's what I did when I wanted to kill myself. Better to inject heroin in some crack house for a week straight then die.

>take out obsene ammount of credit card debt and any money you can get
>buy ALL the drugs especially heroin
>get addicted
>kill self before you have to face the repricusions
At least you could go out having fun

dude pack up your shit and leave. life is massive. there is an endless sea of opportunities just outside of your door. go anywhere. like anywhere. literally anywhere. move to Zimbabwe, fuck it become homeless live in a dumpster and become a crack addict. life is an endless sea of choices and experience man. you only get one, turn it in to an epic.

scared of STDs but i have thought about it

i was like you. then i found my creative side. i started making music. started drinking and doing coke and now life is incredible. not advocating drugs, but fuck it if the alternative is death what else is there to fear

hmu with ya music link

Im in the same boat and some of you fuckers on here with your false hope bullshit.

>go to zimbwabe, travel

You need money for all of that you privileged fuck tards. Im also trying to find purpose and the only thing i got from this thread that made any sense is that i guess you start small and once you see change more change will come but now that i type it out, it sounds like a risk of being dissappointed yet again.

Who gives a fuck about stds when you where gonna kill yourself anyway? Just fuck everything you can until you die.

Lmao just kys. Youre dead on the inaide and you know it but yes music helps

dude seriously i think this is why the self-help and therapy doesn't work

like all of the stuff people have said so far SOUNDS like solid advice but none of it is realistic... except like you said chipping away at the problems slowly

the issue there is that in that journey of chipping away other shit will come up and slowly i'll revert... i know it because it's happened many times now

STDs are way worse than killing yourself

lol fuck off. why would i kill myself when i sincerely love every moment of my life? yeah drugs are garbage but if it helps. who gives a fuck?

Exactly. Like i get it. I get that we have to do a positive change. But really i think i turned in to rust cohle from True Detective. Whats the point? There is no purpose, no plan. You make your own purpose so what happens if you dont got one or you cant have one? The world is shit. People are shit. I honestly believe people that suicide might be on to something as if dmt is released at the very last second only to send you somewhere where entities are waiting for you. Other people want you to stick around because they cant even comprehend what it means to be dead. This is their world. Their "safe space". Surrounded by materials that define them.

My birthday is today. Every year is the same. I always have low expectations but this year i wamted to be different. It wasnt.

>4. live at home with parents and siblings who have addiction problems

Fix that first, then other things might follow.

holy shit my birthday is today! i'm made this thread because my birthday brought this all up

Drugs dont help especially coke and alcohol. Shit, closest thing is probably shrooms to combat depression and alcoholism. What happens when you run out? Going to do it forever? Youre juat masking your feelings. Youll eventually crash and putting it off for a long time, youre goimg to crash hard.

You're one unfortunate son of a bitch, i suggest ya, if you feel like you got balls and can do it, then fucking do it and say this world fuck you. And,if you don't then don't whine you low life piece of shit and keep getting fucked in head and ass by big dick of patheticness.

Everybody gotta go at sometime, and honestly nobody fucking cares about you or you even matter. Lifes a evil lil bitch and it's shit, endless cycle of suffering misery and pain. Even the so called famous and rich people with everything, feels that way.
I don't have balls to kill myself but I'll be so fucking happy if i die naturally from disease or something.

Woah, thats awesome hahah. Cancers right? I turned 26

What the fuck do you even mean with your vauge bullshit? Fix their problems? Or be an absolute shithead and tell them to go fuck themselves as you leave them behind? This is exactly what im talking about. Know it alls that have decent lives telling others how easy it is.

Finally, this is an actual realistic response

yeah just hit 31

26 feels like a life time ago... never thought i'd make it to my 30s like this

so i hope you get your shit together; i honestly don't think it's impossible, just not as simple as "just fix it man"

Does your mom knows that you're a raging faggot?

Thanks and i hope all goes well with you too.

>i live at home. Lovable parents so my guilt is killing me
>license just got suspended
>dont even have a car
>lost most of my friends
>lost the love of my life so far
>dont have any money
>dont have a job (working on it)
>everyday i think about the sweet release of death but i lack the constitution for suicide
>alone in a way i can best put as intellectually deprived of conversations worth being in
>world is one giant gutter in space

I know there are people out there that are probably getting raped or murdered or tortured and my life compared to that makes me sound like im in heaven and i ahould atop complaining but idk. Sometimes you just gotta rant to fellow anons online only to be replied back with "do it faggot"

Well there you go. Your reason for living.


Nah, ill pass on your idea of a life. Your way of life has been lived many times by others. Maybe try something new?

1.) Find Job
2.) Acquire money
4.) Start a business and hire people
The guy who started AirBNB quit his job and lived off of credit cards until the money rolled in.

Then move out?

You god fucking cliché cunt, go eat shit and die

and women don't matter. Fuck that shit, just find a way to make money and be financially independent. Start reading investing books like the Intelligent Investor by Ben Garahm or a Random Walk Down Wall Street. Read How to Win Friends and Influence People to know how to brown nose. Read The Lean Start Up and get some creative ideas of your own.

Tons of people work jobs they hate. They just don't take the next step in using that shitty job as motivation to move on to better things.

Ok, are you going to give me momey to do it? Jesus, keep trying tho. But yeah thats what im trying to do. Just so yoy can get the point because you clearly dont get it MATERIALS DO NOT DEFINE HAPPINESS

For real tho. Sad part about it is probably how mediocre his life ia and thats the best hes got.

Do it already faggot or admit it you like nigger dicks

Walk outside for 3 hours every day. Listen to new music/stand up/pod casts while you do it. Check out the babes. Think about what you want to eat when you get home. Look for a job in any field you have the slightest bit of interest in. Meet people at work. Date one. Move out with friends made from work. Mary the girl you met through work.


play WoW or some shit faggot

do something online instead of just Sup Forums all day

God you people have some shit lives

Gay bullshit. what are you, chink or something?

Gay bullshit. what are you, chink or something?

poor attitude almost feel sorry for you

Right, these are the kind of faggots who get slaughtered by cartels, and makes me feel good knowing that he was a lame douchefag.
Show no mercy for normie cock suckers

if your wondering which faggot is the one taking away the list of the shit you could do in your life its you, you could generally just hop on a train tomorrow and start a new life in some shitty country, the possibilitys are endless. dont be a beta fag.