What the actual fuck is Dee's problem?

What the actual fuck is Dee's problem?

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bird born in the body of a man born in the body of a woman

Narcissist just like the other cast members

Better yet, what the fuck was his problem?

She doesn't have my stinking, 7" cock up her worn out snatch.

>no friends
>no real job
>no sign of a boyfriend for years

Most pathetic of the bunch


>that t episode where she thinks she made it big and becomes famous
>it all ended up being a joke from Frank, Mac, and Charlie


she's cute

>I think we broke Dennis too

>yeah, I think he might kill himself

She has absolutely no ass.

They're all eachothers problem.

Just the way I like it.

This, more access to the pussy that way

berry it to the hilt

Cricket didn't deserve this, bro. He was a good man.

Needs to be updated with two-face Cricket.

Am I the only one that sees it?

Cricket was a man of god and was so devoted that part of him must've thought it was god's plan after all these years that Dee loved him. Then when Dee fucked him over he realized that there is no god. To him there was no point in anything. So then he spiraled out of control and was constantly used and taken advantage of by the gang and the streets that he is now the horribly disfigured man he is now.


her porn lookalike

She gets laid more regularly than any of the characters though

You have autism my son, face blindness is a symptom.

Bad parents.
High level of narcissim
low level of education

She's a gangly uncoordinated bitch that could get you hog-tied over her lack of grace.

I don't think he's the kind of person that'd be really loud during sex

That's my favourite scene of the show. I don't know why.

Post her feets

t. nu-males with lil dicks

She looks like a goddamned bird.


Someone post the halloween party episode scene where Mac's version of the story has Dee as an actual ostrich.

Having sex with multiple people without cultivating any actual relationships leaves you feeling just as empty as you did before if not more so. Take note wizards, fucking doesn't make you happy.

She needs to financially dominate me whilst making me sniff her sweaty feets user

Hey Tiger Woods.

Alright i'm a foot guy you got me

She's a pretty realistic portrayal of a young woman who is going through a rude awakening at accepting the fact that her life isn't what she wanted it to be.

She's basically 50% ego 50% wrath at this point and offers no self help for herself, only further indulgence into the maddening life the gang has by finding importance in being used as the butt of the jokes to them.

Although that is just Mcelhenney taking out his frustrations on his ex girlfriend as a legitimate catharsis for his writing at this point.

>Write a male character
>Cast it with a woman
What was the idea here

Barbie Cummings

she does interracial almost exclusively

Goddamn it, Dee.

are you retarded?

Smart. Plus Kaitlin is pretty much a dude herself so it was perfect casting. You ever see her interviews on Conan and stuff where she's pretty much a slightly toned down version of Dee irl. She was talking about killing her kid a few months after it was born the one time.

But he married her? Or are you talking about a previous gf before Dee?

No memeing is of this shows caliber

Same with sopranos

She needs more protein in her diet.

>Cricket didn't deserve this, bro. He was a good man.
Their going to be thebdeath of that man. Smh

Am I the only one who thinks Dee and Charlie make a cut couple? That episode where they hooked up was funny as shit.

A giant black dick like that? It'll tear you apart, tear you apart Dee. A Bird like you can only take a goddamn pecker of a dick.

>tfw muscle girls have been growing on me as of late.


They would be perfect for eachother but that doesn't work in the Sunny Universe where Mac obviously wants to fuck Dennis, Dennis obviously just wants to kill women, and Charlie and Dee should obviously be together but Charlie is too infatuated with the waitress and Dee is just a crazy whore. They'll all die alone at the end of the series if it's keeping with how the show has gone so far.

Also that last season, wew lads lets hope they do better this next two.

They make a cute couple honestly.

>Two more seasons

Oh christ

>Mac starts talking about how he could take a dick of any size if he needed to


>That episode that you could watch over and over again.

what's her name Sup Forums?

I got three of 'em.

The Gang gets Trapped.
Reynolds vs Reynolds: The Cereal defense
And lastly, The Gang Misses The Boat.
Obviously Charlie Work is there, but there doesn't need to be a conversation about it, I assume it's already on your list

>Okay Charlie in this scene I want you to make out with my wife
What did Rob mean by this?

The Gang Tries Desperately To Win An Award

It's probably the best written episode of television, comedy, that has aired since Frasier went off the air.

For the shit he has put Charlie and his wife through over the past ten years I'd say he owed Charlie one.

I think she's pretty cute. The waitress too. I don't know what it is about meek, pathetic women.

I see Charlie as an idealized version of myself so I would watch him fuck my imaginary gf.

Don't you mean gaining on you

>no "Sweet Dee Bangs the Waitress" episode

That's also a contender for me too.

>"Okay you're like really driving this home and it's upsetting because now I'm getting the neck thing."

>mfw Charlie turned down rich guaranteed thing super nice Daddario for the waitress that hates him

Jersey Shore and Chardee mcdennis are two of my personal faves.

Anti Social Media and the Jersey Shore

Because my cum eruption would push the Earth into the Sun.

You're in luck, user. There's a fanfic about that.


Mac is a Serial Killer
The Gang gets Trapped
Dennis Looks Like a Registered Sex Offender

Mac & Dennis Break Up
The Gang Gives Frank An Intervention
The Gang Gets Held Hostage

Chardee Mcdennis was an amazing game. i would play it if I had the booze for it.
You mean the one where they were trying to find the guy that shushed the gang? I had hearty keks
Jesus, all fine choices

>he fell for the "BOOTAY" hip hop perpetuated meme
>he thinks not having fallen for it is nu-male


That's not even full progress, you need more shots to show how fucked up he gets in season 9+10 and 11.

>For the shit he has put Charlie and his wife through over the past ten years

>I got a question about you morticians. You ever bang the dead bodies?
The mortician was the best one-off character

I think the next step will be removing one of crickets limbs. Or giving him some kind of brain damage.

>"Did he get a little hard on us?"

Charlie's wife in real life is the waitress. Over the years he has had her fuck Frank, Dennis, numerous strangers, shit in her purse, be an alcoholic, treat Charlie like shit etc.

Every single goddamn episode t b h f a m

I rewatch IASIP at least 3-4 times every single year and it never gets old no matter how many times I've seen each episode (probably 25+ times already).

I usually hate the newer episodes when I watch them live too, but re-watching them they start to really grow on you. For example, I fucking hated the episode where Mac and Dennis move to the suburbs at first, but after re-watching it a few times you begin to notice all the great stuff like the trash just piling up in the house because Mac's too lazy to throw it out.

charlie is married to the waitress IRL and the waitress has been written to be an insane vindictive whore

This could work.

In a lonely bout for companionship, Dee turns to lesbianism, and in the process becomes slightly SJW. Except she can't go through with it, probably because of b-b-b-b-bad pussy. Dee strikes a deal with the waitress, her incentive being that Charlie will leave her alone if he thinks she's a lesbian.

B-plot is that Dennis is consumed by rage because he gets the idea that he turned the waitress to lesbianism.

Mac tries desperately to convince Dee that being gay is a lifestyle of sin.

Tell that to Dennis.

I have an extra special love for Charlie Work and Charlie Gets Crippled.

That episode was the one truly bright spot for me in the newest season.


You realize the finale is the gang being put on trial for systematically ruining Cricket's life right? They all try to defend themselves and in the process end up incriminating themselves in many other crimes.

Oh I thought user meant in real life lol.

Damn it Carlos, leave.
Oh man, it's been a while since I've seen the Intervention one.
This poor man is proof that the Gang is a chaotic force to be reckoned with
That was the worst bar in philly episode right? Fucking hell it was gold.
Gotta be honest, the Mac and Dennis living in the suburbs didn't catch me as much, but I'll take your advice on rewatching it.

This episode gave me so many inexplicable erections.

I notice this about the new episodes too. Always dislike them on first watch but they end up being just as good as the old eps by watch 3-4.

You do know that Charlie and the waitress is married IRL, right?

Perhaps, but sex is still better than no sex.

It's cool, I like yogurt up my ass and a popsicle stick in my mouth.

everything about htat fucking ep had me in tears
right up until the final musical scene
also I had no idea charlie day could hit that high note

The mac & dennis move to the suburbs ep is in my favourites for goddamn sure

So, basically an offshoot of Seinfeld's ending.

Last season really was a let-down. I spent half an hour trying to find the episode after The Gang Goes to Hell not realizing that was supposed to be the finale.

>>mfw Charlie turned down rich guaranteed thing super nice Daddario for the waitress that hates him
That episode pissed me off. Charlie would be living the life by now. Knee deep in some rich pussy.

That actually sounds like a pretty good idea for an episode user

And Frank just says stuff like "ah, you're a muff diver now?"

Any episode with Charlie singing is normally great

>its my understanding that we are in a WAR right now am, am I right on this?

That episode is underrated as hell.